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Posts posted by Muirton

  1. A few days ago the PM said he met the UM leader (which we say pictures for) and the US President. At the time there were not pictures that I could see and no report on his meeting with the US President.

    Well, firstly, I stand corrected as I have now seen the pictures, however I am still at a loss as to why the PM with such a desire to increase ratings in Thailand would not be shouting at the rooftops after a positive meeting with the President. Well, perhaps thats because the brief meting was not so positive at all.

    Who knows, but it is strange..

    A foto-op is not a meeting. The head of the current administration refrained from shouting from the rooftops the shutter speed.

  2. Hilarious. There was a poll the other day which reflected badly on the Junta and you people were all over it saying how it proved how bad they really are.

    Now we have one saying something positive and you are all over it saying how it is all lies and propaganda.

    Your opinions are truly priceless. And worthless.

    "There was a poll the other day ...". What poll? What day? Since you know, tell. Or you're just flapping your lips.

  3. Jonathan Head, the BBC Correspondent in Thailand, is well known as a distorter of Thai news. I would go as far as to say that his connections are quite dubious. This is a man who was the first reporter at the Shrine bombings. It is said that he was 'around the corner' at the time. He also went straight into the area, picking up pieces of evidence and showing them to his BBC audience. Many people have complained to the BBC about him, but they do nothing. During the 2013 Bangkok demos, he was visibly aligning himself with Yingluck supporters whilst reporting erroneously on the opposition. Over the years he has consistently and transparently distorted the news from Thailand. He needs to be thrown out of Thailand. The military must move against him.

    "Jonathan Head, the BBC Correspondent in Thailand, is well known as ..." Well known by whom?

    "This is a man who was the first reporter at the Shrine bombings. It is said that he was 'around the corner' at the time. He also went straight into the area, picking up pieces of evidence and showing them to his BBC audience." Your facts are not. Do just a llitle homework, ok?

    "Many people have complained to the BBC about him, ..." How many? Name three TV trolls even.

    ".. he was visibly aligning himself with Yingluck supporters ..." Visible to who besides you?

    If you are far from gruntled, fine. But don't make these silly claims that you speak for anyone besides your bitter self. An adult appreciation of how difficult it is to report anything under the current administration would be wondrous for you.

  4. Thailand be careful dealing with the BBC, or you'll be sacked like the Top gear guys.....

    I wouldn't expect much from the Bigoted, liberal reporting of the BBC, they have been known

    to get things wrong, very wrong...

    It is not impossible that this is true but without citing specific instances, supplying cites and sites, you're just flapping your lips.

  5. If they still plant their crops just make sure they can't get water. They have been warned and drinking water will always have priority over water for farming in ANY country. The farmers should be compensated but those breaking the rules should get nothing.

    "...drinking water will always have priority over water for farming in ANY country." Not true. You need to catch up on California's approach.

  6. It's a great idea, and should be implemented immediately.

    Any information that sits with a government agency should be available to other government agencies.

    Name, D.O.B, ID card number etc, but also criminal records, outstanding warrants or fines should all be available to the police at the very least.

    Schools hiring someone should be able to find out if there is a criminal history. All government departments should be able to vet for honesty.

    There may be some privacy issues, but they can be sorted.

    "There may be some privacy issues..." Words fail.

  7. Why dont they get educated politicians in seats of power.... ?

    Somkid is educated, the junta isn't.

    Prayuth's speech at the UN was in Thai, his audience at the UN...notice most of the seats were empty:

    About 3/4 empty, yes? Last night's yak at 8:15 was all about the triumphs at the UN -- which couldn't go past 23 thin minutes, the jewel event being a HappySnappy with Moon. The days of monopolizing the telly for over an hour are long gone.

  8. If we are going to be fair about it he has made the country less aggressive. Sure there are things he hasnt done but show me one head of state that solves all the problems in the time we are discussing in Thailand? None have and everyone here knows it. If you think democracy is going to be as easy as turning on a light then you are very naive. It will take a long time before democracy as is being banded around on this site has a chance. In many ways I think that is good as Thailand has been too divided for as long as I can remember.

    Before anyone says anything, yes mistakes are bound to happen it is natural. The one big mistake that I feel is being made is not using overseas knowledge to solve problems. This is not to say you blindly take advice and act on it, you don't. You take the good bits that can be incorporated here in Thailand and leave the rest out of it.

