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Posts posted by historyprof

  1. You really don't know the answer? Come on. Did you go to school in Thailand? What is your real question?


    No I went to school in the UK. Your reply makes zero sense, are you drunk perhaps?

    Nope, you are probably just a twisted troll who doesn't have the spare change to go out and dribble into a beer glass, so comes on here to cause trouble before your internet connection gets cut for non-payment.

    Of course the kids speak better English. Kids immersed in a language at home from birth will always speak better English than a Teacher who has learned his skills in college at a much older age.

    How could anyone not know this?

    The thread is just another example of lets beat up Thailand today.

    • Like 1
  2. Lots of guys here are quite old and they either marry young women or take large amounts of stimulants to keep up with their girl friends in the go go bars ,but at least they die happy.biggrin.png

    Ya like the Fin who jumped off the building, no wait he was a young guy oh ...... maybe the Russian guy at that 7/11 no..... wait no he was a young guy too. Out of the last 27 Farang deaths from other than natural causes in Pattaya 26 were under 50. Can't be. I better go back and check my numbers.smile.png

  3. For the same amount as an overpriced badly constructed Bangkok condo you can have a nice house with beautiful countryside on your doorstep, a BMW for the same price you would pay for a crapanese car in Thailand, excellent restaurants, proper farmers markets that dont sell pesticide laden leaves and proper butchers. If you did well back home and had a well paying job I cant for the life of me think why you would want to give that up to live in the outskirts of Naknon No-nose, or not be able to fit in back home when you see Thailand for what it really is.

    Yes you could also have a drink in a pub in that beautiful countryside and be entertained by the local feral youth bottling each other over nothing, have the tyres on that BMW slashed . . . if they can't steal the rims, enjoy blow by blow television coverage of a bunch of slackers sitting in freakin' house for weeks just so they be famous for 15 minutes and have that "proper butcher" sell you beef burgers made from horsemeat

    Don't get me wrong; I am and always will be a loyal subject of the Realm. Britain is home but money, material possessions and a nanny state bending over backwards to hold someone accountable if you so much as stub your toe don't compare to the quality of life that anyone with a means of generating income and a modicum of self control and common sense can have in Thailand.

    I've never seen youths bottling each other outside a country pub. I've never had a car vandalised or had tyres slashed. As with all places in the world there are good parts and bad parts. And to be honest I believe for people with means of generatng an income the quality of life in the UK is better than Thailand. Much safer roads. Better quality food. Accountability instead of cover-ups. Consistent rule of law instead of fictitious crackdowns. Less pollution. An education system that works for the most part. Emergency services that will treat you at the scene and whisk you to a hospital instead of a pick up truck turning up, scooping you into the back and then sitting in traffic for 2 hours because no one cares enough to let you through. There is nothing wrong with material possessions if you can afford them. I assume you have a tv, DVD player, computer, camera, mobile phone in Thailand?

    As for watching big brother. Well, I dont have to watch it any more than you have to watch a ghastly racist, violent, sexist thai soap. With long summer evenings I'll be out watching the local youths recreate gladiator in the pub car park instead.

    People talk about the west being a nanny state. Try seeing what will happen if you get caught smoking a joint in Thailand. Or criticising you know who. Or finding a good old fashioned grumble mag in the top shelf of the newsagent. Or journalists who are allowed to investigate and report what they find in the press. In some ways Thailad is far more a nanny state than western countries but you dont get the safety that goes along with that control.

    My you must lead a sheltered life. I walked in the bar that was not a go go bar. But I wanted a go go bar. I wanted some other things too. So, for less than I would pay for a dinner for 4 in a Medford OR steak house the momma san closed the joint to the public and I had my own private club. To be honest not long. I only lasted an hour. And I don't do it often. Once a month max.

