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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. "The relationship between the UDD and the PTP is one of political convenience..."

    So please share:

    What's convenient / good for the UDD from their relationship with the PTP, and

    Please share what's convenient / good for PTP from their relationship with UDD.

    "You raise the issue of corruption. No one has ever denied that there was corruption during the Thaksin period. However, you and your friends refuse to acknowledge that it was a continuation of a behaviour one saw in the previous dictatorships, and was repeated by the military junta and the Abhisit regime. It is a reflection of Thai social customs and behaviour. "

    Really, so you think the beyond massive corruption in the rice scam is just 'normal'?

    You ask a question in respect to the UDD-PTP relationship that you already know the answer to. The motive for the PTP is to attract a voting demographic. The UDD supports the PTP because the PTP is most likely to enact policies and programs that will benefit its members. Is it really any different than the farmers in France voting for the Socialists? Is it any different than the tea party in the USA voting for candidates who agree with its agenda, or the US union movement supporting the Democrats? Is it any different than trade lobbying groups supporting the Conservatives in the UK?

    Sadly, the corruption that is most likely associated with the rice pledging program is "normal". Thailand is characterized by corruption. Don't act surprised, and it wasn't invented by Thaksin. When former finance minister Korn had his multibillion baht economyfunding, similar allegations were made about the evaporation of funds.

    Agriculture subsidy programs are notorious for waste, for leakage and misuse. It's wrong, but that's what large agriculture subsidy programs bring. Funny, how you don't have hysterical shrieking fits in respect to the indirect poultry and fish subsidies and indirect funding of some of the largest commercial processors in Thailand. Those programs have been in place for some time.

    Do they not get their money unlike the farmers and new car buyers who get stiffed?

  2. It seemed a little silly to oust the previous PM for going on a cooking show. How much did he get paid? A few hundred dollars? Seems like the judiciary just wanted him out and was looking for any excuse.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    He 1) got paid and 2) lied about it. Imagine if Obama, Merkel, or Cameron appeared on a cooking show even without payment. Don't they have more important things to do?

    But this guy even got paid! Yes, Thai salary.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    One can understand the logic and reasoning employed by the court in each case. wink.png

    In the Samak case, the court reflected the strong sentiment of the Thai people, who take cooking and Thai food very seriously, that no one should abuse their trust by having a such a petty and distracting side job as prime minister, so the court dismissed Samak from his position as premier. Samak of course couldn't win for losing as he was dismissed from the tv show too.

    In the case of Tawil, the court reasoned that since the prime minister is the younger sibling of a fugitive in the desert, YS had abused her power due to her having been voted prime minister by vote of a legitimately elected parliament, given that the legitimate vote of the legitimately elected parliament contradicted the sinister intent of the coup written 2007 constitution that no Shinawatra should ever be elected again.


    Congratulations are in order.

    You don't try to claim the people wanted her. Just a bunch of politicians who work for her brother.

    do you call that Democracy?

  3. This is WRONG, there is no financial crises, the only stress the economy is facing is the result of the anti-gov. protests, otherwise the region is on the rebound, the money spent on the rice AND rubber subsidies is a small % of the national budget, the lyons share of govt spending continues to go into infrastructure projects, military and security spending..

    there is no economic 'crises' that justifies forcing out a democratically elected government in favor of yet another military backed dictator.

    Replacing the elected PM with an appointed PM from a body of half unelected senators, which is full of appointed senators-that were appointed by the previous coup, as were the 'judges' of the constitution court and NaCC.. is obviously an act against democracy, especially since the reason we don't have a lowerhouse(where most political power is supposed to emenate from) is because anti-democracy 'protesters' sabotaged the election with the help of state officials like the EC..

    and then to give the 'appointed' PM full powers? and then Suthep and his band of anti-democracy facists insist they will continue to sabotage the next election, all they have to do it prevent voting in a few democrat strongholds and the 'appointed' PM goes on indefinently !

    This is an outrage and we can see how this country is actually ruled by a military junta that uses 'judges' as dictators, this country is going to have a militant backlash to this dictatorship.

