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Posts posted by historyprof

  1. Some of the stuff written by the Chinese on social media is hardly complimentary to China also.

    Facebook, Twitter and YouTube don't work for anybody in Beijing unless you take active steps to get over the Great Wall.

    Good Afternoon.

    Good that you recognize that there are divisive views in China...not every one likes the government irrespective of the propaganda

    again no different from an irate citizen in the midwest or anywhere else in the world venting their frustrations about an inept government

    Again ...no different from the west ? Aussies go to the polls today not knowing if the next Abbot is a better pm than Rudd

    But the good people of Australia get to choose. It's called Democracy.

    Sorry. Good Evening.

    They don't have coups in Australia?

  2. Personal hygiene in Thailand is excellent.

    Others types of hygiene...especially food hygiene...are shocking.

    Yep, my in-laws will throw copious amounts of cold water over themselves three or four times a day.

    But the soap stays dry.

    A recent poll by tissue manufacturer SCA has revealed that 41 per cent of British men and 33 per cent of women do not shower every day. And astonishingly, 12 per cent overall say they only have a ‘proper wash’ once a week.

    The trend is most popular amongst the younger generation who say they regularly get by with just a spray of deodorant, rarely wash their hair and only shower after a visit to the gym or on a particularly hot day.


    Are there a lot of Brits in your area of Thailand?

    • Like 2
  3. And, the highest educational level you attained is?

    Masters Degree in Law.

    It doesn't show.

    He sounds British to me. In the U.S. I have many friends who are lawyers and they all have J.D. degrees. Does anyone know an American lawyer with a M.LL.? And I've never heard the term "shelf stacker" in the USA. Surely that is a British term. No? He's just having fun with the debate I think.

    USA would be stock clerk or stocker.

  4. Do you honestly think your child that went on to be a successful doctor would have been able to if they had been educated in the thai system? The majority of thai doctors in private healthcare in Thailand were educated in the west.

    You are wrong, 95% of doctors in Thailand attended Thai government schools.

    If you had the money to educate your kids in the west, you wouldn't want them working as doctors in Thailand.

    That would be considered a total failure.

    I disagree with the figure. Far, far less than 95% of doctors working in private practice in Thailand attended Thai government schools. The majority in private practice studied abroad. That is a fact.

    I went to http://www.bangkokhospital.com/index.php?p=search_doctor and I got about 5% trained in the West. Maybe someone else with more time can check more. Far as I can see it's 5% West training but maybe I didn't check enough or just clicked on the wrong doctors. In checking the Bangkok hospital chain outside of tourist cities I could not find any Western trained Doctors but I may have not looked good enough.

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, very happy. My marriage is good. My wife is the right side of 30. Both my kids are healthy and doing well in school. I will soon be returning home (by choice) after over a decade away. I'm not overweight, I have close friends. My job is reasonably well paid and not at all stressful.

    No reason not to be happy come to think of it.

    I responded to you before but put it in the Thai education thread because I thought this thread was about fitting in back home not Thai education. BTW I think you would fit in back home if your home is the same place as Guesthouse.

  6. Response to Katanga. Schools change over time what was right 20 years ago may not be right now and of course it depends on the children. What is right for one child may not be right for all children.

    I favor schools that have an admissions test to include psychological as well as academic tests and a school which prepares children for college.

    I think every child should have a BA degree so they can function as a human being. After that up to them.

    If I had a child who wanted to be a doctor I might suggest they stay in Thailand to study. I think Thai doctors are better than doctors in the West. They seem better adjusted.

    Most Thai doctors who study in the West come back to Thailand to practice or teach; that has to tell you something because they don't make near as much money.

  7. Katanga wrote, "She is currently in school in Thailand. In a fully international school following the British curriculum. It costs a lot and I have made sacrifices as a result, but you can't put a price on the value of providing the best education for your children. Don't you agree?"

    My response. No. I moved back to the West to educate my children and when they were out of college moved back to Thailand.

    No? No you agree that you can't put a price on providing the best education for your children, or no you don't agree with me that you shouldn't?