    Could I do this at home? 555cheesy.gif

  4. How irrelevant the initial post seems,I will have an avid intrest in the people who contributed to this post

    Half of the fellas I recon are the failed school teachers,and the people who bought a cheap 18 year old dolly bird

    I found a wife who was not the best looking girl in the bar and counts her blessings she met an idiot felang like me

    But together we have built a good life,

    And I am so insecure to say that we have a pot full money,,maybe that's why she loves me? Or it could be devilishly good looks ,and an insanely hypnotic personality

    So as my credibility is near zero ,,,,you will be hearing a lot more of jimbobs1

    Where do you guys all find the 18 year old dolly birds. They don't give me a second glance anymore!!! That really pisses me off.....

    Mind you at 52 I really cant expect that....

    or maybe I am just too modest.. Anyway.... time for bed all of you... you have skool in the morning, or 18 year old dolly birds in the nest...

    I think you will find that they pay for them, in one way or another.

    May I suggest that any age gap of more than about ten years, let alone 30+, is highly suspect. Honestly, what does an 18 yo, even an uneducated one, have in common with a 50+ foreigner (probably also uneducated) apart from $$?

    1. Her work. She was my partner in business and took care of the marketing and catering in addition to her operational responsibilities at work.

    2. Her daughter. We both cared for the child and discussed her education and health and well being daily.

    3. Her mother. I knew her mother quite well.

    4. Her father and how to avoid him.

    5. Her song and dance group that I wrote the dance numbers for and filmed them when they performed.

    6. Our future and where we were going as a unit and as a business partnership.

    She was 19 when she moved in with me (I was 50 +)and stayed till she was 24. She left me for a younger man. They lived together for 4 years and he killed her or she killed herself.

    The week before her death her mother had called me and asked me not to see her as she thought she was going to call me. I had not seen her in a couple of years.

    I'm sure you young guys would have known what to do. I would have too when I was younger. I had all the answers then. Now that I'm older I don't have all the answers anymore.

  5. Response to LAPD

    OldChinaHam brought it up first not I. (OldChinaHam, on 09 Sept 2013 - 04:41, said:)"Thailand has not always had the bar scene, but was introduced to it in the 60s by GIs, and the crowd of misfits who catered to them. GIs don't know what to do for a good time usually, so they just follow their swinging ones, as usual."

    That post was in error and defamatory and I corrected it.

    ""The brothels of Ayutthaya and the women who worked in them are not topics that usually appear in history books describing the ancient capital of Siam. But noted anthropologist Srisakara Vallibhotama feels their presence and interaction in the communities more than 400 years ago says much about the people and the way of life in the old capital."


    He brought it up. If he wants to talk about history at least he can get it correct instead of making up his own version.

    • Like 1
  6. It appears I have created a beast with my topic. Many thanks to those that posted useful information. A little internet research on Thai patents and where it led has turned up enough info for my daughter to do her assignment. It may of interest to know that she goes to an international school that follows the UK curriculum but this question came up in history? Thai Jasmine Rice was one of the things we discovered. It provided a great boost to the Countries export industry.

    It would have been very easy to google, "inventions ThaiVisa" to come up with 13 plus pages of posts about Thai inventions. Is that a difficult thing to do? Why did you start a new thread when one already was running with many pages of information in it? I think it was to give a new voice to the folks who want to say Thailand is not a very good country. Or maybe you didn't know about Google?

  7. For a country who puts so much credence in what so called 'academics' say, they sure cannot half talk some crap. In most countries other than the ones at prestigious universities, 'academics' are generally thought of as people who could not cut the mustard it in the private sector, and went for the easy option.

    In Thailand they literally have thousands of these academics who people actually seemingly listen to. I am not sure an academic from the Thai education system is much to right home about, although having said that, i suppose the majority of politicians attempted to come through the same Thai education system as well.

    Those that can DO, Those that can not TEACH.

    I just say'inwhistling.gif

    You are lucky to have escaped the system early.rolleyes.gif

  8. It would be boring. All of the positive posters live in Thailand and all the negative posters don't. So it would be a mutual admiration society.

    I think most of the negative posts are driven by envy because great fish and chips alone is still alone and not all the tea in China is going to get that plate to say Sa Wat De Ca!smile.png

    I think it might get a boring on the basis that most of the people dishing out strong prejudicial opinions of others they don't know might suddenly become quiet and well mannered when within swinging reach of those they normally abuse from behind a keyboard.

