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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. what yellows ..you really have gone downhill.i expected better from an ex copper...or did i..suphep keeping his people away from the reds thats what the police are for...god what planet are you on...you desperate for likes chooka..wai2.gif

    wai.gif You didn't read my other posts. I am not taking sides and never have. Thai's regardless of the clothing they wear are extremely volatile. We see it in the headlines daily Thai's snapping for no reason. Are these all red shirt supporters or a mixture of society?

    again what yellows..there are none you know that..

    fair enough then there are no reds or yellows just idiot thais.

    Do you make it a policy to Thai bash when you can't face reality.

    How does assigning a detail of police who are part of the Shinawatra clan and take there orders from 'Dubai protect Suthep?facepalm.gif

    for them it will just be burp.gif time.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Just hope the yellows don't provoke then or it could get nasty. Nice to see that Chalerm has assigned a detail to protect Sutheps residence now say thank you by keeping your people away from the reds.

    Yes, The Reds Shirts ND Chalerm have a track record of peace, honesty and law and order. Back to history lessons for you.

    The reds have a history of violence so I think you should be the one going back to history lessons.

    I think you will find mr toad was being sarcastic.

    chooka knows as little about history as he does sarcasm. Or for that matter what is happening today.

    The Yellow shirts died out trying to get Abhist to invade Cambodia. There is only a handful of them left. They have all gone there separate ways.

    In fact if they had stayed united and voted Yingluck would have lost the election. Instead they squabbled amongst them selves and did nothing.

  3. Maybe they can also look into the Human rights of people going about their daily business and voting in an election unhindered by blocked roads and voting stations.

    Or the Human rights of Monks walking down the street and being attacked by a proven militant organization comprised of red shirts being supported by the police.

    In all fairness the lowest estimate of attackers was only 20. I kind of wonder how the monk would have made out if he hadn't been on a cane.

  4. .

    Well if they haven't then they could have expressed their dissatisfaction by voting for the Democrats. Oh no, hang on a second, the 'Democrats' didn't give them that option. And then, whoever they did vote for, their votes were chucked back in their faces by a tiny cabal of judges.

    Little wonder that 'fight' and 'battle are now on the agenda. If only the rice farmers votes had been respected this wouldn't be necessary.

    Or don't vote at all. PT got 8 million votes in Feb 2014 against 15 million or so in 2011. Got the message?


    Perhaps the message would be clearer if you could tell us how many votes the 'Democrats' got.

    8 million people turning out to do this......


    .....in defiance of this.......


    ......is a pretty clear statement.

    Another clear statement here

    Well the first thing they did was take his cane away from him.

    They are not sure how many where beating on him I have heard 20 to 30.


    Apparently the picture did not print see post number 97 for it. A Monk being beaten by red shirts.

    Normal Red shirt behavior.

    PM admits tough rice testimony 

    If it was all above board it would be easy to defend because there would be no evidence against her. How ever there is enough that she figures a month and a half is not enough time to change the records.

    On the other hand even if she was completely innocent of any knowledge of wrong doing she would still be guilty of incompetency sitting as the chair person and not having a clue as to what was happening. It is a lose lose situation for her.

    Fortunately for her legal doe's not recognize justice, fairness or reality. It only recognizes what is on a piece of paper makes no difference if the paper is right or wrong.

    She is guilty as sin and will probably get a way with it.sad.png

  6. Maybe they can also look into the Human rights of people going about their daily business and voting in an election unhindered by blocked roads and voting stations.

    If they had done that when they should have done, the country would probably not be in the mess it is in now. As it is, this useless quango only fails the very people it is supposed to help.

    Well take you two and throw in Dr. Nirun Pitakwatchara and we will have three blind mice.

    The country is deeply divided and two of you think an election will solve the problem.

    The other one doesn't know there is a problem.

    Just have to keep you three away from a farmers wife who has a carving knife.

  7. I hear you. The smart ones are staying away from them, but that still leaves quite a few brainwashed idiots, who can be manipulated to do almost anything. Their true colors will show soon. Hopefully then the military will take action and restore some sanity

    God your thirst for blood is disgusting.

    The PDRC/Yellows have diminished to a few peasant farmers in a park and the reds seem to be equally unpopular. There is total apathy towards politics just now in Thailand.

