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Posts posted by historyprof

  1. nothing significant at all then, as expected.

    You have read all 13 pages of the first thread? Of course not. Is that the idea behind the new thread?

    Som tam would appear to be the only invention of merit and the only one that has affected the lives of Thais.

    There is a difference between Philippine women and Thai women. The Thai women want to stay in Thailand and the Philippine women want to go to wherever you live. Western rich old men retire in Thailand and rich old Thai men retire in Thailand. The answer is in the things the Thais have invented but each man has to discover it himself. If you don't live here you never gonna know.smile.png

    • Like 1
  2. OP: From the Yale Law & Technology website, Thailand now sits third behind the US and Japan in terms of estimated biotech patents.


    I'm really impressed.

    "On the agricultural side, the now great success has been with their genetically modified resistant rice. This helped the Thai agricultural economy expand rapidly and has made Thailand the largest exporter of rice in the world. Beyond this, Thailand is one of only five nations in the world with net food exports."

    Didn't they also invent the rotting rice warehouse?

    How about something high tech like a train that will stay on the tracks?

    The above was a nice positive post about a nation that the whole population would fit one state and there are States who have a larger GNP. But instead of saying something positive about the above positive post you point out something negative that has come from left field?

    What kind of training are you undergoing to visit Thailand. Posting everything negative you can think of about Thailand and Thai people? Do you really think any of them will like you if you point out all the negatives you can think of about Thailand?

    I don't mean to pick on you but how can you guys post all the negative stuff; what kind of results do you get at home when you tell it to the wife or GF?

    Look at the General forum right now. Hi honey your country sure stinks and I really miss it back home and I'll never get used to eating dogs, motorcycle gangs and the organ harvesters are chasing me.

    • Like 1
  3. this will turn into another pissing contest thread,,lol

    Not really. But the OP must get the impression that upon entering Thailand, he is entering a snake-pit.

    "Sharper than a serpents-toot is a thankless Thai-female" (Shakespeare). Or worse:

    "Sharper than a tigers-toot is a Farang trying to sell life-insurance to new "Farang-Arrivals" operating out of "Lulu's bar & grill. (Not Shakespeare).


    What did you go to school in Switzerland? The quote is "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is

    To have a thankless child!"

  4. The OP thinks too much.

    Just come across here and enjoy your time.

    If you come here and do not 'copulate' with Thai girls then something is not right.

    Why wouldn't you?

    And to the guy saying the OP should have relationships with bar girls until he knows Thailand, nonsense, at 21 the guy can have his pick of young Thai women for free and doesn't need to bang bar girls or pay for it.

    Nothing is free in Thailand my friend.

    For you maybe.

    You met her too, eh? She sure got around.

  5. the education system doesn't encourage independent creative thinking, just obedient zombie nation ,that act like sheep

    Whoever the OP is and whatever country he came from and whatever education system spawned him and all the people posting in this thread I wonder why all of the people posting here have not noticed the 13 page thread spanning 7 years. Yup 7 years and 13 pages of anti Thai posters ranting about how few inventions Thailand has thought of.


    Do we really need this thread to read all the same old SH** again and again and again......

    Or could be move this small thread to the big one of 13 pages spanning 7 years already?

  6. So they use that as a front for their illegal business practices.....but cos its for kids...it must be ok.

    Most bikie gangs are full of weak minded gents that feel the need to belong and someone to back them up, hold thier hand, a shoulder to cry on.

    They cannot function in a real world environment by themselves, they become jello.

    Kind of like the VFW clubs.

    Hellodolly...What kind of a remark is that? What harm has the VFW ever done here? Perhaps you were being facetious.

    Indeed, what on earth does a biker gang have to do with the Veterans of foreign wars?

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  7. A "teacher" married to a "policeman" lives across the street from us. She "teaches" pre-schoolers." She proudly wears her govt. uniform and makes sure her new car is always clean. The govt. made the loan for the car and requires minimal payback. But the LOOK she and other car driving teachers present is remarkable. Unfortunately they do not TEACH adequately. SHAME for their impact on the youth of Thailand and the country's forward movement into a fully modern democratic society. I'm glad I am NOT a teacher in LOS.

    Yes, you are so right. I'm in my 9th year here as a teacher. This week i asked a class of 48 students aged 16/17 who the Prime Minister is. Not 1 of them could answer. The whole thing is based on a no discipline culture. The young kids being left with grandparents who themselves had no education. The 'money talks' syndrome when only rich kids get to good schools even though they are inferior to kids from less wealthy or poorer families. No punishment for absenteeism. An 'everyone passes' mandate, even if they can't tell you their name. Money allocated for teachers syphoned off by directors. The list is endless. And to cap it all ........................if you have 100 Thai teachers in a school and 1 Farang........if the kids fail, who goes? The Farang of course............it's always our fault! lol Farang no good! Thai perfect! Crazy eh?

    The word for Prime Minister in Thai is "Ni Yoke" Name is "Chew Ali". Today I asked 100 students from the ages of 12 to 19 that I tutor. 100% knew it was Yingluck. You sir are not telling the truth. Sorry to be so blunt.

