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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. Apparently some of you have never been to a Nat'l park here.  They don't challenge Lations, Vietnamese, or Filipinos for that matter. If they give the money to a Thai to pay for them,  they are never questioned.  It is because they can pass for Thai's.  Now if a Western Round Eye tries that,   they will be challenged and ultimately charged the higher rate.  NOW,  that Is racism. You are being judged by the way you look.  Racism pure and simple.

  2. 1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

    That's Gallop. Known to censor mainly the N.E. United States the most.  Have you ever been  called by Gallop? Me neither. Have never met anyone who has. 

     I am not saying Trump doesn't have very low approval ratings going into his presidency.  But, different polls get different results.  Why don't they ever take a poll in the southern states? 

    Why don't they poll the military more? 

    This according to the Washington Examiner..........

       U.S. military plainly tilts toward the GOP. That’s largely because today’s military is an all-volunteer force increasingly drawn from the Sunbelt, where the Pentagon has focused its recruiting efforts since the draft ended 40 years ago. And traits the military prizes — like aggressiveness and respect for authority — tend to be more pronounced in conservatives.

      Because they know what the answer will be. 

     I concede Trump is a wild card. But, to me he is the lessor of two evils. I say,  and just my thoughts.  Let him rant and rave but at least give him more than a month.  IF he falters or fails to make good on his promises.  The American citizen, not just the Libs will soon let him know. 


  3. Can't wait for the final showdown. The Libs against the Conservatives. I think we should just get it over with.  A fight to the finish. I mean a real fight, all the killing and maiming that goes with it. Let's destroy each other's towns and cities. We can watch them all burn.  


      There has been enough talk. Let's get it on.  Those that are standing in the end can just stare in horror and say to each other, "what have we done?"  Would it be wise to start over or just go on the way we have been doing?  


       If I had to guess,  I would say the big question would be " How could this have happened? How could we as a nation that has come together on so many occasions when catastrophe has struck, how could we have been so stupid?" 


      This might sound ridiculous.   Well no one thought over a million americans would suffer the winds of war over states rights either.



  4. 7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Not at all.  The Trump supporters seem to be dwindling in numbers.  Those against him are hardly thugs, looters and criminals.  Both sides have these elements, but they are not the majority.  Luckily!



    From where are you getting your facts that Trump supporters seem to be dwindling. I see no evidence of that.  

  5. My wife went into Watsons  Pharmacy today.  She bought hair coloring that was advertised , buy one and get one for 1 baht. I am sure some of you have seen them do this. 

      Well anyway, when she went to the cashier to pay. The girl asked if she had a Thai ID card.  Of course she did, but asked why?   The girl said, it was so she could get the buy one , get one for 1 baht offer. 

     Now this is advertised on display in plain sight throughout the store.  But, apparently only Thais receive this offer. 

     This was at Watson in Tesco Lotus, Khon Kaen. The one just past Home Pro on Mittraphap  Rd.

  6. 2 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    With the Auto Sector in Thailand going through a really bad patch at the moment, which is hurting  the economy, the manufacturers of the vehicles, along with the dealers, and banks, are offering insane loans and credit lines to people that really should not be allowed these facilities.

    It is easy now to obtain a 50,000 Baht down payment for a new car / pickup, and the balance over a period of 7 years ( yes ! 7 years ). And for sure the idiots that take out these loans will be offered more money to personalise their new purchase with Alloy wheels, Low profile Tires, Spoiler Wing,and a multitude of stickers plastered all over it.

    I am no expert on working out the APR rates on these loans, but a vehicles bought new at 800,000 baht will probably end up costing something close to 2.5 Million after the 7 year period is completed.

    All this money loaned out to people that will then have an asset worth about 200,000 Baht after 7 years and they will only actually use the thing for around 5 % of the time they own it.

    Credit such as this caused the 2008 Global crash, and Thailand should now better after the 1997 collapse of their economy.


    Thais really don't care how much it cost. Even after 7 yrs they figure they can still sell it for what they paid for it. They will give some lame excuse like it was washed every week, so it is still new.

  7. 9 hours ago, AsiaCheese said:


    Yes - and from where did B-52's fly to drop shitloads of bombs on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia? I have a vague memory it was Udon Thani and U-Tapao... Worked then, because neither country could defend themselves against that back then. If that were to happen today against China, you could kiss your ass good-bye faster than you can say "oh <deleted>" - them boys got mighty rockets...

    Not quite. B-52's flew from U-Tapao and Anderson AFB, Guam.

  8. It is the rule at the airport that you will be charged an extra 40 or 50 baht.  If you  go to the taxi stand at the terminal exit, they will most always use the meter. If you take a taxi from someone that comes up to you and ask if you need a taxi, they will not use the meter. They want a set price. But, you have no recourse if the ask for more at your destination. 

  9. I have been a supporter of Trump. But, in this case I have to disagree with him. I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. I served my country for 22 years and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. As such, a president does not get to pick and choose what parts he or she agrees with. We just went through that with the last guy. He totally disregarded what was in it.   It is up to the people to believe what they hear. Not the government. While I do feel the liberal media is quite biased in their coverage, I don't want the government deciding what I should and should not hear. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, bkkgriz said:

    Ah yes, the racist argument. Let's do a little gap fill exercise. 


    According to governmental data, the (1) __________administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.

    In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

    President (2) ____________ administration deported just over two million during his time in office; and (3)  _________numbers don’t reflect his last year in office, for which data is not yet available.




    1. Obama

    2. George W Bush's

    3. Obama's


    That racist Obama. How dare he actually enforce US law. Hmm, maybe Trump isn't a racist. Maybe he is actually making sure US laws are enforced. 





    More on the hypocrisy from the MSM.



    OK, we all know Jingthing hates America. I am sure he will argue the other way. But, his facts only come from the liberal media. They are the only one's spitting out numbers. They produce fake news and the American public is now wise of it.  The fact remains, the military hated Obama, but they love Trump.  So, I guess it doesn't matter what side Jingthing is on. He doesn't count. Don't take this personally, you are the one spouting Trump hate at every chance you get. You lost. Get over it.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    Actually, the laws in the US are much harsher than Thailand. If you are picked up and deported you are automatically blacklisted for a period of time and cannot even apply for a Visa to return. The only way you can come back is to cross the border illegally- done sometimes by using paid agents wo exploit the migrants The simple fact is that 90% of all illegals in the US are hardworking' poor people coming from 3rd World countries working in industries that cannot find enough Americans to do these jobs. Building a wall will not stop them. If Trump is truly interested in solving the Immigration issue he should stop politicising it and causing fear amongst Americans who do not understand the issue.

    The Us government needs to have an Immigration program that legalizes foreign needed labor and provides work permits. Once this is done the flow across the border will stop because the majority will come in as legal aliens.

    ONce this occurs- the US Border Control can use technology and intelligence targeting those aliens who would come to do harm or potential terrorism.Co-operating with foreign government like Mexico and providing assistance instead of confrontation will make US citizens and residents safer- not the nonsense Donald Trump and his minions are spouting.

    The U.S. already has a work visa program. I know of many restaurants that use that program.  The one's that don't, do not want to pay fair wages and the working conditions are quite poor. 

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