    I like Thailand. I am pro Thailand. I am in education. Yes you can put a price on educating your children.

    There was no school in Thailand when I moved back to the West that could educate my children to my standard at any price. There were 4 or 5 in the West at variety of prices. I chose a mid range one.

    • Like 1
  8. Thank you for the link. I would agree Thailand is in a mild recession. I don't see the tent sales here but then I don't live in Issan. I live in the South and everything seems fine here.

    A "mild recession"? LOL come on. Things are much deeper than that. Look what happened in the USA, Europe, Japan, and so on when inflation hit and people were buying on credit at a feverish pitch, buying homes and automobiles from loans with payments they couldn't really afford, etc. Sure Thais are doing well right now and many are making money hand over fist. The problem is, that they are spending it faster than it is coming in. Look how many young people are driving brand new BMW's, carrying expensive mobile electronics, etc. The same thing is happening in Thailand that got other countries in trouble...i.e. banks loaning money much too easily. It can't go on like this. And, every day there are price increases imposed by the government, etc. The cost of everything is going up.


    Thailand’s economy contracted unexpectedly in the second quarter, slipping into a mild recession because of weakness in exports, domestic consumption and investment.

    Southeast Asia’s second-largest economy shrank 0.3 per cent in the second quarter from the preceding three-month period, after contracting by a revised 1.7 per cent in January-March, data showed on Monday. The median forecast in a Reuters poll was for growth of 0.2 per cent.

  9. Katanga wrote, "She is currently in school in Thailand. In a fully international school following the British curriculum. It costs a lot and I have made sacrifices as a result, but you can't put a price on the value of providing the best education for your children. Don't you agree?"

    My response. No. I moved back to the West to educate my children and when they were out of college moved back to Thailand.

  10. The editorial said, "Democracy should be about more than who gets the most votes." What democratic country in the West could that be published in a newspaper?

    The bit "they have yet to let go of the idea of "winner takes all" democracy." seems to sum up the requirements for the Thai version of democracy.

    Not sure why reference is made to other democratic countries, unless its the usual playground chant 'they did it first so it's ok if we do the same'

    What is the point in being pee if you don't have the power to tell Nong what to do. Democracy grants conditional power. Thai culture doesn't deal in conditional power only absolute.
    Have you been listening to my wife? She is pee and expects to be treated as pee by her 2 Nong Sao.

    Thai culture has a lot to answer for as many threads are starting to show

    How many unions base decisions on seniority? How many parliaments or other legislative bodies base decisions on seniority? How many countries have age rules when electing a leader?

    Pee indeed!

  11. I'm not bitter and judgmental. I just put my kid's education before my own choices and find it amazing that other people selfishly don't. You said that if you live in the UK then you wouldn't be able to take your children to pizza hut and to see a movie. By convincing yourself that the woeful education you are subjecting them to is acceptable you are in fact just lining them up for the same economic hardship you find yourself in. I mean seriously, who can't afford to take their kids to pizza hut in the UK? I would have thought that with the challenges you face making ends meet in the West you would be extra motivated to ensure your children have the best opportunities in life and can afford to buy a pizza on the weekend. Working all hours? Well its called sacrifice to ensure your children have the best possible start in life. Can you honestly put your hand on your heart and say you are doing what is best for their future and the future of any children they have?

    Its ok for Bowie to say put the homework down. He's a multi millionaire. You're not.

    But as long as YOU are ok...

    What if your children don't like school, and don't want an education, like 75% of the kids in the USA (I can't believe UK or Euro is any different). You just gave up your life for nothing.

    Then it is your job as a responsible parent to motivate your children into understanding the importance of education. My daughter loves going to school. She knows that if she works hard and studies hard she will go far in life and have much more opportunities than a kid who's parents think it is more important to eat pizza than doing their homework. Why not give them the pizza as a reward for doing their homework well instead? They still get to eat their junk food but you're not throwing their life away in the process or teaching them that its ok to not bother with their responsibilities.

    When you have children it ceases to be about you or your life. It is about them, and giving them the best opportunities in life and guiding them down the right path. You have given up on them before they have had a chance to show you what they know they are capable of.

