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  1. I've been using Bitkub as a local exchange for several years, onboarding and off to my local bank accounts. Likewise, international exchanges, Binance, OKX, Gate, Kucoin and Mexc. I've KYC'd using my Thai address several years ago and no issues. Apparently, people have had issues with Bitkub's KYC process. I have not, perhaps because I jumped onboard early and things have since changed. For what its worth, the only funds or tokens I keep on any exchange are what I'm trading and not longer term holds.
  2. Perhaps an out of province fee, similar to what is charged when you use an ATM out of the province your bank branch is based in.
  3. You could try to measure it. Estimate average width and depth, mark out a length of maybe two meters, float and time an object to cover that distance and convert to cubic meters per second. That will give a reasonable estimate.
  4. It took about ten days but it was right around Christmas so it might be quicker these days. It was shipped directly from Amazon and not by the reseller via ECMS and delivered to me via DHL.
  5. It is easy and seamless. I had two computers delivered last month, import charges pre-paid. No issues whatsoever.
  6. And I regret having voted for him.
  7. Likewise. Though, like you, tourists are not.
  8. Ban Rak Thai, no tourists? When were you there, a couple of decades ago? Likewise Phu Chi Fa. That has both tourists and no rooms at all unless you consider a tent a room.
  9. Apparently to a greater degree than the poster I replied to. Not so sure about you, however.
  10. While I don't use mine to pay bills, I do use it for purchases and to get cash from ATM's.
  11. Aseannow, the hub of people who have trouble comprehending what they read. Or, perhaps, are unable to read?
  12. Do you claim that legality is not a social construct? The very language you use is a social construct! The only bigot here seems to be you, which, of course, is symptomatic of the fascist liberals. And that is something I have no respect for. Carry on talking to yourself, if you so wish.
  13. I am perfectly aware of chromosome pairs. The redefinition of gender is a social construct so, yes, as a scientist, I will disagree with the medical profession. You have your beliefs and definitions and I have mine. The twain shall never meet. As I said, I respect and will continue to respect yours and other's divergent opinions. I have no issues with that.
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