  8. Nothing will change until they remove the old Thai teachers who still live in a communist error mentality. With their regimental military

    behavior. They spend hours on the boy scout drills which I know and remember America speaking out against it because it is not voluntary it's just a cover for military training.

    Teachers will come in the classrooms and interrupt the foreign teachers and if the foreign teachers are making any progress with the students, the Thai teachers will tell them they can't do it.

    1.If the school does provide internet they break all the computers and pile them up at the back of the class.

    2.If the school has internet they turn it on for an hour in the morning at the same time when your supposed to go out to the morning assembly. When you come back, the internet is either two slow or you just can't log on.

    3.They don't offer teachers a computer. They may put 15 teachers in one office and give them two computers and printers that most often don't work correctly or the push the computers into an area that makes it impossible to use.

    4. I realize this is not about foreign teachers, but some foreign teachers are teaching more than just English. For instance, the Science teacher; who they never really give a budget for equipment and supplies to work from, only a few small things then ask the teacher to buy the rest with their low salary, " don't half too tell what happens there".

    .5. Most of that money that the schools are getting most likely are for ceremonies, " you know the ones" every week or so they bring out fancy couches so the detector can sit in front of everyone looking like royalty. A director is supposed to be working no putting himself and a few selected staff members up on display.

    6. High ranking Thai teachers will bust into classes and disrupt them intentionally. They will play loud VERY LOUD MUSIC during class ours so that the teachers can't be heard " and I do mean Loud"

    7. They will have sports in the middle of the day so all the students disappear from class, instead of having on a Friday afternoon so they only miss one or two classes which isn't a problem because by friday afternoon the students aren't really with you.

    8. It seems as if they are always being tested but not until after they have been out of class for several weeks, then they are tested on stuff the hadn't learned..( This varies in some schools )

    9. Some schools even allow the drivers to use the kids as target practice. Yeah ! this is true, at one school I watched in horror as a small single cab truck sitting low tot he ground try to run over two little Thai girls, it was the worst thing I had ever watched as this truck plowed through the parking are " soccer Field " where these two girls were walking, the truck came up from behind them, didn't slow down. The two girls literally had to run and jump out of the way. But I see this at many schools that I have to go to for our charity group. It just shows that even the parents don't care.

    10. They beat the ADHD children hoping they will learn. While at the same time in Sattahip they dress them up as ladyboys with coconut shell bra's and grass dresses so the can walk around the school all day and beat pans. Still to the day I have not been able to figure that one out. Even worse the teacher posted pictures of these young boys online. Later only to remover because they were terrible pictures. They should be playing soccer but they are teaching them to be entertainers for the wealthy.

    11. Sattahip the language director out there wanted the M -6 children to just learn nursery rhymes all day long, not for their English classes, but for their Thai classes as well. These students were getting ready for a university.

    12. Taking test if they fail give them the answers. But first, give them the answers so their is no reason for them to fail?

    13. At a high school instead of treating them as young adults they are walking around hitting students with a stick. Then walking around with blow horns, screaming at the kids everyday. The children will listen to an hour speech every morning about nothing, it's crazy. This type of mentality only exacerbates the extremely high deaf syndrome issue. They come to classes and they are tone deaf to anyone speaking with.

    Bottom line they don't teach they heard them like we do with cows.

    Only a teacher would be able to report what you have reported. You are not a teacher. I know the mayor of Sattahip and the education administration and have known them for a long time. You are not telling the truth. Sorry to put it so bluntly.

  9. This is the R&R location for biker gangs. Europe and America are far to violent. The only risks they run here are organ harvestors and being sold into slavery or heaven forbid a Middle Eastern brothel or worse a harem!

    Are you being serious, historyprof? If so, I've read some rubbish in my time and also a digest of your posts over the last few days and I'm starting to wonder.

    You wrote, "Hells Angels mates will descend with aplomb." and you are asking me if I am serious! Codswallop. That's the only word for it. The white slavers and organ harvesters are chasing the bikers all over the place. I know because I read Thai Visa!

  10. Certainly not. Never fit in before neither. I'm a free thinker, I do as I please and I won't pay taxes. The USA is full of sheep. When I do go for a 2 week - 1 month holiday back, I'm usually regretting it before I even leave the airport. I keep a registered, insured vehicle and a UPS Store mailbox that has a physical address for any mail. I no longer have an actual residence but still have many acquaintances and friends. I'll be going back in November for 7 weeks and taking a Thai national with me since I've managed to secured a 10year USA visa. So photo ops in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Georgia, Philadelphia, New Jersey and NYC around Christmas time are on the agenda. Hopefully will see some snow too!

    May I ask, how you get by ..."I won't pay taxes " ?? Just curious.

    And why are you going again for 7 weeks, if you normally "REGET" it, after only 2 weeks?

    And you are taking a Thai with you (with a 10 year visa) ...WHY, if it sucks so much? And visiting at least 6 different places, that all must suck too right?

    And you keep a car there ...for your frequent visits I suppose? Do you manage to register that, without paying any taxes?