    When I first came to Thailand over 30 years ago there were coup's every nine months. Things have improved dramatically but a lot of change is still required. For example enforcing the law irrespective of rank in society, being fair to everyone across the board irrespective of nationality to name just two things. These should be relatively easy to fix but have yet to be done.

    You have learned nothing in 30 years in the LOS if you're ok with the current administration. The head of it asks for more time each Friday -- and gives it to himself, natch.

  9. Aod, the missing link to Mr. T ??

    Oooooooohh... now THAT'S a stretch if ever there was one.

    Well we do have a mercenary sociopath employed by 2 terrorist organisations, one of whom is owned by Thaksin as the military arm of his political party.

    While the employment for the latest killings may have been purely mercenary, is it not reasonable to ask how they became aware of his expertise, and whether or not there was any reference from UDD and/or sanctioning of the latest bombing?

    Who is "we"? Pray clarify.

  10. The PM Prayuth Chan o cha did as he was expected to do.

    Attend the UN General assembly, speak briefly at the Assembly, mingle with President Obama and President Xi Jinping as he did both at the UN and at a couple of reception parties.

    I am sure the world powers and the UN General Assembly would certainly rather it be him attending than any previous controversial PM.

    What did some on here expect him to do .... ?? cartwheels in the foyer !! whistling.gif

    Khun Prayuth Chan o cha . wai2.gif

    "I am sure the world powers and the UN General Assembly would certainly rather it be him attending than any previous controversial PM. "

    I'm pretty sure that is BS. You see, in some parts of the world they actually care if a leader is elected or....well, "self elected".

    so you would sooner go back to the dismal days of protests every day blocking roads & buildings, explosions, security non-existant , fighting tit for tat between yellow and red shirts.

    You didn't mind that ???

    huh !!

    I'm glad the military are in charge, at least there is some form of decent governance in place.

    Most Thais are happy with things now as opposed to the previous controversial PM... which everyone knows was a sham.

    To those foreigner who whinge and complain and the cry babies .....

    they can always go back home ! whistling.gif

    "To those foreigner who whinge and complain and the cry babies ....they can always go back home!"

    Wow, what an intelligent statement, never heard that before! I guess you were unhappy living here (assuming you do) under the different elected governments and complained about it. So why didn't you go home?

    He may have tried just when the Yellow Shirts occupied the aerodrome.

  11. The PM Prayuth Chan o cha did as he was expected to do.

    Attend the UN General assembly, speak briefly at the Assembly, mingle with President Obama and President Xi Jinping as he did both at the UN and at a couple of reception parties.

    I am sure the world powers and the UN General Assembly would certainly rather it be him attending than any previous controversial PM.

    What did some on here expect him to do .... ?? cartwheels in the foyer !! whistling.gif

    Khun Prayuth Chan o cha . wai2.gif

    "I am sure the world powers and the UN General Assembly would certainly rather it be him attending than any previouscontroversial PM." Do you often speak for the entire world?

  12. Wait...What?

    I thought that other guy "confessed" already and there are approx. 35 other arrest warrants issued!

    Now they have a new guy, who -as I read it- should have been on the list from the beginning?

    I hope, someone gives them some money to file pictures, this time!coffee1.gif

    The bombers had meetings with Aod many times before the bombing that was the statement from the bombers

    "the bombers". What is your basis for this word? The world has been given no 1st-world level evidence since August 15 who the bombers are.

    You mean cctv and bomb making materials and confession is not enough so you need to catch them planting it??? Dumb

    "Dumb" is infantile and rude. You demean yourself. You are correct "Confession is not enough", not in the LOS where "confession" has the meaning it had in Stalin's Russia and Pinochet's Chile.

  13. Wait...What?

    I thought that other guy "confessed" already and there are approx. 35 other arrest warrants issued!

    Now they have a new guy, who -as I read it- should have been on the list from the beginning?

    I hope, someone gives them some money to file pictures, this time!coffee1.gif

    The bombers had meetings with Aod many times before the bombing that was the statement from the bombers

    "the bombers". What is your basis for this word? The world has been given no 1st-world level evidence since August 15 who the bombers are.

    You mean cctv and bomb making materials and confession is not enough so you need to catch them planting it??? Dumb

    Absolutely not enough in Thailand. "Confession" has various meanings in various countries. In Thailand it resembles Stalin's Russia, Pinochet's Chile. "Dumb" is not necessary, it demeans you, not me.

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