    Unbelievable people like yourself are still gunning for a military coup, and the violence needed to proceed it facepalm.gif

    The sad reality of some of the nutters and Thaksin haters on the TVF.

    Says the number one Abhisit, Suthep hater?coffee1.gif

    The strange part about him is he will occasionally post some really good information on the Chiang Mai forum. For some reason he is completely missing the boat at the national level.

    I know that there was a lot of business owners who did not like Abhist. I wonder if it had any thing to do with the fact that when he was elected corruption was rising very fast and he managed to hold it. Now it is on the rise again.

    Let's see here now Yingluck was elected in August of 2011 screwed up the handling of the flood and kept saying give me six months. In the mean time the corruption started rising again. in 2013 it rose 2%. today she is still out of touch with reality. She is wide open to any thing that is corrupt. She doesn't believe it is corrupt because her brother said it was OK.

    It would be nice if the police confined the red shirts to their rally grounds but they all work for the same individual. For sure they will keep anti red shirt protestors out a lot better than they did keeping the red shirt's out of the anti government protests.

    Gee I wonder why?coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  8. From 500,000 to 60,000 in two days. Makes one wonder what tomorrow's tally will be like. Thank goodness Jatuporn's bluster generally runs at about ten times the speed of reality.

    I was hoping for a nice turnout in beautiful weather.giggle.gif

    Just as the court jester goes into his act a monsoon shows up from nowhere.facepalm.gif

    As soon as he stops the monsoon stops. He starts the monsoon starts.tongue.png


  9. Suthep, secretary general of People's Democratic Reform Committee, will hold a meeting of PDRC leaders from across the country to map out the next move on national reform, at Lumpini Park on Saturday.

    1000 baht he`ll declare a "final push," any takers?

    "The best predictor of future behaviour, is past behaviour"

    Yipes 2010 all over again.

  10. I used to use Pharmachoice until they sold me some drugs that were duds.

    Sent from my GT-I8552 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Could you advise what the duds were supposed to be and how you discovered this please?

    They were supposed to have been Tramadol and I found out when they didn't ease the pain. At all.

    I thought Tramadol was a mild anti depressant which also acted as a muscle relaxant.

    • Like 1
  11. I always try and order soda water for my kids, and have found on numerous occasions that the waitress will suggest cola is better for them.

    They seem to associate soda water with whiskey.I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

    I am pretty sure soda water has sugar in it also.

    I limit myself to one bottle a day of it.

    Also one bottle (1 1/2 liter) of Pepsi Max a day.

    Also about two to three liters a day of water.

    On top of all that I drink one cup of coffee with out sugar in it.

  12. Always ask... 10 baht anywhere north to south 2nd road and Beach rd Pattaya, standard price.

    So next time I want to go to Pattaya, I'll stand at Thapae Gate and state 10B.

    Great post makes more sense than many of the posts.

    with that I would say.beatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifdrunk.gif go team Songthaew bashers go.beatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifviolin.gif

  13. its a farce, not being allowed to have witnesses to testify on your behalf, due process not allowed when reviewing evidence, case taking precedence and jumping the q.

    The burden of proof is often associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, the best translation of which seems to be: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges.http://www.trans-lex.org/966000

    Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it. When a government harms a person without following the exact course of the law, this constitutes a due-process violation, which offends against the rule of law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Due_process

    Impartiality is a principle of justice and the NACC has the burden of proof and must adhere to due process. That means they must; give adequate time to the defence, consider all evidence, consider all cases in a timely and impartial manner, etc. The manner in which the NACC are conducting this investigation and hearing is highly suspicious, especially given the lenience and lack of haste applied to others. They are laying themselves bare to criticism which will severely undermine their foregone verdict. This has happened before with several cases against Thaksin and or his parties leading to division & hatred.

    Lorem ipsum notwithstanding her best defence and the one that she will almost certainly rely on is diminished responsibility through having an abnormally low IQ. Fact is, there is no evidence(even anectodal) that she even realizes or appreciates that she is technically a prime minister of a sovereign nation.

