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Posts posted by Deli

  1. 6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    I almost spilled my coffee over this.


    An "anti-racism" campaign by "activists" in a country where racism is almost institutionalized against Burmese, Lao, Cambodians, "farang", blacks, etc. etc.


    How about if instead of staging "anti-racism" protests against an incident that happened in a country some 14 flight hours away, these "activists" would first turn their attention to the human rights abuses and racism that prevails in their own country?


    I am talking about government critics and human rights advocates being abducted and murdered at seemingly increasing frequency. 

    I am talking about workers from neighboring countries being treated like slaves.

    I am talking about random arrests on trumped up charges and "attitude adjustment" procedures.

    I am talking about judicial double standards that differentiate between the wealthy and poor.

    I am talking about text book illustrations that bluntly call people with darker skin "ugly".

    I am talking about "farang" being charged ten times the entrance fees to many facilities just because they are NOT Thai.

    I am talking about human trafficking in which locals - often enough military or police - are involved.

    I am taking about the contempt Bangkokians have for their darker skinned fellow Thais from Isan.

    I am talking about Sino-Thais only marrying among each other because they don't want to "taint their family blood".

    I am talking about "defamation" being a criminal offence and not a civil matter.

    And so on and so on.


    But no, these "activists" take issue with something that happened in the United States? NOW is the time to finally spill my coffee.    

    They don't dare, othwise Daddy cuts the pocket money

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