    Still anything is a better situation than the current one where if PTP remain in power, the coffers of Thailand will be empty and we will be like North Korea - Democratic elections and ruled by a family dynasty with state controlled courts spouting ridiculous propaganda every day through state controlled media

    Mind explaining what you are talking about. There is no financial crises if that is true why don't they pay the farmers and the new car buyers ?

    Be that as it may this is not about the countries finances this is about corruption and dereliction of duty. Before you post any more you might want to have a look at what the problem is. Not make up a problem in your head solve it and come on here and tell us all about it when it is actually just a product of your imagination.

    You are not dealing with your brothers in arms (red shirts) here on Thai Visa. We for the most part know what the problem is. Yes you do have a few allies on here but not many. We can't all be smart.

  4. Thanks for the link.

    I had not realized it was an old people thing. I qualify. As a previous poster said I knew one case where it was still bothering the lady two years later. The other case I knew was my uncle and he only mentioned it when he was going through the bad part. In later years you would not suspect there was any thing left bothering him.

    I will look into it with my doctor.

    Don't know about hospitalization the two cases I knew of never were hospitalized.

  5. Maybe they can also look into the Human rights of people going about their daily business and voting in an election unhindered by blocked roads and voting stations.

    Or the Human rights of Monks walking down the street and being attacked by a proven militant organization comprised of red shirts being supported by the police.

    In all fairness the lowest estimate of attackers was only 20. I kind of wonder how the monk would have made out if he hadn't been on a cane.

    As was pointed out many times to innocent red shirts who were murdered in 2010, cause and effect. If they were not there, then nothing would have happened.

    If you want i can probably dig up posts from your previous alias before you were banned again.................

    This situation has been caused by people trying to overthrow a elected Govt, which in any other country they would have been rounded up and dealt with long ago. There are obviously armed persons within the PDRC, albeit less than when the red shirts were there.

    I dont know why the Govt does not just do the same as Abhisit and Suthep and order some friendly army regiment to mow down a few, and claim there were armed militia in amongst them! Despite exactly zero army being injured by these armed terrorists...........there must have been so many of them and so well trained.................

    Typical red shirt response threaten people.

    Are you trying to say the red shirts were unarmed and did not take over the business district of Bangkok and build barricades around it. Are you trying to say their leaders did not urge the people to burn Bangkok down? Do you have a clue as to what happened in 2010? Are you aware of the grenades launched at civilian travel centers the hospital being invaded. from the tone of all your posts you are not aware of it or you condone it which is it?

    In 2010 I backed the red shirts until it became obvious they just wanted to cause trouble. The carrying of arms and pouring blood that could contain the HIV virus where many could catch it was enough to show me they did not want peace. They are the same today they just want to cause trouble until they can get there own way. They use threats, intimidation, guns, grenades and bombs to get there way. What part of the constitution allows that? Use there 1997 constitution if you want. Just answer the question.

    • Like 1
  6. I always try and order soda water for my kids, and have found on numerous occasions that the waitress will suggest cola is better for them.

    They seem to associate soda water with whiskey.I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

    I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

    I limit myself to one bottle a day of it.

    Also one bottle (1 1/2 liter) of Pepsi Max a day.

    Also about two to three liters a day of water.

    On top of all that I drink one cup of coffee with out sugar in it.

    You are worried about sugar, but you poison yourself with that much aspartame?

    Not in the least worried about all that sugar it has nothing to do with my life. I get enough in processed food. Also a good daily dose of cinnamon and I have a good blood sugar level. Noooo problemento.

    Aspartame is like any thing else not for every one. Many negative reports on it from the sugar companies. It is actually the most researched product approved by the FDA in the states. Years of research.

    I do feel sorry for those of you who are allergic to it. You are missing a treat.

  7. no question... it's the Chang in the room

    You never awnsered my question in the other topic. You were complaining about nepotism of a senator who employed her son.