    Sadly, the 450 billion baht that has been trousered by the red elite is too big a sum to be ignored. That it has bankrupt Thailand makes the charges more pertinent. That the real decision maker and controller of this red government boasted that he was given more than 30 billion baht( I see you recently learned of this theft in another thread) since Yingluck was the puppet PM is even more damning.

    Having said that I will agree with you that she is a barry looking chick.

    You will have to use smaller words than those to get through to him.

    Down deep he knows she is guilty as sin. Thus he tries tio drag in all other kinds of nonsdence. If she is innocent the NACC will have no proof and there will be no charges made. They have proof that she is not innocent thus the charges were laid and she was givwen an extension of time to prepare her defense. I believe she spent a fair share of that time in the North. Really short of time no time to politic and defend her self.

    Her useless lawyers are trying to fight the case in the public with the low intelligence people. Also the ones who do all their thinking with their lower head.

    If the case remotely came close to rich teachers claims there would have been no charges. In short he has no idea of what is going on. That is being kind to him.

  14. again we see the indefensible trying to bluff their way oput of it. How can you defend not even doing the job you appointed yourself to do, yl made herself head of the rice scam yet never once sat in on any meetings or even attempted to guide them, instead she let them scam the thai people and steal their money, billions and billions of baht. The she and the ptp have the audacity to claim they are innocent and knew nothing about it while trying to stall all proceedings against her. As the head of the sheme the buck stops with her, there is no excuse, if any fraud was commited she should have known about it and stopped it, simply being too stupid to control what happened plus going on shopping trips instead of sitting in on meetings or reading the minutes is no excuse.

    Stating that there are no true records of what actually happened with the rice or the money is who's fault, they have been asked for a very long time to produce accurate records but keep refusing to and now that its come back to bite them on the bum they are trying to use not being able to have them defence, the mind boggles at their ineptness.....

    Interesting that you should mention going on road trips.

    She was the Prime Minister not the Minister of Commerce.

    She wants him to be a witness.

    Does she expect him to say he was incompetent and she had to do the job for her. there by not be available to fulfill her duties as the Chair person of the committee and to power hungry to turn the job over to some one who was capable and had the time.

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s legal team, meanwhile, questioned the motive of the NACC, pointing out its determination to put the Prime Minister on trial based on incomplete evidence

    If that is the truth what are they fighting for they have a slam dunk.

    Spend less time trying to get an innocent verdict from the public and more time proving your claims and no problem.

    Just more of the PTP arrogance. Plus ignorance. One would think they had learned their lesson when the grass roots people rose up against their in your face attempt at exonerating her brother. But no they still try to do an in your face f___ you this is what we want and you don't count.

    They are incapable of learning from their mistakes. Their answer is to have the militant party they control threaten and intimidate people who do not agree with them.

    I am sure even though I have no proof of it that there is some competent PTP members who would love to do the honest thing yet are not allowed to by the PTP and if they were to join another party there constituents would not elect them because they have been so brain washed and intimidated by the Thaksin menagerie that they would vote PTP. They are not interested in a good man working for them. They are more interested in a bad man who has to live in either another country or jail and has nothing good to offer them that will not in the end cost them more.

    You want evidence ask the rice farmers.

    Ask the people who were promised a tax break on a new car to help clog the highways.

  15. Well your theory is rite but in practice improbable. First the parents would have to be aware of it and secondly they themselves prefer the soda to most other non alcoholic drinks. Most people do not read what is on the labels and those that do are not always aware of what each ingredient will do to a person. There is tons of information out there on the internet and almost every one of the items you choose to explore will have arguments for and against it. Plus most people don't care enough to look it up on the internet. If they have a computer.

    Then there is the purist who comes along and says that the sodas that are not flavored with sugar are even worse.

    People have been drinking soda pop for years and the life span continues to expand. I was taught early in life that two much sugar would rot my teeth and make me put on weight. Then they didn't have the research tools they do today. We listened to are parents and then went and bought a candy bar.

    As for the damage it has done well so many of us have reached old age that the governments are faced with a serious problem concerning old age. Most of them have nothing to do with soda pop.

    • Like 2
  16. I'll be out there, camera in hand to get some new photos of the phestivities... phun for all involved.

    I may pack a piece just to give the occasional squirt to stimulate a better shot, but I'm not into throwing buckets.

