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Posts posted by Muirton

  1. Towards the end of the telecast last night he made comment that he was doing his best..for the good of the country and "why would i want power?"

    I guess he does have a point, in that he is super rich already.

    One could assume he's not in it for the money, but its pretty obvious he's here to help steer the ship after a certain future event.

    Its going to take some strong leadership at that time, and if this guy gains experience now it can only help the country then.

    The farangs that criticise everything he does do not seem to reason.. if it was not him..it would be someone else.

    And im sure it could be a lot worse. Who would you knockers rather have leading the country at this time, Thaksin?

    Of course.

  2. Towards the end of the telecast last night he made comment that he was doing his best..for the good of the country and "why would i want power?"

    I guess he does have a point, in that he is super rich already.

    One could assume he's not in it for the money, but its pretty obvious he's here to help steer the ship after a certain future event.

    Its going to take some strong leadership at that time, and if this guy gains experience now it can only help the country then.

    The farangs that criticise everything he does do not seem to reason.. if it was not him..it would be someone else.

    And im sure it could be a lot worse. Who would you knockers rather have leading the country at this time, Thaksin?

    Whoever was elected to do so?

    And you think things would be better, or somehow more tolerable if another bigT proxy?

    Why just a proxy? What about the Man himself?

  3. The head of the current administration started off speechifying every Friday for well over an hour. Thailand would be Great Among Nations under his Guidance. There is a precise measurement to evidence how wrong it has all gone. That measurement is how long his Friday "Restoring Happiness" address goes on for. It hasn't been over an hour in months. I time them all. Not one mention of the Erawan Bomber and he's had weeks in which to announce something intelligent on that. To his credit, he has not specified one achievement in the last month. A foto-op is not an achievement. We're still in the Land of Proposed, Planned & Projected. One damned diminuendo after another. No wonder every morning on Ch. 3 the head of the current administration can be seen scunnered. It's a Hissy A Day now. Stay tuned

  4. Thai army manipulating the ordinary majority of Thais by "helping" them to "correctly" understand the political situation. Thi is a shame for Thailand. Taking advantage of the poor by undue influence.

    Some red shirts did need to be educated regarding democracy. They had the idea that democracy involved preventing the opposing party from campaigning in their ridings. They did this by throwing rocks, bricks, potted plants (seriously), home made bombs etc., they used trucks with loud speakers to drown out politicians during rallies. Clearly those people had a misunderstanding of how democracy should work. The PDRC, on the other hand merely blocked access to voting booths which is a much more democratic way to behave. Truth is, most Thais don't understand real democracy, because they have never experienced it.

    I guess this has to be an attempt at sarcasm?

    It was an attempt at thinking.

  5. I beg to differ, for someone her age, to dance and sing (I dont think shes much of a singer anyways, Adele and the likes sing way much better) but I must give it to her that she can dance extremely well and with such stamina for 2.5 hrs on stage. She put many younger performers to shame with her showmanship but I reckon it will be highly censored here in Asia,

    I was at her concert in Madison Garden in NYC last month.

    May I be allowed to wonder why anyone would pay ฿10 to see "someone her age" walk and talk at the same time on a stage?

  6. I salute the honorable PM Khun Prayuth Chan o cha ..... wai2.gif the Thai people salute you.

    83.02 percent said as result of the Thailand’s participation in the UNGA, the international community was able to understand the kingdom better. 13.51 percent said the opportunity allowed the Thai leader to build relationship with foreign counterparts . 66.04 percent said the opportunity has allowed the country to move forward and be more competitive.

    I have always maintained that this government is best for Thailand given the opposing fractions who just want to create insecurity.

    Thailand is moving forward to build a better and more prosperous nation. Not forgetting that when the General Prayuth took over the country was in a mess due to instability within the predecessor controversial PM's government, the mismanaged rice scheme being just one example that cost the country billions ......

    The country and the Thai people were subjected to daily security concerns with shootings and mayhem by opposing fractions, street protests that blocked major intersections which caused loss off revenue for many Thai companies that relied on daily product delivery.

    You cannot hide facts, this is substantial evidence that the PM and his hard work to push Thailand ahead, increase stability and increase foreign investment is paying off.

    Thailand will continue to become more proficient and developed country with the planned China high speed rail project, energy projects are planned and further rail and BTS extensions.

