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Posts posted by kowpot

  1. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes, trump -- please just leave. Not wanted. Not appreciated. Take the hint!

    I think what most people fail to realize is; People such as I didn't vote for Trump as much as I voted against Hillary Clinton.  It was a roll of the dice. I just didn't want 8 more years of Obama. As an American veteran of 22 years, I have to think about how it was under a Democratic President. In so many words, horrible.

      As an American, that was and is my choice.  In my mind, it wasn't a good choice either way.   Because of those two and I blame both. The country is tearing itself apart.

    This forum is a small example.  I hope the majority of it is just fun banter, but even still some evil things have been said. I wonder how many would speak in such tones face to face.  I would hope none.

  2. 24 minutes ago, true word said:

    At least my cable tv company removed bbc which is good but looking forward to see fox news removed too.

    Why is Fox news the most popular news organization in the USA.  It has more viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. I don't care which one somebody watches. Except Fox must be doing something right. More Americans are watching it instead of the others.

    Fox News Channel Crowned 2016’s Most Watched Basic Cable Network

  3. On 3/29/2017 at 7:10 AM, boomerangutang said:

                  There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


                The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


    I don't consider puppies "crapping" on the carpet life threatening.  So, no!

  4. 28 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


    At close range, a 22 would have been enuff. 

    True, a .22 does have the ability to kill. But, as a self defense round you couldn't be more wrong.  The close range aspect doesn't make sense, since a .22 round has the capability to travel 1 mile,  1.609344 km.  

     A person shot in the chest by a .22  would stand a better-than-50% chance of the bullet never entering their chest cavity; chances are very good that it would be deflected by ribs, the sternum, or the vertebrae. This person would very probably survive just fine with only a minor wound, with or without treatment. Thus if the person is armed they are still a threat.

    A person shot in the chest by a  rifle loaded with .223 or 5.56 mm rounds has a much poorer likelihood of surviving, especially if the bullet penetrates both ventricles of the heart (in which case they're very likely to die long before they can receive any medical attention).
      Just remember, the gun you have is always better than the one you don't.

  5. Not blaming any president, Democrat or Republican. But, I do not believe, as some have said that Obama's EPA initiatives have had that much effect on the world climate situation. He has neither made it warmer or cooler. I don't believe any living president has that kind of powers. If they did,  I think they would be thought of as a god.

     I also don't think anything he has done, has improved the air quality greatly. I am sure some good came of it, but how much in 8 years?  The air quality may have improved, but not that much in 8 years.

    It has taken many, many years for the quality to improve and indeed in my lifetime it has.

     My own opinion (and it's just that)  on the fact that air quality has gotten better in the U.S. is that most manufacturing jobs have left the country and gone overseas. 

     That is why I believe places like China have actually adopted the pollution that we would still have if the factories and such were still in the U.S.  

    Trump wants to bring back manufacturing to the U.S..  Good for jobs, bad for the environment.  At least in the U.S. 

     So, in order to do this, Trump needs to relax some of the EPA rules. It is a double edge sword.  Yes protections could be put in place, but that would not be cost effective. There would be no point in trying to bring back jobs to the States if it was too expensive to manufacture and then sell the product. 

    Am I even close? 


  6. 15 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

    AR-15's a bit over the top, can't blame a guy for protecting himself and family in his own house though.

    How is an AR-15 over the top. Would a mini-14 be better?  They both shoot the same round. Just that the ignorant news media thinks an AR-15 is an assault rifle. Which of course it is not.  One pull of the trigger = 1 round fired. Just like any other semi automatic gun. Pistol or rifle.


    AR/ Armalite Rifle manufacturer 

  7. 5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Yes, the perp is now only sentenced to 6x life + 106 years in prison. That's a sentence not worth mentioning.

    I agree that 106 years is a death sentence too. But, the fact that they took into consideration that any type of punishment for this crime is cruel is way beyond the scope. 

  8. 5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                  There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


                The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


    These are the people who vote for Trump.  This is how they treat criminals. 


    'It's an insult': Disbelief of William Petit who was forced to listen to wife being raped and killed and his daughters burned alive as Connecticut court overturns killer's execution because it's 'cruel'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3644078/Connecticut-man-listen-wife-raped-killed-daughters-burned-alive-says-s-sad-killer-death-sentence-commuted-new-state-laws.html#ixzz4cgmgx3hD 

  9. 1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

    Check the legislation of the clear majority of states who don't believe that execution is just.

    It is not execution. A person in the States breaks into your home, they know what the consequences may be. They have the ability to change their mind and not break into someone's home.  

     No one is executing them. No one went out looking to murder them. They chose to break the law.  "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time".

  10. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

                  There's a recent movie which mirrors that scenario to some degree. I can't recall its name, but I watched in on a flight.


                The shooter is within his rights to do what he did.  Yet, it's a window into the cold-blooded way many US rednecks deal with the world.  It's the same people who voted for Trump.  The shooter could have given a warning and/or shot in the air and/or shot the intruders in the legs, .......   but instead, he purposefully went for 3 kills.   If you get some puppies and they shit on your carpet, do you knock them around with a baseball bat?   Killing the intruders was overkill. 


    Warning shots are a bad idea and illegal in 

     most municipalities in USA. Firing randomly into the air could bring an additional charge of reckless endangerment or perhaps even attempted assault.

    A firearm should not be discharged unless you are shooting at some discrete object.


      One has to remember. If you shoot, you are responsible for where the bullet goes. If you unintentionally shoot someone because you fired a warning shot, you can be charged with “reckless endangerment”, “assault with a deadly weapon”, “attempted murder” or any number of other felonies or serious misdemeanors.

     Calling someone a "Redneck" just shows ignorance on your part. After all, you are the one recommending irresponsible Warning Shots.

  11. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    This is what happens when you sow racial hatred. The fact that the number of incidents has risen lately is no surprise, given the rhetoric from the President and his associates.

    And what race would that be? Muslim and Christianity are religions not races.  That's like saying people from Iraq are the same race as people from Indonesia or Malaysia. 

  12. Welcome.

    I arrived in isaan with an international driver's license and a current TEXAS drivers license. Only had to take the Eye test for color blindness. My wife and I did not have to watch any videos.  Had picture taken , paid the fee and "wah la" got my license.  Got two of them. One for a car and one for a Motor Scooter. Already had motorcycle on my U.S. license. 

    I know different districts do different things. This was just my experience.

  13. Those of you living overseas don't have to contribute to the ACA. But, you are quick to criticize those that are left to pay the bill for those that get it for practically free.

    I too don't contribute. It is not because I live overseas, it is because I fall under another healthcare program.  But, I have family that is middle class and they are suffering trying to pay for healthcare under the ACA. Even if they get a policy with low premiums, they would have to pay thousands in co-pays. To the point that they just can't use their health insurance policy.

    Not that long ago they had policies that were fair, that they could afford. Also, had decent deductibles that they could also afford.  But, that was taken away from them under threat of penalties. 

     Now they are the one's that basically have no healthcare. The records the government are showing you state these people have healthcare, but in truth they don't because they cannot afford to use it.

    I feel lucky and blessed that I don't have to depend on the ACA.

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