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Everything posted by sungod

  1. I agree, it is very sad. It does get cleared up......eventually. I sometimes wonder if its left at times to see if the sea swallows it up and carts it off to somewhere else.
  2. i was around there Friday, its normally OK but storms/rough seas can scoop a lot of crap up and deposit it on the beach.
  3. You needs Goat's breath, its a dead cert.
  4. Tell them you are from Australia.
  5. With you Bob, Do Thais who kick each other also get run out of town by mob rule? I think not.....
  6. Couldn't agree more, main reason why I dont hang around girly beer bars anymore.
  7. Alcohol can make people aggressive (unlike puff) so far more likely he'd been on the sauce..... 🙂
  8. Not Wise related but binned Natwest as they are now on the too hard to deal with list.
  9. I tend to close my windows if its smelly outside.
  10. Sorry to go off topic, but how much is a cup of tea in Starbucks? Oh, well done to the gimp as well, good drills!
  11. Hi all, I saw one of those middle sized buses that was signed 'Suvarnabhumi, Pattaya, Ko Chang' Any idea where in Pattaya it goes from? Can you buy tickets online etc? Any other bus services to Ko Chang ferry from Pattaya please?
  12. Good business opportunity for someone to run a service to the east of the city.
  13. You're right, its not in the centre of town, its actually past that for any travelers coming from the east. It will add time to their journeys both ways. 1.5 hours to Udomsuk BTS from Pattaya, 2hours 5 mins to the proposed terminal. (Google maps)
  14. Pattaya Optical ON Klang near 2nd road junction has always worked for me. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pattaya+Optical+พัทยาออปติเคิล/@12.9364227,100.8872194,21z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x31029606ff89c0f7:0xe3a7702d25690487!8m2!3d12.9364693!4d100.887346!16s%2Fg%2F1ts2xr1b?authuser=0&entry=ttu
  15. Not sure how moving the eastern bus terminal further into the city helps.....I'd guess it adds more time.
  16. You could use your phone as a hotspot, what sort of plan do you have?
  17. At least its easy to put an 'ICE' fire out.
  18. I have 2 separate wills, the Thai one and also the one that deals with UK and offshore assets. Its not complicated and can be done online / email. I used Irwin Mitchell who understood the situation well.
  19. Why were you taking any whey supplement? Protein comes from many sources. You would get that from a well balanced diet.
  20. Not arguing, just highlighting how quick and often it changes and what can be done about it.
  21. Every week we are told that something we thought was good is now bad. Something that was thought as bad is now good! Just eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise.
  22. I have found that the majority of people who make posts like this suffer from small dick syndrome and find internet forums as a place where they can make up for their inadequacies.
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