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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. Found it.  According to MotherJones.com  Prisoners in the U.S. are still being assigned to prisons according to their  genitalia .  From one of the most liberal news agencies there is.  Thought that would make it easier to swallow.


    Funny how Obama never stopped that from happening.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Mother Jones
    Mother Jones magazine March April 2014 cover
    Editor-in-Chief Clara Jeffery
    Categories Politics
    Frequency Bimonthly
    Total circulation
    First issue February 1976
    Company Foundation For National Progress
    Country United States
    Based in San Francisco
    Language English

    Mother Jones (abbreviated MoJo) is a left-wing and politically progressive American magazine that does independent and investigative reporting on politics, the environment, human rights, and culture. Clara Jeffery serves as editor. Steve Katz has been publisher since 2010. Monika Bauerlein has been CEO since 2015.[2][3][4]

  2. I hate any subject that starts with a Poll of Americans. 

    I have never been polled. I know I am only one person, so OK.   But, I served 22 years in the U.S. Military . I was in the same outfit for 20 of those years.   I have kept in contact with hundreds of them on Facebook, Twitter, what have you. I asked if any of them were polled.  Nope! was their answer.  Just who are the people that got polled?


  3. Just a thought. Now that TV has teamed up with the Nation. Remember, the Nation has a section,  LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.  

    Can't get your point across here?  Hitting too many roadblocks?  Are you being ignored or omitted?  Too much censorship?


    Just saying..............................     There are alternatives.  

  4. 5 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

    Yes yes, it's always just 'bigoted laws' and never legitimate concern from the rest of us who have a differing viewpoint. 

    We get it, if we don't toe the line of liberals we're automatically bigots and shouldn't be taken seriously in the least.

    Blah blah blah yadda yadda and so forth.

    Don't take the bait. They are only trying to bait you so that you may be censored. 

  5. 2 hours ago, DM07 said:

    I have no clue, where you got that idea from!

    A transgender-woman (born male, now woman) is no male- period (no pun intended)!

    The case mentioned here is about a male sex- offender and therefore has nothing to do with the subject, being discussed here!

    He was NOT transgender and he was NOT dressing up as a woman, to gain "access" to the restroom- which seems to be the common idea of right wing knuckledraggers, about how this works!

    You would have made a point IF the offender would have done/ been either of the above...but he wasn't!

    So what the #$@^ is the point?


    OK, I will try and explain it a different way. I can already see that no matter what, we are not going to agree.

     The law in most states, say that a person should be able to use the restroom "bathroom" of their choosing in regard to which gender they associate themselves with.  

     The problem I and others see is,  who is to know if the individual actually associates oneself with that gender or are they just using it as a way of  gaining access to the other genders bathroom? I for one do not see this as a problem for men if a woman chooses to use the men's bathroom. But, I definitely see it as a problem the other way around. Just as you say, criminals and peds can use this to their advantage.

     This is all I am going to say on this matter.

  6. 1 hour ago, DM07 said:

    I have no clue, where you got that idea from!

    A transgender-woman (born male, now woman) is no male- period (no pun intended)!

    The case mentioned here is about a male sex- offender and therefore has nothing to do with the subject, being discussed here!

    He was NOT transgender and he was NOT dressing up as a woman, to gain "access" to the restroom- which seems to be the common idea of right wing knuckledraggers, about how this works!

    You would have made a point IF the offender would have done/ been either of the above...but he wasn't!

    So what the #$@^ is the point?


    OK, I will try and explain it a different way. I can already see that no matter what, we are not going to agree.

     The law in most states, say that a person should be able to use the restroom "bathroom" of their choosing in regard to which gender they associate themselves with.  

     The problem I and others see is,  who is to know if the individual actually associates oneself with that gender or are they just using it as a way of  gaining access to the other genders bathroom? I for one do not see this as a problem for men if a woman chooses to use the men's bathroom. But, I definitely see it as a problem the other way around. Just as you say, criminals and peds can use this to their advantage.

     This is all I am going to say on this matter.


  7. 12 minutes ago, DM07 said:

    It doesn't say he was transgender and doesn't say (right wing nightmare) he was masquerading as the bearded lady! He was "just" a "normal" pervert/ criminal!
    Nothing about this case has anything to do with the discussed subject!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    So I take it that in your opinion, a women does NOT have the right to use a bathroom without the presence of a male. So, no expectation of privacy? Just to be clear, am I reading you right?

  8. Khon Kaen Food Supply next to the Pullman Hotel in Khon Kaen has some delicious Cumberland Sausages. They have great breakfast, Italian, and Jimmy Dean Sausage. 

     They might have Spam, not sure. But I do know that Tops in Central Plaza does have Spam.  That's where I get mine.

  9. 16 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Celebrate violence against transgender people.


    Celebrate ignorance.


    Old white straight men scared of LGBT people. Lost your balls?

    This is what people are afraid of.  How is a parent especially suppose to know who is really transgender and who is just using the law to gain access to a bathroom or another sex.


    Friday, May 13, 2016
    CHICAGO (WLS) --
    A man is accused of choking an 8-year-old girl until she passed out in the bathroom of a restaurant in Chicago's South Loop.

    The girl was with her mother at the Jason's Deli in the 1200-block of South Canal Street on Saturday, police said. The girl and her mother were inside the restroom separated by stalls around 1:15 p.m.

