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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Must be all of a week since we saw an article like this.
  2. Maybe you got the Chinese one? Seriously,check if you have apps sucking up battery power in the background. 'Battery Information' in settings may point u in the right direction.
  3. In this area of Chonburi, yes I do, at least all the major international ones. Regents, MIS, ISC, Rugby, Tara Pattana. I have good friends with kids in all these schools. Is that simple enough for you to grasp now?
  4. Rampant my @ss!!!! , thousands of kids being tested at the international schools, not heard of a case yet!!!!
  5. Lets pray none of these young kids get myocarditis, was told of 1 case in Pattaya already from a teenage boy.
  6. Common sense most likely, most of the restaurants I have been to like their repeat customers to come back and spend more money as opposed to getting grassed up.
  7. And I said believe the eye witnesses who are actually there, little more credible than someone in Bangkok making opinions based on a photo no?
  8. Dont think anyone is expecting pre covid levels for sometime, but its a big step in the right direction, thats for sure.
  9. Not a keyboard warrior, but a little strange in expecting 1pm to be the same as later at night.
  10. Suggest you read the thread again from people who are actually there. Rather the keyboard warrior from Bangkok who cant stomach positive news.
  11. Or you could just take the word of eye witnesses.
  12. That will upset the habitual moaners in their rocking villages in the NE. , God forbid good news on the forum.
  13. You'd be surprised............I have low expectations and seldom disappointed
  14. Not disputing that its my job to ensure they attend, just pointing out its not my job the pay school fees and teach my kids most of the day myself, thats the teacher's job. I have the utmost respect for teachers trying their best but still admitting online learning is no way a substitute, it's the 'pretend' teachers who tell us everything g is OK and online learning is fine that annoys me.
  15. Great if the parents have nothing to do all day and teach their kids, oh, isnt that the teachers job?
  16. Was on Klang the other day looking at the spaghetti wires hanging, then remembered they dug it up a couple of years back to so call bury them all.
  17. 'As for students in both “dark red” and low risk provinces, there is no requirement for vaccinations, but officials will try to convince them or their parents to allow them to be vaccinated for their own safety and for that of the parents.' Common sense at last.
  18. The sad thing here is that these guys probably didnt know what they were doing is wrong.
  19. Maybe you should look at previous posts, may support your arguments a little better. I've been supporting the opening of schools all along, no where have I said we should be waiting. You cant even give a straight yes or no answer. Just pointless engaging with you any further.
  20. The vulnerable have not been vaccinated, you should know that by reading the comments on here. Your post is in black and white, you complain about a child not being vaccinated whilst we all know there are more needy out there. Pathetic.
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