    Following the PM's visit to the US the UNGA and President Obama have seen what Thailand is doing to reinstall trust and confidence in the Thai economy, and further strengthen the Thai-US relationship.


    It's been All Hat And No Cattle since May last year. Ain't nothin' gonna change.

  7. Your possibly right on the bias as far as Thailand is concerned. But they do have the budget (now influenced by advertising) they just spend it on the wrong stuff- which includes highly paid presenters and talking heads who behave like prima donna's whos views are more important (to them) than the facts and who incorporate their pet biases and frequently anti-British leanings into the news. You can just see the eagerness (slavering like Rotties) to blame the UK/US for "bombing children" instead of blaming those bringing children into the line of fire. Or telling the world it is the Wests fault that they are inundated with refugees. Also far too much emphasis on the views of minorities instead of balanced coverage.

    They are not perfect but they are also the organisation that brings you HardTalk, Questiontime, Panorama, Horizon and a shed load of other hard hitting stuff that goes in hard and doesn't care who it riles, they also brought us Top Gear and Spitting Image so personally I cannot think of any other broadcaster that does that so successfully and much as I like Al Jazeera the goings on in Mauritania or Qatar have limited appeal for me

    I also personally think it is right to highlight where the UK and others get it wrong but yes it sometimes goes way to far the other way too, still could be worse could be Faux News....

    Yes, I should have made myself clearer. Auntie does some fantastic programmes especially drama (shame about TG). Its the new overseas news department that is commercialised and has such lousy, really, really lousy "personality" not news content dominated programmes; and I think it is a mistake by the UK government to let them broadcast commercial advertising in the name of the BBC and to allow them to broadcast so little news about the UK and so many hours spent on how some remote bunch of raggies are shooting up somebody as if their pathetic suicidal attacks have any real relevance to the rest of the world or to the UK. Its supposed to be news , not a continuous stream of hour long programs about how one village in Africa has made water pipes out of bamboo and the like. Its sports coverage is even more pathetic, without counting I would bet they broadcast more promo hours than actual sports coverage. Talking of personalities how about the Wimbledon coverage where the guy spent the entire programme talking about how he made too much noise and not one frame of actual tennis was shown. That is absolutely typical of my complaints. But to bring things back to Thailand, I think they can do much better and report on why the economy is going down and tourists are not coming because of the unh.

    The Beeb is never more pathetic than when reporting sports events for which it won't pay viewing rights. The reason nothing was shown from Wimbledon was, I assume, as my granny in Elgin would say, "No tickie, no washie".

  8. As much as I think it's a ridiculous idea, it's their country so let them waste the peoples money any way they see fit. Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance than I say som nom na. They will look great rusting alongside their aircraft carrier.

    "Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance ..." The four elections won in a row by various manifestations of the RedShirts don't count?

    They definitely don't count.

    Well, aren't you a sore loser.

  9. As much as I think it's a ridiculous idea, it's their country so let them waste the peoples money any way they see fit. Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance than I say som nom na. They will look great rusting alongside their aircraft carrier.

    "Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance ..." The four elections won in a row by various manifestations of the RedShirts don't count?

  10. Shame on Obama.

    The handshake is a betrayal of democracy, freedom and human rights - all things America supposedly stands for.

    Guess nothing gets in the way of US corporate economic interests.

    You are excessively regrettably naive. Churchill shakings hands with Stalin umpteen times, presenting Stalin with the priceless Sword of London, was way way more than what you call here "a betrayal of democracy".

    Oh wise one, in case you haven't noticed, it ain't the 1940's anymore!

    Obama has sacrificed US integrity to not lose a pawn in the economic pseudo fight with China in exactly the same way George W did when he gave the all clear for the US to torture!

    Prayuth represents the opposite of everything America supposedly stands for - shaking hands with the man just gives the unelected regime usable material for their ongoing propaganda campaign and therefore prolongs the misery Thais have to endure as they struggle to live under these clowns

    OK, Churchill could do what Obama can not because of your fatuous timeline. How about moving up to 1978? A 4-day state visit to England by Romania's thug, Nicolae Ceausescu, finishing with Liz having a State Din-Dins for the thug. You will excuse that? -- but not Obama's handshake at the United Nations which is extra-territorial to the US.

  11. Hilarious. There was a poll the other day which reflected badly on the Junta and you people were all over it saying how it proved how bad they really are.

    Now we have one saying something positive and you are all over it saying how it is all lies and propaganda.