    Now YL is removing someone and replacing him with her family (not the case of the senator but I agreed it was nepotism and she should be punished). Now YL is facing the same and its all good.

    You are talking about double standards but you seen quite apt at using them yourself.

    Ran out of likes but you have him pegged. If he had a shirt it would defiantly be red.

    Red the national color for self serving individuals.

  8. What is worse, my school locks the perimeter gates between 8 am and 2 pm - for both students and teachers. I can't walk across the street to the 7-11 to get the non-sweetened tea that they sell. And if I pick one up in the morning, it'll be warm by noon.

    I suspect this is to guarantee a captive customer base for the on-site vendors of candy, snacks and deep fried foods. It's very difficult to find something that isn't either deep-fried or super sweet. Bottled water is about all there is.

    I've asked one of the vendors to suggest something from their coolers that isn't too sweet, and they shrug their shoulders and say that the kids don't like that kind of stuff.

    So there's your answer. And that's the answer in most countries, not only Thailand. Vendors sell what they think their customers want. Isn't the free market crazy?

    Are you complaining because they sell the very best drink for you water?

  9. Well said Bluebluewater,

    While I am sure the Mirror foundation does a good job, there is no substitute for foot soldiers on the streets. Alas the bribery and corruption will prevail and make their job so much harder. this is not limited to Thailand though, places like Rio are also mired in this heinous trade. I do not feign to know the answer, but one thing I do is give them a fruit drink, or some sticky rice, or both, but never money. Even then, am I doing the right thing??sad.png

    Well I put an I like on it because I agree with the give them food part.

    As for the rest yes it is happening in Thailand.

    The question I have is with all this information the mirror has have they ever attempted to go to the police with the information (proof) or are they just another run off at the mouth organization who will do nothing to benefit the people who are in need.

    Ask yourself if the kid's weren't begging for these people what would they do to get food and clothing?wai.gif

  10. After all the complaints about the anti-Govt protests from the red shirt supporters these past months, I'm surprised they don't now see the hypocrisy in these new PT/UDD lead protests. We're one step closer to civil war.

    The anti-government protesters, many of whose leaders could go suck an egg, as far as I'm concerned, at least targeted public/government buildings in government districts of Bangkok. This UDD occupation is targeting a religious area. Not just the park but the entire district is under royal protection as a religious district. This is the UDD version of the Bolsheviks confiscating the churches and turning them into museums of Commu

    Wasn't part of the reason for the 2006 coup Thaksin trying to undermine the royalty?

  11. Ban everyone connected currently to politics for life, along with all their family members, scrap all the political parties, declare a 2 year break from elections whilst an elected/appointed council is in place to oversee reforms, all overseen and approved by the King and using public referendum's to gather information on what "the people" truly want to see happen. It can't be that hard.

    well two things 1 you would be cutting of the people who have the knowledge to run the country and

    2 the King does not get involved in politics.

    1. Those "qualified" have consistently acrewed it up, both sides.

    2. The King is always involved in Politics, behind the scenes. However my point was that at this stage of the game, the King is the ONLY person that both sides (I think) will follow advice/instructions from.

    How did Abhist screw it up he had a hostile minority government yet he still managed to halt the rise of corruption and stop a coup?

    You seem to forget that a minority government does not allow free reign such as the PTP enjoyed.

    Also policies that will work out for the long term permanent good of Thailand are not what the people want. They want money in their hand rite now and dam the future.

    Now there is a real screw up all the power and the best they could do to create unity was widen it. while they bankrupted the treasury so it can not pay it's bills.

    As for the Democrats, many senior members are leading street protests. Suthep 
    Thaugsuban, more popular now than party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, will not and 
    cannot "rejoin" the party and its future quest for parliamentary power. Abhisit 
    is still relatively young and his public support is sizeable, but the crisis 
    rattling Yingluck Shinawatra does not change the fact that his leadership of the 
    Democrats has always been seriously challenged.

    I don't think his ability has ever been in doubt. He showed remarkable ability in leading the country when he had a minority government and the opposition had an armed militia they used against him.

