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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Yep, we should be providing safe spaces where the kids can talk about gender identity, counseling for when someone shouts loudly at them etc etc etc........... Catch you later, off down the range with the kids......
  2. Yes, it will be nice to take a look at some of the crop burning areas in rural Issan too.
  3. Probably quite a few have, loads of my mates love a puff or a nibble.
  4. Thats right, makes me more flexible. Obviously you are a natural at 'bending over' and dont need the assistance.
  5. So what you are saying is rather than ban cannabis and force it underground, we should in fact clear up the grey area and legalise it completely. This would aid regulation and also allow the government to collect taxes on what is a booming industry. Couldn't agree more!
  6. You can walk into a 7-11 and grab as much beer out of the fridge as you want and get smashed. A bit of a silly comment really.
  7. Ah, the old 'lie in a metal box trick' I'd need some convincing....
  8. Alcohol doesn't appeal to much of the younger generation either, it's mainly ill informed old people who enjoy a tipple against weed.
  9. Must have been chest compressions, a little difficult for breathes with the helmet on! But seriously well done that fella, more people need to be given access to training.
  10. Don't know the deal in CM, but I have experience in Hua Hin, Pattaya and Rayong- Agents are 5%
  11. Dont think a day goes by when I dont see a taxi driver having a slash on the side of the road.....oh the outrage!
  12. I live over near Wongamat and Lovell school is my nearest station so look at it quite frequently. Not convinced the meter at Lovell school is working properly as it went offline over Christmas/new year, offline now (just checked) and when online the readings dont seem to alter. It was red the other day when the rest of Pattaya was yellow.
  13. Individually generally great guys, in a group.........
  14. 'Impending Haze Crisis' Its been with us a couple of weeks already.....
  15. A drivel rich thread on which you are the main poster........ Cant make it up
  16. Because you went off topic and started talking about shoving cash in a mattress, duh.........
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