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Posts posted by Deli

  1. 1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

    It is, of course, a tragedy when anyone dies. But people die all the time from a wide variety of causes, many of which routinely a far higher toll than COVID 19.


    With the virus clearly running out of steam worldwide, is time for us to get back to a normal life - both for the sake of our physical and mental health and social cohesion and to kickstart the flagging economy.


    There is no credible evidence that ongoing lockdowns, curfews and other socially disruptive restrictions do more than slow down the pandemic's progress. Indeed, some experts believe they they are likely to cause even more deaths and serious health problems than COVID 19.


    And what is the point of keeping schools closed when most young children who catch the virus suffer only very mild symptoms or none, and are unlikely to infect any adults they mix with?


    Any suggestion that the draconian measures imposed during the current health crisis be continued as part of the "new normal" must be firmly rejected, as must mandatory vaccination and any other further infringements of human rights. Four months of medical martial law is more than enough.


    Could not have said it better

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  2. 8 hours ago, Mops59 said:

    And this certificaat will this be the same worldwide? Coming from the WHO? Recognize by every country. And easy to download for users and send to your private physician. I hope so. Please not every country his own statement. Make it easy for people. 

    Would trust in a certificate from Iran as much as their politicians

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  3. 9 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Actually i think this relates to customers who DID stay in Thai hotels in the first quarter. So TUI have been paid but won't pass the money on to the Thai hotels. Terrible sharp practice.

    Yes, this it is. It's simply a fraud TUI is doing. Their tob are unacceptable, only coz of the volumes they provided, it was justidied working with them. To hell with them and their Managers

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  4. 33 minutes ago, toho said:

    Okay, black and white.

    Where did it start: China, USA, somewhere in between?

    Who kept quiet about it for too long: China, USA?

    Who silenced medics who sent out warnings: USA, China?

    Who refuses to co-operate?

    Who is influencing, blackmailing WHO, countries worldwide?

    My answers: CHINA.

    Same China that now likes to pretend as if they are the benefactors of the world, sending mountcaps (inferior most of the time) to countries who hail China (have to hail, because they are financially depending on imperialistic China).

    And yes: Trump, like many other countries took matters serious too late.

    After the war Germany did a "Wiedergutmachung" . To whom in China can we send the bill??

    Just  nuke these <deleted>***s

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