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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. 27 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

    The people are not being told to go out and kill someone of another faith.


    No Kowpot--in a lot of cases they are being told (or condoned that  what they are doing is correct) in killing people of the same faith.


    Once again Google images will show you---especially in WW1 the German Catholic priest comforting the troops on one side with prayers tablets, sips of wine------across the line-the English Catholic priest on the other doing the same. Did those priest point out to the pilots in WW2 bombing London that your bombs are mainly falling on civilian targets (that's what the Blitz was all about--break the will of the people)


    I do concede that there is a lot of hate preached in the mosque Kowpot---& I in no way want to come across as defending them.-


    Your initial post was that if your religion expected you to do this---it wouldn't be one that you would  not want to stay with.


    My first thoughts were that unless you are a Quaker---or a  Jehovah's Witness..then I would start looking around....

    I just feel the world would be so much better (safer) if everyone agreed that at the end of our allotted time---that we just go to sleep---nothing else.



    ** Thank you for your polite response--






    Yes those images were true. But WW1 was not fought because of religion. It was because the Kaiser, Wilhelm II  sought to control Europe.  Same situation with Hitler in WW2.  We didn't fight the Japanese because they were Buddhist.

      But, the Muslim are fighting the Jews, just because they are Jewish. They are also attacking the rest of the world be we are not Muslim and don't hold any alliance to Islam.

     Hope this clarifies what I was trying to say. If not,  I am sorry. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.   

  2. 59 minutes ago, oxo1947 said:

    Certainly Kowpot--without trying to be impolite, your knowledge of history is a might sketchy--- this whole Christian/ Muslim thing started off as a war, it was called the crusades--you may of heard of it.

    Catholics Vs Protestant's heard anything about that one--- 

    King Henry the 8th starting a new religion C of E -causing a civil war...heard anything about that.

    Pakistan / India (it was one country remember) --torn apart by religious differences)


    The Thirty Years' War  It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history,[15] as well as the deadliest European religious war, resulting in eight million casualties. ---Wikipedia




    Honestly Kowpot through out history MORE wars are started about religion then any other cause. Please do yourself a favour try Google now and again


    And all the time the Bishops...Priests--Raabi 's --Inman's all stand around saying God is on your side...............:coffee1:

    I don't think you quite understood what I was saying. First , you are correct about the crusades. I concur. But, that was not something preached in churches to go out and kill someone. While it was religious persecution, it was also because Islam took over Jerusalem.  


    The first of the Crusades began in 1095, when armies of Christians from Western Europe responded to Pope Urban II’s plea to go to war against Muslim forces in the Holy Land. After the First Crusade achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, the invading Christians set up several Latin Christian states, even as Muslims in the region vowed to wage holy war (jihad) to regain control over the region

       What I was saying is. If let's say a Christian church service or Jewish Temple or Buddhist for that matter. The people are not being told to go out and kill someone of another faith.  But in mosque, at least in the U.S. it is being preached. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, joeboy123 said:

    We are still to find a religion of peace, honestly what did we expect when we have bombed their countries back to the stone age. RIP to all the innocent lives including 1 million plus Iraqis and Syrians.

    If you study history, you will see it dates back to 1928  with the start of the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact it started in the year 610 AD.  Not many bombs were dropped then. 

  4. 5 hours ago, chainarong said:

    You should've been around in 97/98 Thailand was the in word on everyone's lips, the emerging economy they said, in everything from commerce to living there, everybody talked about Thailand, they still do with distaste..........................................:coffee1:

    You should have been around 71,72,73,74,75,76. Government never messed with Farangs. The BIB wouldn't even talk to you if they could avoid it.   Immigration was way easy.  Things were a lot less expensive. Of course there wasn't anything to buy except Thai stuff.   There were thousands of Americans all over the country.  The best jobs for Thai's was working on the military bases.  Life was good...............

  5. On 3/18/2017 at 9:31 AM, ezzra said:

    An arrangement that is well over due, no other country in the world

    uses the silly and useless procedure to wait for the accident assessors

    to come to scenes of the accident while traffic is badly affected

    by the blockage of the involved parties....

    True, but I still think the police should be called for anything except a fender bender. If a Thai and a Farang get into an accident, who do you think will be left holding the bag. Pictures might be worth a thousand words. But the word of a Thai will always "trump" the Farang.

  6. It's all about law enforcement.  In the UK and the USA and other places I am sure, the laws are enforced. No getting around it. If you break the law and get caught it is going to cost you.  I know in the U.S. the police get credit for tickets they write. Most towns and municipalities depend on traffic fines for their budget. 

    The police are not allowed to take bribes and you are not allowed to offer one.  They will probably lose their job and you could be arrested.

    Until the laws are enforced correctly, no amount of training is going to matter.  If you know you can and probably will get away with something, then chances are you will do it. 

     Have every one of you never had a drink before driving? Could have got caught, but you knew a better way to get home so you wouldn't. The law didn't help in that scenario. You knew the law, but did it anyway........................................ 