    The problem is he is to honest to give a load of pie in the sky promises that are both intractable and in the end hurt the people they are supposed to serve. If you are wondering about what that means ask any rice farmer.

    With a better educated citizenship Thailand would thrive under Abhist lead. He had started to make steps in that direction but was not in power long enough to accomplish any thing.

  13. Ban everyone connected currently to politics for life, along with all their family members, scrap all the political parties, declare a 2 year break from elections whilst an elected/appointed council is in place to oversee reforms, all overseen and approved by the King and using public referendum's to gather information on what "the people" truly want to see happen. It can't be that hard.

    well two things 1 you would be cutting of the people who have the knowledge to run the country and

    2 the King does not get involved in politics.

  14. Well, play with fire and you will get burned.

    This may have nothing to do with her demonstrating, she could be up to anything.

    That is one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard. definatly red shirt quality

    Yingluck has some pleasant friends.

    Well I wouldn't exactly call them pleasant more like violent and dumb.

    I do have to give credit to Yingluck for offering to shake her hand.

    The red shirts are in my opinion at about the same level of mentality as the khmer Rouge.

    The air force ought to fly over their training camps and level them.

    She was awarded a gold whistle for her bravery.... yep..... Very brave considering YL is probably of the same status as Pol Pot, but with a much lower IQ.

    A little strong but defiantly understating her intelligence.

    • Like 1
  15. Replacing the elected PM with an appointed PM from a body of half unelected senators, which is full of appointed senators-that were appointed by the previous coup, as were the 'judges' of the constitution court and NaCC.. is obviously an act against democracy, especially since the reason we don't have a lowerhouse(where most political power is supposed to emenate from) is because anti-democracy 'protesters' sabotaged the election with the help of state officials like the EC..

    and then to give the 'appointed' PM full powers? and then Suthep and his band of anti-democracy facists insist they will continue to sabotage the next election, all they have to do it prevent voting in a few democrat strongholds and the 'appointed' PM goes on indefinently !

    This is an outrage and we can see how this country is actually ruled by a military junta that uses 'judges' as dictators, this country is going to have a militant backlash to this dictatorship.

    this country is going to have a militant backlash to this dictatorship.

    the funny part is the militant backlash is coming from the dictator ship it's self.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

    • Like 2
  16. sell soda, make money.

    what did you say?

    oh, you want the little man to do the right thing.

    "oh, you want the little man to do the right thing."

    Might be better if some of the really big farang practiced what they're so good at preaching about. Talking the talk is so much easier than walking the walk.

    And, once again, farang wisdom & advice tends to be readily dispensed here in Thailand, but mostly ignored back in farang utopia ... and random observations of farang waddling about in Thailand aren't very inspirational when it comes to healthy lifestyles.


    It seems that any thing over 20% is from countries with a high percentage of electronic games.

    I would venture to say even the one's above 15% have a high percentage of mobile phones

    with games and the ability to contact any one with out action.

  17. When my blood sugar shot up to dangerous levels, my doctor warned me to keep off soft drinks (US=soda) as they had so much sugar in them.

    I was amazed that about 20 spoons of sugar are in a 'normal' drink.

    Anyway, stopped the drinks immediately, much as I enjoy certain types, and blood sugar back to normal.

    Just look at the figures of those wheeling half a trolley load of Coke through the check-out, and you'll see why so many western countries are grossly overweight.

    Yes, I'm trying so hard to lose my hard-earned extra kilos!!

    Agreed there is a lot of sugar in the soda pop. I checked and Soda water has no sugar all it has is 20mm of Sodium.

    Where as tonic water has as much sugar as some pop with sugar.

    As for it being the cause of over weight it is only a part of it. Before the electronic games came out in the early 80s

    to be followed up by the magic of the internet. People spent a lot more time being in action rather than sitting at a

    key board or video control.

    In short a lot of people are over looking the lack of body motion in their lives today. We used to play hide and seek

    now kids play angry birds . Big difference and there are lots of adults that no longer go for walks in favor of a

    keyboard or game controller.

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