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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. It is the State Department's job to monitor what foreign dealings a private citizen has with foreign governments. So, what's the point of the public seeing his tax returns? Obviously he has done nothing illegal. 




    The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

  2. 7 hours ago, baboon said:

    A single country was divided by foreign occupiers along the 38th Parallel. The Korean people had no say in the matter. Korea remains divided along broadly the same lines today, though let us not forget the DPRK made territorial gains after the Korean War. 

    One of the Korean states still has foreign troops on its soil to this day. The other does not. 

    I totally agree. But, they are not occupiers. They would leave if they were asked to. But, the host country wants them there. 

  3. 2 hours ago, baboon said:

    Same country, two states, thanks to foreign occupation. I don't need to watch any video which confirms this.

    I think your confused as to what an occupier is. No part of either Korea is under occupation from a foreign nation. Though, N. Korea is under more control from China than I would imagine it would like to be.

     If you are talking about S. Korea. Then you are totally wrong. S. Korea is a free and democratic nation. Governed by themselves. I have spent more time in S. Korea than I care to mention. Believe me, they are free and independent of any other nation. 

     You hear about U.S. forces in S. Korea, but there are many nations represented in S. Korea. Can't throw a rock without hitting a soldier from Australia or Greece or NZ for that matter. Not to mention the Canadian forces in S. Korea.

  4. 7 hours ago, bendejo said:

    A certain right-wing cable station in the US got a lot mileage out of examining the WH visitor log while Obama was president: "So-and-so visited the WH three times in the past month, what is going on with that?" followed by tinfoilhat-quality speculation.  Imagine if Obama made the visitor log private, what sort of claptrap they would have spewed.



    Any names that the Obama administration didn't want to be public, were redacted anyway. So, so much for transparency.

  5. 36 minutes ago, kowpot said:

    What is the context of the message? It also has to have the correct amount of letters and yes we are talking about english. Though it may work for some other languages, I am not sure..............


    36 minutes ago, kowpot said:

    What is the context of the message? It also has to have the correct amount of letters and yes we are talking about english. Though it may work for some other languages, I am not sure..............

    Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe... This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself by the word as a whole. ... There is also evidence to suggest that information in the shape of an entire word plays an important role in reading.

  6. 3 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    So if I were to spell Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch as Lknnnffnofnmmmpodfphyutihcnlnsjncknlnlnf-koowmcbnkcnkwurgh, you would know where I'm talking about? :tongue:


    /edit: I guess we're talking about English, right. //

    What is the context of the message? It also has to have the correct amount of letters and yes we are talking about english. Though it may work for some other languages, I am not sure..............

  7. 1 hour ago, tuktuktuk said:

    Two to three inches long is typical.  Pretty rare but not unheard of around Houston.  More common toward Austin and San Antonio and out toward the desert areas near El Paso.  I read earlier that the plane had come from Costa Rica before Houston.  Easily hidden in a small bag or even hitching a ride on anything that may have been sitting on the ground. I've only seen them a few times and never been stung.

    Scorpions are quite prevalent in the Dallas, Fort Worth area also.

  8. On 4/13/2017 at 6:53 AM, tonray said:

    He did not target any of the chemical stockpile which was stated by General Mattis. Another political statement using bombs....in fact planes took off to bomb the same city the very next day from the same airfield.....

    They weren't  suppose to.  Blowing up chemical weapons would defeat the whole purpose.  They were going after the delivery method. Planes and infrastructure.  Yes they took off the next day, but amazingly they didn't load any chemical weapons.  I wonder why>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  9. 3 hours ago, cmsally said:

    Maybe initially this was earmarked for Syria and after the meetings with the Russians, a compromise was reached in which the Russians would allow them to drop their bomb, but only on Nakhon Nowhere in Afghanistan.

    The Russians did seem to be noticeably more happy yesterday. So it seems we have a situation in which Trump is hell bent on using the biggest toys he has, but the Russians still have a lot of leverage in telling him where they might be used.

    The difference between Trump and Obama is, Trump let's the military run the battles. Obama tried to do it and all he got was a chuckle from the upper echelon.

    I really doubt Moscow is giving any direction to the Top Brass on how and where to conduct warfare. Unless you are positively certain the "Russians still have a lot of leverage in telling him where they might be used" you might want to keep silliness to yourself.

  10. I don't agree what this woman did. In fact I find it  deplorable.  But, when I go home next time on my visit to my home country and my home town, I am going to film all the local Thai's and there are many of them. Drunken fools in the local bars. Men and women. The majority by the way are in the country illegally.  So, when I come back, I can put it all on Thai Visa.  It won't make a bit of difference. Just like this story doesn't make any difference. Nothing is going to change.  But, it shows there are as*h#les everywhere.


  11. 7 hours ago, jerojero said:

    4 ships and a Carrier is not an armada. It's simply a group of 5. And Trump isn't the only leader who may be unpredictable and should be a bit wary of Kimmy.



    This is just a minimum.  This is only one carrier group in the Pacific Fleet. If he were to launch a nuclear weapon. North Korea would cease to exist. 


    A carrier strike group[1] (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is composed of roughly 7,500 personnel, an aircraft carrier, at least one cruiser, a destroyer squadron of at least two destroyers and/or frigates,[2] and a carrier air wing of 65 to 70 aircraft. A carrier strike group also, on occasion, includes submarines, attached logistics ships and a supply ship. The carrier strike group commander operationally reports to the commander of the numbered fleet, who is operationally responsible for the area of waters in which the carrier strike group is operating.

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