    What country does your daughter go to school in? From what you have said about Thailand I assume you would not let her attend school there.

  12. Did the reserves drop by 50 billion dollars when the fortune teller's cave was found to contain less than the Khun T thought or is that farce still factored into the foreign reserves?


    Who trusts that the foreign reserves are as stated?

    if you had followed how the lion share of Thailand's foreign reserves were generated within the last five years and how they are verified by the IMF you wouldn't present ignorant assumptions.

    Explain it rather than attacking then Naam.

    There's this weird notion that Thailand is rich in reserves.

    I can see why Naam does not explain. Since Thailand has far greater foreign reserves than the UK or Australia everyone will chime in with some reason not believe the figures.


    Figures listed in millions of US Dollars.

    14. Thailand 172,863 Jul 2013

    21. United Kingdom 129,200 Jul 2013

    36. Australia 48,068 Jun 2013

    97. Laos 822 Dec 2012

  13. I have made similar predictions to those stated in this thread and even a couple of years ago I felt like I could see it starting. Indicators like going to visit cousins of wife in Isaan and everyone is selling their land and buying stuff. last time they were trying to hit me up for stuff and this time they are awash in shiny electronics and bikes etc.

    However, since 2008 the media has become filled with an endless amount of talk of boom-bust cycle and low interest rates anti-central banking banksters hyperinflation yada yada yada

    We have all heard it and we should be questioning whether these visions we have are based on the subconscious of this very noisy media.

    Well it all comes from tangible indicators that have shown to be the same indicators that created boom and bust scenarios in the west, one by one, like a house of cards it always comes tumbling down, and yes, inflation rises and interest cuts are 2 of the main fiscal stimuli to try to jump start things again. But it takes time, and I would say that possibly the Thai government are not experienced enough to handle the job in 10 years, and even much less interested in doing so.

    No doubt the country will have to be handed back over to the democrats to sort the shit out.

    Thailand is in no immediate trouble. Remember it has been through a couple of major wars with no real trouble. I did not feel confident in the democrats as we had a lot of trouble with them in power. Did you forget the riots?

  14. A massive personal credit bubble is swelling up - personal debt problems are common place and becoming more common.

    Link please. Everyone I know is coming up roses.

    "At 8.97 trillion baht ($287 billion) as of March, outstanding household debt was up 78 percent from 2008. It rose an average 13.6 percent a year between 2008 and 2012, twice the pace at which incomes grew. The ratio of debt payments to monthly income for Thai households was 33.8 percent in the first quarter, up from 29.6 percent in 2011, central bank data showed."

    Perhaps everyone you know is planting their roses in a pile of debt manure - the'll grow for sure, but eventually the stink gets too much.

    Thank you for the link. I would agree Thailand is in a mild recession. I don't see the tent sales here but then I don't live in Issan. I live in the South and everything seems fine here.

  15. There are too many people in Thailand as it is. This is shortsighted solution to a problem that goes far beyond the scope of his thinking. Not least of all is the fact that Thailand needs to move away from be a labour orientated factory. Education and automation are the way of the future. Thailand needs to change the way it thinks.

    In summary, this guy is an idiot.

    How many migrant workers are imported to Thailand every year? One of the problems is the employer has to pay the same as Thai workers and in addition supply housing for the migrants but not the Thais. A lot of Thais are upset. So who is an idiot?

    pay the same as thais ...thats funny,thats why the burmese are doing the jobs cos the thais too lazy.maybe .does housing mean the tin sheds onsite....get out more prof...clap2.gif

    In this particular instance I was talking about Cambodian workers. I get out a lot and am part of importing legally migrant workers from Cambodia to Thailand. The rules and regulations state that the employer must provide not only pay at the minimum wage but also lodging. Cambodian workers are easier to work with because many people in Thailand speak Khmer. All of the migrant workers I know of are legal and have both passport and visas. Perhaps it is you who should get out a bit more with legal employers and employees.