  7. 1 hour ago, NumbNut said:


    $300,000 a year for welding? Really? SIGN ME UP!!!


    You must have accidentally added an extra zero on the end there, surely!



    I took it from the story. I think it is rather excessive myself. But, I know as a fact it is more than $30,000.  So who knows?


    Union and shipyard officials say finding skilled labour just for the work they already have is challenging. Demand for pipeline welders is so strong that some can make as much as $300,000 per year, including overtime and benefits, said Danny Hendrix, the business manager at Pipeliners Local 798, a union representing 6,500 metal workers in 42 states.



  8. 6 minutes ago, puffy said:

    The other day I got a phone call from the wife of a friend of mine. She wanted to buy the house I lived in previously. They have a lot of money and her husband (who is Thai) works for a big International company and they regularly travel worldwide, and their son goes to an International school. The reason she called me was to ask if the reason I moved out of the house was because there was a ghost there. It was very difficult not to laugh. So even some well off educated Thais believe in this.

    Did you tell her yes?

  9. 2 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

    All U.S. industries run on profit motive economics.

    if a profit can be made a corporation will undertake the work

    But that depends on many factors, and frankly I doubt that in today's U.S. economy there is such a skilled U.S. workforce available.

    Americans don't want to work hard these days. they have become fat and lazy.

    I suspect the will to undertake such a large construction project would need to bring many non-American workers into the U.S. which  Donald Trump and his idiot supporters would not approve of.

    Of course, WW2 showed what the U.S can do if they really go all out.

    After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 a sleeping U.S. woke up and rebuilt the Navy that won  us WW2.

    So do we need another war to do such a thing again?

    I hope not.

    Just my opinion.




    Did you not read the part about workers having to pass a security clearance?  I don't think most foreign workers would qualify.  Why would someone not want to learn welding nowadays?  $300,000 a yr. is a good chunk of change.

  10. Flipping houses in Thailand would be a new concept to Thai's I would think. Thai's are not real big on buying second hand homes. That is why there are a lot of vacant houses. 

     I always thought the government could relax standards on foreigners by allowing them to buy and own a used houses. Then flipping houses could be very profitable. Also, it would make some Mu Baans with empty houses look better.

      The law states that a foreigner cannot do the work that a Thai person could do.  Take it from there. I know that doesn't actually answer your question very well. 

    I mow my own lawn and I haven't been arrested yet. So, I gues

    1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    It's true, Thais generally don't buy second hand houses, whatever condition, flipped or not flipped.


    Why? The main reasons:


    1. - Thais always seriously consider what personal / family status value they will gain before they spend money (this is a serious consideration). Buying things (and especially big ticket things) which are obviously second hand brings very little status value. In fact it would often bring a comment like 'can't afford the real thing' which is exactly what the average Thai doesn't want people to think and this is even more true with folks who do have money. Whether it's a bargain, whether it's restored or flipped doesn't change this attitude.


    An aligned point - how many houses do you see which need maintenance, but it doesn't happen? Many. This is a twist of what I said just above. 'Why would you spend money to maintain something which would never sell anyway / why would you spend money of something which is now old?'


    2. - Very different point. Many Thais would wonder about the past history of an existing house. Did anybody die there? are their ghosts because of death of some other past activity. Is it a house which has bad luck because of something from the past?


    I don't agree that it's only lower class people who think like this. In general rich Thai folks are just as superstitious as anybody.  


    On the other hand making your gf's house more comfortable for her sake / your sake on a purely personal level is a different and personal consideration. And you can certainly find many cases where foreigners have completely built or remodelled a full house. 


    Yes, by the law you would need a work permit to do the work personally. To get a work permit a foreigner must be employed by a Thai company in a specific job which would be stated in the work permit book (for Thailand there is no such thing as a personal work visa or a general work permit to do anything).  


    At the start of the Thai Visa site there an extensive thread on this subject. as already said, one of the main purposes of the Thai laws on this subject is to protect Thais from losing jobs to non-Thai people. Being the boss or the supervisor changes nothing, by the law you still need a work permit.  


    The thread I mentioned above has a specific list of which occupations cannot be undertaken by non-Thai people. Even if the occupation is not on the protected occupations list a foreigner still needs a work permit to work in Thailand


    Some folks will tell you 'don't worry, just go ahead and do it', and ultimately that's your decision, however be aware that if caught or reported then there are penalties including possible deportation. 



    Very well put.  

  11. 5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    This is worth watching.  They say they admit some surveillance may have happened against some Trump associates as part of the Russian hacking scandal.  But even the top Republican has admitted they have Zero evidence.  This top Republican supported Trump during the elections.


    It's absolutely insane.  Watch this:



    Trump doesn't seem to be mentally stable.  Sad a person like Spicer doesn't just quit.  Zero morals.



    I was going to watch it, then I noticed it was a link to CNN.  

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