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Posts posted by bheard

  1. No coincidence that the major australian supermarkets started dumping Thai fishing products at knock-down prices about 18 months ago. But as the French tv doco showed, Thai involvement is often hidden and when you buy something believing it to be the product of one country, the beneficial ownership can be traced back to another

    Take a look at canned fish in ALDI in Australia - most is from Thailand. I make sure I don't shop there.

    ALDI is currently a small player, less than 15%, but it's on the rise.

  2. "He also urged operators of the fertilizer or chemical shops to alert the police or the military if they come across suspicious buyers."

    And the definition of a suspicious buyer is?

    I'm hoping a little more specific information is given to these shop proprieters so they can make a sensible judgement. And having made that judgement - do they allow the sale to go ahead? Or call the cops immediately? Or . . etc etc.

    Maybe they can catch the horse before it bolts.

  3. Gotta larf, and it's popular with police forces all over the world. You get these 'special' forces guys who think they have to wear masks, sunnies, all black, and thick gloves. Means they can't see or breath properly and they lost the dexderity of the trigger finger - at the very least. Don't envy them, they'll be boiling, sealed up inside all that gear.

    And all these guys had to do was ferry Mr Beard from the lock-up to the court!

    What a joke.

  4. Every child is different - in some cases, corporal punishment is a good method. Some don't understand anything else.

    Discussion... patience... this under the assumption that the child actually cares about anything and/or the parents too.

    At some point it becomes useless to waste a teacher's time with discussions and patience, the next solution is disclipline.

    In this precise case, the slapping wasn't even an educational measure, so it is 100% reprehensible.

    "Some don't understand anything else."

    This of course is utter nonsense. One of the reasons they are at school is to learn how to behave in a civilised way.

    You cannot achieve that result by using physical violence.

  5. Don't forget the low speed driving and not keeping left on the 80km roads.

    Especially at night many drive very slow because they can't see jack with those very dark tainted windows.

    After dark there is no police at all on the roads and they all abuse that.

    I beg to differ - In fact there was one recently, but he was killed by the actress pretty . . .

    I know I know, this is in bad taste.

  6. Commit a crime, while holding a government position, even a minor one, let alone corruption, and you should be out of a job, and in gaol.

    2% pay cut??? That is a joke. It reflects the entire government attitude towards corruption, nepotism, and face-saving.

    Yes it's a joke. But this is Thailand where jokes of this type appear daily.

    How about the latest joke I read yesterday: The PM is suggesting his cops watch Blue Blood - an American tv show apparently, to pick up tips, techniques and insights.

    Apparently he doesn't have training programs for the Thai police.

    Doesn't he realise that tv shows are played by actors and say things written by writers - for the purpose of entertainment? Apparently he has trouble differentiating between fact and fiction. So infantile!

  7. Ice cubes or with holes through it is fine.

    May I ask why? What is the difference?

    I've always understood that ice with "holes" is hygienely produced whereas "mushy" ice or whole blocks are not.

    But it now seems it's a myth!

    I don't know about ice with holes, but I have seen, in a side street near Wat Pho in BKK, employees of an ice distributing company (a hole in the wall type operation) smash blocks of ice on the street, then bag it in plastic bags (what else) and load it into a truck.

    Crushed ice - this can be how it happens!

    Not saying this is the norm, but I don't eat it now!

  8. Now it's clear why Thai people are upset with the Chinese tourists.

    The fact is that Issan chicks have better legs (to the farang i.e - shapely) than the average 'white' Bangkok chick - these Bangkok chicks are predominately 'straight' legged and 'beautiful' - for the same reason that white skin is 'beautiful'. If you have shapely legs you must be a working girl - that is, from a farming background, and your legs have real muscles (something I personally find very attractive).

    Close inspection of Chinese chicks legs reveals both white and shapely. Hence my assertion about clarity. I'm presuming that the average Thai guy has been hoodwinked by the media and secretly likes legs that are shapely. Thai women know this, and so are justifiably upset with the Chinese tourists!

  9. Next time you visit Australia you could by a jar of GOANNA Salve - lovely stuff, the Aus equivalent to Tiger Balm.

    Both of course are smoke and mirrors, any benefit from their use probably comes from the rubbing . . .

    When I want some reliable relief from pain which can be identified positively as soft tissue pain I use Ibuprofen - at least it has a scientific background.

    Taken orally or rubbed on as a Gel. In Aus the Gel is called Nurofen Gel.

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