    Are you and the whingers who agree with you saying that you would punch me at a personal meeting. I think you are. Aren't you the same guy who started posting on Thai Visa for advice how to kick poor people out of his rental property? Yes I think you are ages ago I remember reading it. I don't imagine you have many friends in Thailand yourself.

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  9. Old China hand if you want to talk about it get it right. The GI bar scene was much more like the Ayutthaya bar scene and governed by a set of rule and regulations where both parties had rights and obligations. No go go bars then.

    You are talking about the Euro trash bar scene with go go bars that was started after the GI's left post 1975.

    Well maybe, if you insist.

    But, also, were you here in the late 60s, and very early 70s?

    Yes. I was a very handsome man in my uniform back then. smile.png

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  10. 1. Most guys come to Thailand for the easily available sex.

    (Not always for sex with a woman)

    2. Who cares about relationships, enjoy the sex.

    (Not as much risk as your western government would have you believe)

    after 17 years here, i still don't believe this is true.

    the vocal majority on here certainly makes it seem so though

    I agree with GDD.

    So I'm standing in Pattaya with a dozen guys,age group 22 - 45, with one guy in his 60's. The conversation turned to where the best holiday location was and not one said Patts. The 22 year old nailed it when he said that the women he had been with were shocking in bed. He couldn't wait to get home to be with women that are willing and thrilling.

    There was a lot of sage nodding of the heads. Sex is on tap in Thailand but a lot of it is dire.

    What else do you expect from a sex professional? You're just another John and the last thing they want is a well h*ng Gigolo. This is why they love the Japanese Rule Of Three, Three Inches, Three Minutes, Three Thousand baht.

    How many of you have heard the girls talking about "Too much power"? They dread that guy. One lady told me that she went with a guy short time and he powered into her for four hours. He must have thought it was magic, she landed in hospital and was out of circulation for 10 days. That's not a good business model never mind anything else.

    Her new business model was to go with older guys as they normally weren't as voracious and ferocious. Note the word normally, she got a shock a few times from them too.

    There's a big difference between a hired help and a girlfriend. Any sensible man on this forum knows exactly what I'm talking about.

    So lets say that a fair percentage of guys that come here go through the sweets in a candy shop phase. The vast majority come back out of it fairly quickly and for many different reasons. The one reason that isn't discussed much is the one I pointed out. Far too many of these women are rotten in bed. Anybody shaking their heads in recognition?

    I'm no saint but I'm not a monger, I've had two relationships with Thai women and to be brutally honest with you I don't see anything special about them. I have a few Scottish exes that could leave them standing in every regard.


    1. Where do bar girls go after work in Pattaya?

    2. How many men does a Thai woman working in Singapore at a brothel do a day?

    3. Do the Thai women say the same thing about Korean men as Japanese men?


    1. They go to Thai bars and buy Thai men..

    2. You wouldn't believe it!

    3. Yes they do but it is not what you have been told, 333. Thai women like Asian men more than Western men and they like Kkorean men the best, Japanese second and Chinese (From China) almost not at all.

    If you want to know about Asian men you should move the thread to the gay forum where you will get some factual answers.

  11. Old China hand if you want to talk about it get it right. The GI bar scene was much more like the Ayutthaya bar scene and governed by a set of rule and regulations where both parties had rights and obligations. No go go bars then.

    You are talking about the Euro trash bar scene with go go bars that was started after the GI's left post 1975.

  12. Thailand always had the bar scene. Check the location of the brothels when the capital was Ayutthaya. It was always a part of Thai culture.

    PS Saigon tried to get rid of the gambling and working girls and they ended up loosing the war. Are Kings Cross and Soho that bad? I like Vegas and Reno.

    Cheap entertainment and diversion for the proles, is Vegas and Reno.

    Thailand has not always had the bar scene, but was introduced to it in the 60s by GIs, and the crowd of misfits who catered to them.

    GIs don't know what to do for a good time usually, so they just follow their swinging ones, as usual.

    "The brothels of Ayutthaya and the women who worked in them are not topics that usually appear in history books describing the ancient capital of Siam. But noted anthropologist Srisakara Vallibhotama feels their presence and interaction in the communities more than 400 years ago says much about the people and the way of life in the old capital."


