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Everything posted by sungod

  1. Please never give up some form of exercise, even if its a good walk a couple of times a week. Its as important mentally as it is physically.
  2. Cant really grasp anything with your muddled and rude post, why tell me I'm stupid? You been on the pop or just always hide behind your keyboard? Crack on buddy, doing a great job there of looking the fool! 🙂
  3. AN Geriatric Alcoholics against Cannabis.......
  4. How does it have effect on your daily life?
  5. I think you can filter (no pun intended) the results for 24hrs, now, etc with the menu in the top right.
  6. This initiative is right up there with the BBQ Pork stalls in Bangkok....
  7. Don't waste your money on the cheap fakes, I bought one on Lazada just as a bit of fun to try it out. Wasn't intending to return if it worked to some degree, was happy to swallow the cost, however it was completely useless so sent it back. I've bought Lenovo M8s for both my kids when they were younger- worked a treat for their needs. Somewhere in the region of 4000 THB if memory serves me correct.
  8. He/she/it identifies as 'non binary' Think we will leave it there.........
  9. Walked into a pub the other day, place reeked of beer.
  10. Like the guy who went to a football match and didnt like the shouting.
  11. I've driven around some countries in the ME with a cylinder in the boot (trunk if you are from across the pond)
  12. So do I 25 years ago...... I opened a new one with them last month, despite having 2 accounts with them already for 20-25 years it was like starting again. In contrast took my oldest son in the open an account, he was out in minutes with just his Thai ID card 🙂
  13. Chill out, its a regional problem. BTW, look at FIRMS, Cambodia is on fire.........
  14. Buy new, (unless you know the car /owner) , 2nd hand price here is astronomical, just not worth it.
  15. Had a mate who's wall collapsed 2 times due to the guy backing on to him having higher ground than him that filled with water during raining season. Don't think there s anything he could do, he just shored up the wall his side.
  16. Actually raises a very good point, slightly off topic but who should I contact for changing a light bulb?
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