    Your opinions are truly priceless. And worthless.

    You found that link yet, still curious

    Perhaps EJ is busy thinking of a new name for himself on ThaiVisa since he's run EJ to death.

  12. Thailand be careful dealing with the BBC, or you'll be sacked like the Top gear guys.....

    I wouldn't expect much from the Bigoted, liberal reporting of the BBC, they have been known

    to get things wrong, very wrong...

    It is not impossible that this is true but without citing specific instances, supplying cites and sites, you're just flapping your lips.
    Clearly you don't watch the BBC overseas service enough. Its not like the old BBC which was respected world wide as the voice of truth. Now its a commercial organisation run mostly out of Singapore for this part of the world. They DO get a lot of stuff wrong and they DO put a huge amount of bias on certain stories - like middle east refugees. Having said that, these days J.Head seems to have a much better approach to reporting on Thailand, much as he annoys ynh. Having said That. The Beeb really annoyed me by presenting clearly paid by Sutheps mob handlers, unemployed southern yellow shirt thugs mothers as "Thai middle class protesters" The Beeb also presented Ying Luk in a very bad light ("how many times a day does she phone her brother?" said Lucy wetting her knickers - so pathetic Beeb, so very pathetic) and failed to mention the disgusting threats made against her by the yellow shirts, including those made by one recently trying to infiltrate the police force.

    Correct, I don't watch the Beeb much, prefer to get my news from French and Italian tv. I agree the current Beeb is pathetic, paupers who fill in an hour with 20 minutes of promos because they don't have the budget to be a world-class news organization like Al-Jazeera. They do get things wrong, their Yingluk coverage, as you mention, was disgraceful -- but intentional bias, no.

  13. Shame on Obama.

    The handshake is a betrayal of democracy, freedom and human rights - all things America supposedly stands for.

    Guess nothing gets in the way of US corporate economic interests.

    You are excessively regrettably naive. Churchill shakings hands with Stalin umpteen times, presenting Stalin with the priceless Sword of London, was way way more than what you call here "a betrayal of democracy".

    Oh wise one, in case you haven't noticed, it ain't the 1940's anymore!

    Obama has sacrificed US integrity to not lose a pawn in the economic pseudo fight with China in exactly the same way George W did when he gave the all clear for the US to torture!

    Prayuth represents the opposite of everything America supposedly stands for - shaking hands with the man just gives the unelected regime usable material for their ongoing propaganda campaign and therefore prolongs the misery Thais have to endure as they struggle to live under these clowns

    "Oh wise one, in case you haven't noticed, it ain't the 1940's anymore!" So?

  14. The BBC is no longer broadcasting impartial news, but has for a long time been biased in favour of Thaksin and his associates, and won't hear a word against Yinglack.

    I took part in a phone in radio program, at the request of the BBC, after the coup which threw Thaksin out. As soon as I said I was in favour of the coup and it would be good for the country, they cut me off, just because it was not what they wanted to hear as the program was to oppose political coups.

    I find Aljazeera a much more unbiased line of reporting.

    Maybe they thought you had nothing interesting to say........

    Also logorrhea perhaps.

  15. Hilarious. There was a poll the other day which reflected badly on the Junta and you people were all over it saying how it proved how bad they really are.

    Now we have one saying something positive and you are all over it saying how it is all lies and propaganda.

    Your opinions are truly priceless. And worthless.

    Dont see the other poll but duhh, of course thats what someone would say who truly believed the government was not doing a good job.

    Think about it,,, the first poll (whichever one that was) says they are crap and all of the people who think the same agree.. Then the second poll comes out and says they are not, well the people who supported the first poll are just being consistent by saying the second poll is nonsense.

    What else would you expect them to say?

    Don't think you really thought your post through, you are just stating the blinkin obvious to me.

    So your post is completely pointless, and worthless. Perhaps have a lie down and a rethink.

    EJ, did you ever post a link to the 'other' poll. Curious to see it?

    Google "Stefan Zyrkstvdontrpw"

  16. Shame on Obama.

    The handshake is a betrayal of democracy, freedom and human rights - all things America supposedly stands for.

    Guess nothing gets in the way of US corporate economic interests.

    You are excessively regrettably naive. Churchill shakings hands with Stalin umpteen times, presenting Stalin with the priceless Sword of London, was way way more than what you call here "a betrayal of democracy".

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