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Posts posted by bheard

  1. Just watched today a English teaching channel on DLTV, you'd expect everything to be correct, but NO, they even got a noun down as an adjective. Either they have a really serious problem or the farang proof reader needs to be sacked.

    While living in a small town east of Yasothon for months I watched a lot of DLTV English classes (nothing much happens in the evening in small Issan towns, and other channels were mainly propaganda) - saw what you describe, although the subject of this submission really takes the cake - so bad.

    They'll never get a handle on the language at this rate, such a pity.

  2. "Though police have the name of a sender and receiver, they are unable to make an arrest as no one was caught in the act of sending or receiving the package".

    No one was caught in the act of the bombing in BKK either, but they still managed to arrest someone. What a ridiculous statement!

    Ummm, did they go to the address of the sender?

    And how about waiting till the receiver appears, then arrest him? Couldn't wait I guess - more important things to attend to? Which might be . . . err, ......

  3. Wow, that is a truly demolished vehicle. RIP to the driver, I guess she died quickly.

    Driver training is something Thais need badly. Get a wet skid pan set up. Just to give them an idea of what actually happens when you skid on a wet road (not saying the road was wet in this case), Most drivers would gain some useful insight on a skid pan. And maybe alter their behaviour.

  4. Strict control of fireworks eh?

    A twelve years old boy in my village , blew his hand off with a firework on Friday, another lost two fingers.

    They are still selling them, and the children are still playing with them.

    Maybe they'll have to bite the bullet and become like any nanny state - they (including Aus) decided it's not fair to kids to be maimed like that. Or would that be going against Thainess too much?

  5. Artificial rain? What's it made of, artificial water?

    Oh, they mean real rain with real water made by introducing poluting chemicals into the atmosphere, not to mention unburnt fuel and CO2 from plane engines, multiplied by 1800 flights.

    The entire notion of course has been discredited in many countries a long time ago because it doesn't work. That 93% is tosh of course, but they need to continue with the pretense because of . . . .

  6. My experience with Koh Chang includes a 4 hour wait in the car park to get onto a ferry , and another 4 hour wait on the island to get back onto the ferry. Dead loss, Sure, went at the wrong weekend, but anyway found the place to be just another previously lovely Thai place now spoilt by untrammelled development. Wouldn't bother going back.

  7. RIP to the unfortunate people killed. People not arriving home to the family that night - always a very sad outcome.

    An aspect not covered well in these responses - how many passengers were wearing seat belts?.

    I'd wager none. This is a problem - belts do save lives, but Thai people are not educated/forced to wear them.

    Van drivers should be made to insist that all belts are in use (dream on, I know). 14 people in a van like that - sardines, nothing more.

  8. I feel more angry that it's in a cage in the first place. This is the outrage not the donkey kicking the cage. He is just part of the outrage.

    Exactly, the real offenders here are the zoo management. That cage is a shocking place to keep any animal, the zoo needs to re-think it's containment regime, starting from scratch.

    Take a look at overseas zoos' methods of containment so that animals can have a halfway decent life.

    Oops, wash my mouth out, advice from outside Thailand not necessary, or welcome.

  9. I cannot believe anyone in their right mind believes any Thai government would ever legalise marijuana.

    1. The profits from drug dealing in Thailand make some senior figures in the police, the military and politics, etc. very, very rich. They are not about to smash their own rice bowl.

    2. The three big distillers/brewers here have an effective cartel and keep very close to those in power who make the laws. They would vigorously block any liberalisation of drug laws.

    3. Thailand has politically active Buddhist organisations. Thailand loves to put itself forward as a protector of Buddhist teachings. Decriminalisation of marijuana would be seen here as against these mores and would be vigorously opposed.

    To apply this discussion to Thailand is pointless and shows a failure to grasp the drivers that push social change here.

    Spot on. Legalising any sort of activity which currently involves a pay off to powerful figures is not going to happen. End of story.