    No not the 1960's but don't feel bad you only missed it by 400 years.

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  13. I must admit it amazes me how young Thais manage to afford 20000 baht phones ,so many kids working in Tesco ect have them ,their hp debt must be massive

    More worryingly a lot use the local Indian moneylender, you see them in Bangkok pulling up outside bars on mopeds when the girls start work looking for payment. In the UK think payday loans. Thai's unfortunately don't manage money very well.

    They're penny proud and pound foolish. They'll make a big fuss over a couple of hundred baht but throw thousands at some born to fail scheme/lottery.

    We wouldn't be stereotyping would we and posting extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais? No I guss they means someone else. But the other that "Thai's unfortunately don't manage money very well" does seem like a derogatory comment to me. But maybe I don't understand the posting rules very well.

  14. I assume you're joking - have Thai schools/the education system changed? The requirements remain the same, keep the population ignorant and under-the-thumb and let Thai culture and apathy prevail.

    From what I have seen, there seems to be a general lack of enthusiasm in schools. Students are free to wander in and out of the class during lessons, teachers need to drag lesson participation out of students. As long as students cow-tow to the teachers, they can do anything they want it seems.

    I don't know if this casual attitude to lessons is prevalent in first-world schools. Certainly not in those schools which my family and friends children attend.

    Now, everybody seems to get a qualification in Thailand. What are these 'BA's you talk about?

    As (almost) everybody in Thailand graduates from university, why aren't they functioning as human beings? I think you're being patronizing to non-graduates. In the same way as pee are not necessarily best, graduates also are not necessarily the best.

    Btw, want the name of a non-English speaking Thai doctor? Not sure how he keeps pace with developments in medical science.

    All of the Thai doctors I have met all spoke a bit of English. I don't think they could go through medical school in Thailand and not speak English. BA is a Bachelor of Arts degree. I assume liberal arts degree. I take it you have never taught in a Thai school, pity. You should try it before you become an expert on Thai education.

    Prof, you are really starting to sound quite belligerent and intolerant of other people's opinions on this topic. You do not have a monopoly on knowledge of this topic. That is very clear. Accusing other posters of not being qualified to comment is stooping rather low, don't you think?

    The poster Noister wrote, " 1. there seems to be a general lack of enthusiasm in schools. 2. Students are free to wander in and out of the class. 3. As long as students cow-tow to the teachers, they can do anything they want it. 4. What are these 'BA's you talk about?"

    I've taught in Thai schools for 10 years and that is utter nonsense. A week as a teacher would completely change the opinion of the poster. Don't tell me you have never taught in Thai schools too?

    • Like 1
  15. SC....

    I made 400% one night at Happy Valley

    I have never once been to Happy Valley,

    And this is something I regret, that I did not go in early 1980s.

    Also, I thought they had moved it.

    Everything else in HK, I tried more than once.

    I prefer Shatin, though I was never so fortunate there. I am thinking of stopping off for a day at the races on my way back from Vienna


    My apologies for the Off-Topic digression


    I would far prefer to see the bar scene leave Thailand,

    And just have the bars and horse racing come in.

    I mean the high class bars and any class of horse racing, like they used to have in Ireland for example.

    This way, if we had more horse racing, it would do wonders by bringing in the wealthy Chinese, and the British to see what other positive changes could be made to benefit Thailand.

    Just keep the Thai culture the same is all I ask.

    Think what a boost it would be to the Thailand economy if we got rid of the underbellies?

    And the underbelly of Thailand's tour industry.

    No doubt it would boost travel and tour related income because I am sure there is still much more quick growth that could be had if Thailand were to change its image from one of sex tourism to one of Thai Language Study and Family Time at The Beach.

    Every time a city gets rid of gambling and those working girls, all are happy in the end, and the neighborhood improves quickly as the place rapidly gets richer.

    Thailand always had the bar scene. Check the location of the brothels when the capital was Ayutthaya. It was always a part of Thai culture.

