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Posts posted by bheard

  1. Shameful behaviour by Thung Kham Co Ltd.

    Many people, companies and States even around the world prefer to shoot the messenger than to actually address a problem.

    It seems to be the case that Thai people, companies and the State are particularly keen on this approach to a problem as there is 1. FACE, and 2. Money involved. In that order.

    The fact that a 15 year old school girl can cause such an action by a company, presumably run by mature men (read 'boys') shows just how low the moral standards of these people are. Bullies, all of them.

    Brings to mind the recent case of students being bullied by the State - having their train carriage disconnected from the train going down to

    Hua Hin. Outrageous and Disgraceful!

  2. They need to start issuing warnings on the food. They issue 'dolphin friendly' on tuna cans.

    They should issue a warning on food saying "This is a product of Thailand. Persons may have been enslaved during the process and packaging of this product"

    Not just Thailand. Any country who behaves like this

    "Slave friendly" with the picture of a smiling dark man??

    The compare with "dolphin friendly" is good, because that logo doesn't mean anything as well.

    Excellent idea! The photo to use would be the 'ugly' man in this pic. Thai people are familiar with this guy from their English lessons . . .


  3. A pointless exercise to serve what purpose?

    Time for junta-head to make a phone call.

    Here's what the military are doing about the situation:


    Thanks for the link powerkick, very informative article. Of course I was looking for the army to be supporting the townspeople, what a naive little person I am !!

    Of course they are supporting their rich mates, vTIT.

  4. The problem with Thailand is they provide very few garbage cans almost everywhere you do. Whenever I want a garbage can to throw something away I have to very often do an extensive search and sometimes I come up empty.

    One of the few places I can count on to throw our garbage away is at PTT gas stations when we are traveling. They always provide more than enough cans for garbage.

    Lots of the people, I'm sure, would use garbage cans if they were provided in quantity.

    That being said, the people do have responsibilities to hold on to their garbage until they can find a place to dump it and so they are being very lazy by dropping it on the ground. So it's a two-fold problem.

    Solution for you: Prepare yourself to take nothing that you need to throw away, it's easy if you try.

    If you can't do that, then put all your own garbage back into your car and take it home. Thats also easy if you try.

  5. I think this guy knows a lot more about the murder, no way would you sleep through someone being bashed and abducted right outside your front door.

    Yes indeed. Unless in a drunken stupor, or a drug induced stupor, he could not have slept through it.

    Maybe he left because it was getting a little 'hot' in Thailand, and the Thais did not take away his passport. Seems taking away a passport is not often done in Thailand. Maybe they didn't take it away and he was advised to leave Thailand - who would want a scum like that in their country? Good chance to get rid of him.

    Had to laugh at the transport used to take the crim away (in the video). Great stuff, don't worry about the law, of 'em 'em on a small scooter, she'll be right!!

  6. Why do we get these scumbags here?

    These bikie types are a problem in AUS & should be denied passports to stop them from spreading their bad actions & habits in other countries.

    I'm a proud Aussie & don't like to see Australia's reputation tarnished by these useless types, usually, on AUS social welfare payments as can't hold down a job (unemployable).

    Hope Thai court finds him guilty & locks him up for life, useless piece of s**t !!!

    Hear Hear.

    Although in this case one could argue that he did the world a favour . . .

    On the topic of welfare payments, I think it is now the case that the only AUS welfare payment paid overseas is the aged pension payment, and even that has conditions - if you lived in Aus for 35 years then you get the full payment, less than that the payment is decremented in proportion to the number of years. Seems fair enough to me (and I'm a recipient of it).

  7. The EU members clearly hold her in high regard.

    The rest of the world sees a democratically elected Prime Minister ousted by a dictator/general who has demonstrated his contempt for human rights and free speech as well as the democratic process several times since seizing power.

    Analysts also see a ruling elite that having removed Takhsin himself set plans in motion to ensure no socialist government could ever take power again even when elected by the people of Thailand.

    The rice scheme and all the other charges laid at Yinglucks door were orchestrated by the yellows long before they happened in order to oust her and the reds.

    Corruption? Maybe, possibly? No area of politics either local or national is free of it as it is embedded in the civil structures whichever style of government has control.

    Takhsin shook that system up a bit and they wanted rid of him. Same with his sister.

    The same will happen with any red leader whom the people vote in.

    The rich will always take care of themselves and their friends at the expense of the majority and that is true the world over but at least people are fooled into believing they have freedom because they are allowed to criticise.

    Whatever it takes, no matter how many lies are needed; Yingluck will be banned from politics and have her assets seized.

    Do I think that she and her brother are any different from the rest of the so called elites?

    Not much, but they were democratically elected and most people in the north east saw a small improvement in their lives during the red reign.

    Maybe the voting was rigged? If so, voting for all parties was rigged and thousands of people were paid by both sides but the people chose to vote red.

    Spot on. It is a conspiracy - to maintain the position of the ruling elite - ie the people 'born to rule'. Keep following how it's panning out currently - which faction of the ruling elite will take power after (an event I can't mention) ? It's got nothing to do with the Taksin side of politics either.

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