    Forget about the arguements for and against the idea, that is not relevant in Thailand (and most other aparts of the world for that matter, just more so in Thailand).

  10. "...a packed pick-up truck..."

    This makes is sound like the cab of the pick up truck was packed. In every western country it is against the law for any person to be in the back of a pickup truck while in motion. This is just another case of the lack/enforcement of laws protecting passengers. How many times do you see infants and children on the laps of front row passengers in motor vehicles? Why would anyone be surprised when someone is killed in a motor vehicle crash when preventable measures written into the laws and enforced would have saved most of them?

    This pickup truck with 30 passengers had to pass by a number of police, who just ignored it because they consider it a common occurrence and don't think twice about pulling the vehicle over. Most likely the focus will be on the driver who fled the scene, not on the archaic laws and driving methods which haven't changed since the times of oxen and carts. Seriously, if you observe how people drive in Thailand, it makes perfect sense if they were driving an ox and cart limited to 5 km and hour, not a motor vehicle traveling any speed above 40 km/hr.

    RIP to the poor Cambodians who died.

    It's crimilnal the way these pick-ups are used to carry people in the back. But as you say the police don't even look. I wonder if thailand actually has a law relating to that?

    I recall while riding my pushbike along near Chiang Mai seeing a police pick-up with chairs in the back - some cops sat on the chairs while others sat with their bums on the top edge of the sides and tailgate. Oh yes, leaning inwards so they wouldn't fall off, so no problem. Idiots!!

  11. 150 kgms for the native goat is a lot different than 1000 kgms for the full sized gaur. As for the 5 or 6 bullet holes in the carcass versus only two shots he claims he fired, well, it is almost November and the anniversary of the JFK assassination, so history is full of magical bullets. But the guy did say he used a shotgun, what type leaves holes that look like small arms fire I leave to the experts.

    Agree the guy is full of it with his claim of mistaken identity.

    Unfortunately the desire to kill for no reason is not unique to Thai males in Thailand.

    Probably "00" or more commonly known as double-ought buck (shot).

    Not unique to Thai males - take a trip to almost anywhere to see that. The gun capital of the world (US) - now there's a good starting point.

  12. He said he would hold local authorities responsible if such incident happens again. Prayut, do it NOW, for they have transgressed!

    The problem for Thailand is that it rarely actually follows through with this type of edict.

    Prayut has acted to shut down these vendors previously, but the local officials and local police have allowed the illegal businesses to open up again. Why? Because money changes hands of course.

    In order for Prayut to really get the message across here, what he needs to do is prosecute the local officials and police NOW - because they allowed the businesses to open illegally.

    It's not as if the officials didn't notice the money filling their coffers, and the local police patrolling the beach front - why didn't they notice? 'Cos they are looking the other way, that's why..

    The more things change, the more they stay the same . . .

  13. Why the mock outrage? It's what happens be it weddings, monk parties or seminars.

    It's all part of the culture.

    Exactly! Doesn't matter what occasion it is, they have sexy dance shows! On streets, in Wats, in public and private functions everywhere. It's a cultural thing, no problem.

    Culture for sure, and nobody gets hurt.

    Probably a few 'transfers' as a result of the 'investigation'. I guess part of it will involve 'hunting down' the girl and prosecuting her.

  14. Daily News also reports that the abuse happened almost ten years ago and that Pradit’s crimes were known to school authorities in Uttaradit, as well as some of the parents of the victims.

    Thai society is wonderful. Isn't it.


    Stupid comment. This has been happening in your town, your country, where ever you came from! For centuries. Just look at the Catholic church child sexual abuse record - revolting. And unreported!

  15. it sounds like of the raided bars ,only a few actually lost any staff .....

    some bars have over a dozen girls

    25 arrested from 17 bars sounds pretty naff

    and the let the thai girls continue i suppose since they apparently are just "in a bar "

    and thats not illegal ...........unless section 44 says it is

    Yeah, well, the Thai girls don't need cleaning - they're clean enough already . . . . .

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