    PS Saigon tried to get rid of the gambling and working girls and they ended up loosing the war. Are Kings Cross and Soho that bad? I like Vegas and Reno.

  16. @ OP.

    Most Farangs don't understand the Thais. (Verbally and mentally), but that does not stop them from copulating.

    I openly admit to not understanding women, verbally or mentally, why bring Thais into the discussion?

    Because most of the posters here have had no luck getting/keeping a Western woman and have (or are trying to have) a woman from Thailand.

  17. Well, the OP asked for information about things that Thais have invented.

    It's your turn. Rattle off your long list of world shaking contributions that Thais have made to science and technology, or any other important inventions.

    Next to that in column 2, list all of the things that Thailand manufactures for companies from other countries, which companies brought in not only the knowledge but the machinery and supervise the Thais while the Thais work in the factory.

    Next to that in column 3, list all of the higher technology items that Thailand imports because they don't even manufacture those items for other countries.

    C'mon. Put a little effort into this.

    Threads like this really brings out the true Thai bashers. Either that or it exposes their true colors. Mr. Neversure, let me just ask you one simple question. Have you ever invented anything of true significance? If not, then you're no different from the random Thai. At least be honest about it.

    No, a lot worse than the average Thai. He was born in a country where anyone could get a good higher education, health care and get rich. The average Thai didn't have the same opportunities as the average American, especially 40 years ago.

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  18. Co-incidentally I asked my step-daughter (17) the same question today. Once she understood the question she surprised me by saying 'Yingluck'.

    Going back to my original question, I was merely quoting the assertion that everybody being a graduate would be beneficial. Why would this be the case?

    I was also trying to get somebody to explain to me how Thai students graduate with BA and MA qualifications (although there seems to be some confusion on my part when I mention graduates, degrees and qualifications interchangeably). I think the apparent proliferation of graduates and the apparent lack of competence is on topic.

    I can assure the mods and yourself that I am not 'picking a fight', I merely want to understand why my definition of qualifications seems to raise the temperature of posts

    I never wrote everybody being a graduate would be beneficial. Nor do I think so. It would be nice if engineers could have a conversation about the arts or literature and history. But one gets over trying to talk to them about anything except oil or gas or whatever it is they do as they are functionally illiterate in anything except engineering.

    However I don't really mean Thailand. They have a problem with history because of censorship as does Japan and China. It's difficult here.

    I do like the Thai method of starting doctors earlier in college in medicine and think for producing a large number of doctors it makes sense. I've also stopped trying to have an intelligent conversation with most doctors about anything except medicine.

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  19. 3 times a day every day and I'm in my 60's and that's why I live in Thailand.smile.png

    More proof that once a guy hits 60, his life focus shifts to his bowel movements.

    Never had a problem with that. Here they have Activia Yogurt. I like the blueberry. In the West they have a TV show and forum for that stuff. I believe it's called Doomsday Poopers. They talk about guns and constipation. It might be a natural fit for you.

  20. 3 times a day every day and I'm in my 60's and that's why I live in Thailand.smile.png

    Great piece of trolling biggrin.png

    Ladies walk past my house on the pretext of selling coffee and other products in short skirts but they really are door to door ........

    I go to the mall and there are 6 brothels next to the Tesco Lotus at my mall. This does not happen much in the West.

    Sex is available in ....... but I won't go into that here.

    Sex is available more places in Thailand than any other country I have lived in and I have lived in a bunch.

    If sex is important to you move to Thailand.

    If you are envious of me having sex a lot you can call me a troll or make up other funny things about the reality of my life. I know it is a reaction to your own barren sexual existence. It's your own fault. You could be living in Thailand.

    Sex is available more in Thailand and to older men because of the cultural traditions of Thailand. It is changing. I feel blessed that I got here before it has changed.

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  21. Asians in general don't have a good track record at innovating. History shows they tend to be better at taking western innovation and copying it. Not stereotyping. That's just a fact. Not sure why. Probably cultural.

    History shows the Chinese invented papermaking, the compass, gunpowder and printing. History does not show they tend to be better at taking Western innovations and copying them. History shows that you don't have a good education in history. Probably cultural. Some would just call it a bad education.

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