    Sorry, but I always find it a bit weird, when people say they left the US, for various reasons, relating to that they "hate it". I can believe people come here for reasons that are BETTER for THEM, HERE, like mostly it seems to be women for many, but as an American, who really enjoys travel and living in other countries too, I never have felt any hate towards the US, and I do pay my taxes.

    I actually really like/love the US and I don't even visit nearly as often as you seem to, and no longer have a car or anything there. I just wish a massage ( a regular, legal one, cost the same as here, or nearly, and medical costs could be the same, then I would be a very happy person)!

    I think that many of is believe that by living in a culture in which we are outsiders, we are ipso facto free thinking radicals and not bound by conventions, which is seen as a good thing in current anglo-saxon culture. Personally, I find myself just the same, and now that Eurosport carry the Superleague, and I can get the raboBank Pro12 on the internet, then I might as well be living in Stranraer or some other godforsaken remote outpost of Empire.

    Personally, I find that I can do without chillis if need be, or massage-parlour hookers, and that I can relax and enjoy myself on a beach whether it is 30 degrees or 13 degrees. Maybe some of us can't afford a coat.

    I think a lot of us have been brainwashed into the European ideal of hot weather, parties and skanky women on the beach


    Codswallop. What skanky women on the beach. The Russian and women of the former Soviet Union look great on the Pattaya beach. Unless you mean near Aberdeen and the deep fried Mars bars at the Haven Chip bar.

  11. Response to Katanga. Schools change over time what was right 20 years ago may not be right now and of course it depends on the children. What is right for one child may not be right for all children.

    I favor schools that have an admissions test to include psychological as well as academic tests and a school which prepares children for college.

    I think every child should have a BA degree so they can function as a human being. After that up to them.

    If I had a child who wanted to be a doctor I might suggest they stay in Thailand to study. I think Thai doctors are better than doctors in the West. They seem better adjusted.

    Most Thai doctors who study in the West come back to Thailand to practice or teach; that has to tell you something because they don't make near as much money.

    I assume you're joking - have Thai schools/the education system changed? The requirements remain the same, keep the population ignorant and under-the-thumb and let Thai culture and apathy prevail.

    From what I have seen, there seems to be a general lack of enthusiasm in schools. Students are free to wander in and out of the class during lessons, teachers need to drag lesson participation out of students. As long as students cow-tow to the teachers, they can do anything they want it seems.

    I don't know if this casual attitude to lessons is prevalent in first-world schools. Certainly not in those schools which my family and friends children attend.

    Now, everybody seems to get a qualification in Thailand. What are these 'BA's you talk about?

    As (almost) everybody in Thailand graduates from university, why aren't they functioning as human beings? I think you're being patronizing to non-graduates. In the same way as pee are not necessarily best, graduates also are not necessarily the best.

    Btw, want the name of a non-English speaking Thai doctor? Not sure how he keeps pace with developments in medical science.

    All of the Thai doctors I have met all spoke a bit of English. I don't think they could go through medical school in Thailand and not speak English. BA is a Bachelor of Arts degree. I assume liberal arts degree. I take it you have never taught in a Thai school, pity. You should try it before you become an expert on Thai education.

  12. So you are right, your view of middle class is income and consumption - and that is a treadmill that anyone might want to get off - but you are wrong in believing the government are enslaving you - No, you have believed the adverts the corporate world sold you and you enslaved yourself.

    And Kanaga's right, he wants the best education for his family and a set of values which he knows will serve his children well in life - no doubt he has noticed the American consumer definition of a good middle class life is rapidly worming itself into Thailand.....

    Largely in agreement with that GH but I think governments are just as complicit.

    How else would we become good little taxpayers?

    It would have been impossible for the banks in the West to do what they did with subprime without government involvement.

    Things like repealing Glass-Steagall which segregated retail and investment banking activities, setting up the likes of Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae to deliberately increase home-ownership in the US are just two examples of that complicity.

    Yes, of course, one does have to make the decision to become "part of the game" but for almost everyone, it's made on a purely sub-conscious level.

    We're expected to go to school, decide on a career, go to uni, get a job, consume, buy real estate, meet a girl/boy, marry, have kids, consume some more.

    By the time we realise we're enslaved, it's usually too late.

    You can't bin the mortgage, the credit cards, the wife/husband, the kids - you're trapped financially and emotionally.

    Why can't you bin the mortgage and credit cards? I don't have any personal debt. Anyway, whats wrong with purchasing your own home so you have something to leave your kids? Or to sell if you need funds later in life, or rent it out so you can have additional income while you travel the world. Seems a bit silly to not want to improve your finances. Whats the other option? Renting. Paying off someone else's mortgage instead of your own. Genius.

    Why would you want to bin your family?

    You know its funny, I'm sure the majority of posters who have retired over here who talk about not being part of 'the system' are on pensions they built up in the west or from leasing out property in the west they bought in the west with a mortgage and need the system to keep on rolling for them to have any form of income.

    What retired posters talk about not being part of the system? I've never read one!

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