    Hey, you don't stop having fun because you get old. You get old because you stop having fun! Heck, I'm 67 going on 23!


  17. There is no question about it Thailand is cheaper to live in than the states. Here in Thailand on a minimum amount of money you can live in a lodging and eat off a food cart.

    In the states on that same income you would be living on the street. And singing for your supper.

    Not sure where you can eat for $1 a day that is 30 baht. 3X30 = 90m baht which is $3 a day. Two meals 60 baht $2 a day. As for accommodations for $100 a month that is three thousand baht. Doable but no electricity.

    That comes to $190 a month. As I said with that kind of money in the states you would be living on the streets and singing for your supper.

    People who talk about the rising cost of things here in Thailand are absolutely rite. They just forget to mention that they are rising all over the world.

    Or as in the case of some posters are brain dead.

  18. Ive heard about Thailand, being the Number One sex tourist destination of the whole world since the 60s and 70s (Im 70). In 2007, when I decided to come to Asia for the first time, I first choose the Philippines because I knew it was a Catholic Country (For some personal reasons I felt more comfortable with that). Catholic? Maybe not that much anymore. After spending 12 months over there in a remote village, I now know better: prostitution, like in Thailand, is endemic along with drinking, drug and misery. Compared to Thailand, same same. Whatever the country, a prostitute is a prostitute. And IF there are sooo many prostitutes, obviously, it is ONLY because there are sooo many male predators that keep the industry rolling and growing. And make some gangs richer.

    IMHO, countries with large numbers of prostitutes is more to do with the moral culture of the country than the predatory nature of the men.

    Loads of countries in the world where poor women don't turn to prostitution as a way of making money.

    In Thailand greed rules, and nobody cares what anyone else is doing, so prostitution is endemic.

    The Phillipines is a bit of a puzzler to me, strong Catholic country, so I have no idea why so much prostitution there.

    For the same reason it is in your country money.

    The difference being Thailand may be a Buddhist nation but they are more Christian when it comes to the honesty department.

    They do not try to cover it up or deny it.

    Mods this topic has degenerated into a Thai bashing thing.

    time forbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifmfr_closed1.gif

  19. x30230817-01_big.gif.pagespeed.ic.SGfnD6

    She really does look like a Window Licker.

    Won't go into what kind of a licker she is.

    I have sprained my ankle and still been able to walk. Back then they didn't have a fancy boot. I broke my foot and they had the fancy boot. I was able to walk with it.

    She had more than enough time to prepare her defense she was given an extension for it. All she had to do was hire more lawyers to do the paper work. With all that hanging over her head she has a false sprained ankle that allows her to walk but she chooses the wheel chair complete with a walking boot for the sympathy vote.

    Seems to me she should be stripped of her position due to physical inability. As the picture shows she is only good for sight seeing photo ops.wai.gif

  20. a threat rather than a warning!

    Not a threat, just a warning the redshirts will start fighting, whatever.

    Democracy, UDD-style

    Mr T, of course is very nearby, getting ready to exploit unrest for his personal gains.

    For one second, i thought you were going to write that Thaksin was near by, getting ready to come and help his supporters to fight as soon as a gun shot has been heard......

    But we all know how brave this guy is. He will more likely be busy shopping somewhere in the a giant mall, while his paid "admirers" are going to roast under the sun for 500 Baht minus PooYai baan fee

    I think first he will be shopping for more mercenaries.

  21. used to crack open a bottle of wine and enjoy the cooler air brought by the storm that caused the outage. Unfortunately; you can't get good wine for three usd here. And cheese? forgeddaboutit! Bags of ice are cheap, though.

    that is new on me. A good wine for $3 U S.

    Maybe a bottle of chateau upchuck at that price. I doubt it.

  22. It's normal, and remember that the high-speed trains are only a pipe dream at this point.

    Not even that. they are a new fund for the politicians to fatten their bank account with funds from it.

    Seems like we lose power here about 6 times a year. Funny I have yet to here a transformer blow up. Back in the states when I was a lot younger you would here one every time the power went out. We do have some underground in are area so that could be the reason I don't hear them. We have emergency generators here where I live so the elevators always work.

    We keep a small flashlight handy in a place we can find it in the dark by groping around.

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