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Posts posted by kuiburi

  1. That's nice.....How about a work visa for a foreigner married with a Thai?

    My wife lives in America and she's able to work....Why can't I take care of my family if we chose to live in Thailand?

    Dont understand your problem. You can work in Thailand, get a job and the employer will provide the work permit if they are a good company. If the company dont want to provide a work permit find another company to work for.

    Who says he want's to work for a company ?

    Think its more like to have the same rights as a Thai national when it concernes making a living .

    I am married to a Thai national we got 2 kids , all 3 of them have double nationality , They have the same rights in Schengen states as I have , they can study or work if they like to .

    Would be nice if i also was allowed to work without a hassle in Thailand ..

    • Like 1
  2. It was a sharp turn and I did not see the motorcycle next to me. The truck side-swept the motorcycle off the road and the passenger on the motorcycle bounced off on to the road and got run over with the back wheels.

    Because you are an idiot bastard who goes with 120 with this monster, which is a deadly weapon in your monkey hands.

    did u ever drive an 18 wheeler ?

  3. anesthesiogist are trained to test, anticipate and prevent this type of thing. Was the4 clinic closed by health dept. or the owners? We see so much injury and death due to short cuts and someones way of saving a baht just due to those employeed/tasked to inspect safety conditions for workers as well as customers, making no attempt to do their job description.

    The sad part is no one will accept responsibility, other than via a small monetary payment and will pop up next moth, different location, same disregard for human welfare/life; while promoting their advertised expertise

    People that work make mistakes and accidents happen , also medical mistakes , happens all over the world .

  4. they should give him to the family.of the girl. and let them do what ever they want to him..rest my case...they should do that everywhere.. you watch the crime rate disapear

    What if they follow their religion which prohibits killing and preaches forgiveness and that he will be judged after death? Will you be happy? I doubt it.

    Why do you assume that a family grieving over the recent death of their daughter will either want or be helped by carrying out acts of wanton violence which is what I assume you're thinking of. This seems to be a common train of thought on here but I've never heard anyone proposing this giving any thought for the family only what they want and various ways to go about it.

    I doubt your ideas would drop the crime rate. When this guy did what he did he will have known about the possible consequences. Maybe getting the death penalty and possibly having it carried out. If not then a long time, possibly the rest of his life in a not very nice Thai prison. It didn't stop him because at the time he was thinking of something else.

    They have pretty draconian penalties in many countries for minor crimes, following the wrong religion, homosexuality ect. but the threat of death by slow hanging or stoning or chopping off hands, feet or heels doesn't seem to stop crime does it?

    In country's with "pretty" draconian penalty's crime is a lot less

  5. I sense somebody who thought he was qualified for the job is going into mental breakdown.

    Most of us complaining about the Thai soaps , Thai people are very sensitive on what is on telly , may it be commercials or soaps. The General has a good point to interfere with domestic telly because most Thais watch them and they are no a reflection of the real life in the LOS .

    The General knows exactly whats going on in the country .

    Give him the time and freedom to clean up the mess thats build up for decennium .

    I salute him and wish him good luck .

  6. Back in Roman times if a soldier stepped out of line every 10th man in his unit would get whipped almost to death. Because of this a Roman soldier never turned his back on the enemy, doing so would be certain death from his own men. I know this is extreme but it has always been my belief that the only real solution to most of today's problems is by making the offending criminals immediate circle equally responsible for their actions. I believe in punishing parents for the actions of their offspring. I also believe that the tour operator these men worked for should get a 6 month closure ban. You piss the people off around them and the wrath will surely follow. I do not believe in state sponsored justice worldwide anymore, it does not work. I remember the whole class getting kept behind after school because of one disruptive pupil during a lesson. He never disrupted the class again after this and it was not the teachers who saw to that.

    Wow.... I've seen a lot of people here inspired by medieval punishments, but now we're looking back to the punishments of the ancient Roman legions for inspiration. Impressive. I guess Islamic State is not the aberration I thought it was...

    I was in the army . and if someone did wrong the whole peleton got punishment , and I am 47 years of age , not 2000 + .

    have to tell ya , it worked pretty well a few decades ago . We didn't get whipped , but for sure the punishment we got was no laughs either . In the army it worked .

    In regular civillian live I don't know ,

    Has nothing to do with islamic states , some people just need guides in there live's

    • Like 1
  7. Common practice in Thailand.

    I'm amazed that not many people fall after climbing on the coconut trees.

    Another thing, I'm watching them cutting the coconuts with a long stick and a sharp object on top of it.

    But they do it by standing exactly under the coconuts.

    Now the coconuts fall to any other direction except their heads.

    But one day..........it will happen.

    There's no reason that more people should fall. Climbing up and down a tree is pretty safe. As fr cutting the coconuts, they know which way they will fall. So need to land on anyone's head when cutting them Maybe you should go take a look and chat with some of them.

    It can happen , local friend in his sixties worked all his life in the coconutbiz , had one fall on his face .

    17 stitches and missing a couple teeth .

    Even the most experienced can have an accident .

    Btw climbing up coconut trees is not the normal way to get the coconuts .

    • Like 1
  8. Why no arrests and forced rehabilitation for people addicted to tobacco or alcohol?

    Why not arrest and ban all moralist killjoys from the country ?burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

    That would be too harsh, they should just learn to mind their own business and let people do as they like as long as they don't become a burden or a threat to others.

    Agree with ya , good to understand eachother , have a good one , cheers

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