    Police say 33-year-old Reese Hartstirn walked in and targeted the girl, choking her and trying to lock her in a stall. The mother heard her daughter scream and grabbed her.

    Police said other people in the deli helped hold the man until officers arrived.


    True, this does not say that the man was transgender, but this is what people in the States read all too often.


  10. 13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Let's get real. If it gets to the point of trump being impeached by his own party, he would probably just RESIGN. 


    Also it's no secret that a large part of the agenda of most people supporting the anti-trump RESISTANCE (from the left, right, and middle) is to push trump out of the office. He is simply unfit for the job. A nutcase like that with the nuclear codes is simply NOT OK. Getting rid of that demagogue clown from the presidency may not be possible, but it's honorable to TRY to make that happen. 

    Yes, for progressives Pence is technically more right wing than trump ... but country over ideology in this case.

    Finally, something we agree on.

  11. 8 minutes ago, opalred said:

    he is running scared as they are slowly finding the truth about the greatest conman

    he owes more than his assets are 

    will not show any tax returns that would prove that

    history will show Putin and his mafia mob loaned him billions

    so to get moneys out of there own country and invest in usa

     my experience in life and after employing 1000s people in that time

    anyone that sits up of a night in a room by themselves tweeting

    are on drugs  or mentally unstable 

    i would say both



    There is no legal requirement of any kind that presidential candidates release tax returns from any year. Indeed, there is a strict, strong constitutional right to privacy for all tax returns. Thus, tax returns can be released by an individual taxpayer, but cannot released by the IRS to the public.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    There are plenty of those already related to the emoluments clause but the republican party isn't there yet to put country over party.

    As far as the Russian connection, we will see. It's not all out there yet. Treason charges might be in order depending on the evidence, but no point yet in jumping the gun. 
    To add, please pay attention. I didn't only say impeachment. trump is acting now like he's CORNERED and there is something really bad that the press and investigators are coming close to uncovering. In such a case, trump may be FORCED to resign or face impeachment. Pence would pardon him anyway, the clown president will never go to prison. 

    OK folks a little civics lesson in U.S. government.  

    First of all as has been shown,  Liberals go to Google for their information on how the United States government operates and by what laws it must govern. Notice I say must. There is no second options even though the democrats would like you to think so. 

     I as a Conservative,  go to the U.S. Constitution for my answers. It is the law of the land and the document that I swore to uphold and defend.  Don't care what happens to Google not my problem.

     The Constitution clearly states as what was affirmed by none other than Nancy Pelosi.


    To modern readers, the text of the Constitution strongly supports Pelosi. It says that a president may be removed only for "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." The reference to treason and bribery, together with the word "other," suggests that the president must have violated the law — and that the violation must be quite egregious ("high Crimes"

  13. On 3/5/2017 at 0:19 AM, Patriot said:

    I'm well respected in my village. The children call me "loong kee mao" which I believe to mean "really nice guy" and throw pebbles at me when walking past which is, I've been told, a mark of respect

    Now, that's funny. 

  14. An airstrike authorized by the Trump administration against an al Queda outpost in Yemen has killed a former detainee from the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba who was released in 2009.

    "We can confirm the death of a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, Yasir al Silmi," said Navy Captain Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.

    This means that President Donald Trump has killed a foreign combatant that was released under the authority of Barack Obama.  

    However, Obama is not the only one who released an enemy combatant who would eventually return to the battlefield.  George W. Bush set free an Islamic fighter in 2004 who detonated a car bomb outside an Iraqi base in Tal Gaysum, south-west of Mosul last month.

    He had been captured in the Middle East by the United States in 2001, before being sent to Guantanamo Bay.  The British-born man was freed from the detention center and was given £1 million from the British taxpayers on the grounds that he was tortured.

  15. 2 hours ago, DekDaeng said:

    Interested to see her reaction if asked 'how much do you expect ferlang tourist visitor numbers to drop?". 

    Like trump, incapable of comprehending that 'for every action, ..................'

    That has to one of most stupidest comments I ever heard. Talk about getting off subject. You must have been waiting with shaking hands to make a comment where you could bash Trump.

     What in God's name does Trump have to do with Park fees in Thailand?   

  16. Keep a small pin, something like a safety  pin handy. Have it ready when the ladyboys get too close. If they try and hug you, just jab them with the pin. It is not deadly, but they will surely let go and jump back. Act as if you  don't know what happened. Be sure to not show them the pin.  If it is small enough, you  can drop it when no one is looking  and just walk away.

  17. On 2/12/2017 at 0:56 PM, louse1953 said:

    Most of the blokes here wouldn't have even known about Thailand or where it was if it wasn't for backpackers 40 plus years ago.Trail blazers that did the hard yards,including myself.

    Yeah right, never mind the 100.000 plus American GI's that were here. I guess they just spent their time here with blinders on.  That was over 50 years ago. A lot of them are still living here.  

  18. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


    What happens if they don't or can't give their money to a Thai to pay for them, can't speak Thai and are therefore possibly unable to pass as Thai? 


    As a fellow who is apparently familiar with National Parks would they then still get in for the same price as a Thai person or would they be required to pay the foreigner's rate?


    Laotians obviously won't have much a problem, especially in the north of the country. Have talked to filipino english teachers and they don't seem to have a problem either.  

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