  16. I'd list all the good things about being home, but doing so upsets some members who are of the mind that we can't express any good sentiments about anywhere other than Thailand without by doing so be taking part in slagging Thailand off.

    I think that is a great idea. Why don't you find a forum about England and a thread about the good things in England and list them to your hearts content.smile.png

  17. Do you "fit in" here?

    I believe I've fitted in very well in Thailand and I have over the years very much enjoyed my time there, many happy memories and many dear friends in Thailand who I plan to visit in the future.

    But with respect to the OP's question.

    Absolutely I think I would fit in - I've just spent a month back home in the UK - I had a wonderful time and not once did I feel the place rubbing me or making me wish I was not there.

    I'd list all the good things about being home, but doing so upsets some members who are of the mind that we can't express any good sentiments about anywhere other than Thailand without by doing so be taking part in slagging Thailand off.

    A good life in Thailand and a good life back home are not mutually exclusive.

    I would wager that the vast majority of posters who ramble on about the West equating to nanny states, fat 50 year old women, rampant immigration and high taxes lived in some god forsaken industrial town on 40,000 pounds a year. If you have money the UK is a very nice place to live. For the same amount as an overpriced badly constructed Bangkok condo you can have a nice house with beautiful countryside on your doorstep, a BMW for the same price you would pay for a crapanese car in Thailand, excellent restaurants, proper farmers markets that dont sell pesticide laden leaves and proper butchers. If you did well back home and had a well paying job I cant for the life of me think why you would want to give that up to live in the outskirts of Naknon No-nose, or not be able to fit in back home when you see Thailand for what it really is.

    Another 180 degree post. Favorite words this time, "Crapanese Car, Proper farmers markets, Proper butchers, Naknon No-nose. What you are or have is a bad case of ethnocentrism. Commonly stated as, whinging. The topic is would you ever fit in back home not the things that are bad about Thailand.

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  18. The financial trouble that the Thai economy faces is not one that is going to drive the Bht to the cheap rates we saw post 97 - if that's what you are hoping for to help your retirement/life in Thailand out then I'd make another plan.

    The problems Thailand face are growing government debt/mismanagement of public funds and massively growing personal debt - coupled with the leaching of land from cash poor land rich Thais.

    Those around in 97 will remember that when the economy crashed, vast numbers of Thais simply went back to the farm.

    The farm has since been sold or lost to money lenders.

    Open your eyes and look around, the one car policy is driving debt, credit cards are being handed out like sweeties, investment in same same box like properties that nobody wants to rent.

    A massive personal credit bubble is swelling up - personal debt problems are common place and becoming more common.

    Government policies are promising things will get better, things are not getting better for the vast majority of Thais.

    And it is on the collapse of expectations that social problems start to arise.

    These problems are not going to make your Bht cheaper, they are going to make life a lot harder for most Thai people and when that happens life here will change too.

    Don't expect it to be for the better.

    I find it interesting what you say about farms being lost.

    Is this really true?

    And, what percent have actually been lost?

    I do not doubt what you say may be true.

    I just find it interesting and would like to know more.

    Psssst, ask for a link.smile.png

  19. Ten years ago was too late.

    The real money was made in the crash of the mid 90's.

    Real estate at give away prices.

    Expats selling up 3 years ago was a mimi bonus but nothing like 97~99.

    Said like a true whinging pom. You only made 25% on your money; you could ave' made fifty%.

    Truth is I actually made over 300% across the purchases I made during the crash (and in the period when banks were off loading liabilities).

    It wasn't the Bht exchange rate that brought the opportunities, it was the fact that the banks were awash with non performing loans, land, houses, apartments at give away prices.

    In 1999, Thai farmer bank alone had over a hundred pages of properties for sale on their website (30 properties a page) and all at prices a fraction of what the same properties had been bought for and way way cheaper than they are trading at now.

    So because I only made 25% on my money and not 300% I was too late?

    A 25% return is serious money and better than 99% of the real people (not internet posters) have made on most investments.

    Calling 25% return a mini bonus is just plain silly and rather insulting.

    Now lets have a show of hands all of you boys who are making more than 25% a year ROI?

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