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  1. I been waylaid with this project so now back on the job, here are a few pictures of the finished product, well sort of finished. It's not a plug and play control panel, I've been tearing my hair out getting the parameters to suit my set up. Also 1 of the 5 cables from the genset does not appear to do anything, so tomorrow's job is to pull the front panel of off the genset and see were that cable is going to, but the genset is starting and stopping in auto mode with the control panel. Also been an amateur I managed to destroy my ATX in the breaker box by cross threading one of the terminal's 😭
  2. Just an update, new toy came yesterday from China no tax to pay but the controller only cost 2954 Baht (Chinese Copy). Manage to light it up with 12v battery so today started hacking my metal box to fit it all in, hopefully I can get it finished this weekend.
  3. Relay's included, but the wiring is not what I thought, if I had connected to what I had show before I would have reversed the fuel and 12v- connection's. The picture of the back of the 5 pin ATS connection's we can see some of the numbers. Red cable Pin 1, 12v pos Yellow cable Pin 2, Crank Orange cable Pin 3, I believe to be the start Relay Green cable (it looks blue in the picture) Pin 4, Fuel Black cable Pin 5, 12v neg. I have now found the on-line manual for the smartgen controller and a few youtube vids as well. HGM6110N_6120N_6110NC_6120NC_6110CAN_6120CAN_en.pdf (smartgen.cn)
  4. OK tomorrow if weather permits I'm going to open up the panels and have a look inside. The paperwork for the genset says that that it's made to Italian Standards 🤪 5555
  5. I always thought that an ATS ready Genset had the relays in place. Now you have got me to reconsider that line of thought. I have just been looking again at the electrical symbols on the internet and compering with control panel symbols, I see that little square box could represent the external relays that you mentioned. At the moment I don't know how to check if the genset has relays or not.
  6. When the control panel eventually gets here from China (should be this week) it is just the panel that you see in the picture, What relay's did you have in mind.
  7. Looking at the diagram of the pins shown below I now know that the numbers do not mach up with the number's on the back of the socket, they are too small for me to see . If we use the numbers as in the diagram and as shown matching the genset picture. Pin 1, 12v + cable to control panel B+ connection 2 Pin 2, Cable to control panel connection 4 fuel Pin 3, 12v- cable to control panel B- connection 1 Pin4, I think Fruit Trader could be right. Control Panel connection 6. This should turn on the power of genset after a pre- programmed time and turn off again when finished. (same as turning the on-off key) Pin5, Cable to control panel connection 5 starter motor or Crank I am hoping that connection's 10 11 and also 12 13 being 250v can also manage the Transfer switch from PEA to Genset with time delays. The battery charger I believe is connected to B- B+ of the control panel.
  8. OK just to help people understand the control panle I ordered, the smartgen HGM6120N which should be arriving next week, this only switches on and off the genset automatically along with some monitoring of the power and give the optional Emergency Stop button if required, it will also link with the battery charger to keep the genset battery full. The switchover from PEA power to generator is a different piece of kit, these will be housed in a metal cabinet.
  9. I think I may have the answers to my problem because of what said, the numbers on the back of this sockeket correspond to what I have written on the front, I will know more next week when my control panel arrives.
  10. I know nothing, I've got a basic electrical knowledge. But I'm determined to DIY this thing or die trying 💀
  11. I think I'm getting confused with the pin numbers anyway its a Urogen 7.2 KW
  12. Last night I went out and stuck my meter across the pins. Going by the diagram above I presume it is the female plug depicted. Pin 5 has continuity to 12+ on Battery cable and pins 1 and 2 shows continuity on the 12- on battery cable (battery disconnected). After putting the cables back on the battery I accidentally jump pins 5 and 4 and the genny cranked over. After doing some searching I found this which seems to make more sense to me if we disregard pin 6
  13. Bought a 7.2 KW genset that's ats ready. Just orderd a smartgen HGM6120N controler but on checking the genset manual there is no mention of the ATS connection's. The dealer that sold me the genny sent a picture that is as clear as mud to me (I think it from another make and model). I also have a Diesel Genset Battery Charger that I believe is to be connected to the B+ and B- pin 1 and 2 of the controller. Anyway can anyone give directions on how to wire this please.
  14. I think this thread should be close as the is another one about this topic. apologies for not looking properly.
  15. 😵 So the wife went to renew her UK passport and was told VSF were moving from the Trendy Buildings on the 18th March. I'm not sure if it's only the passport part or all of it. Any body have more info.
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