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Everything posted by outsider

  1. Sore losers. A bunch of old geezers who can't face the fact that they are past their 'best before' dates. They're more irrelevant than a peep-hole on a see-through, clear-glass door.
  2. Egoistic, disconnected and irrelevant old men. They should go the way of dinosaurs - buried. Figuratively speaking, of course ????
  3. Not the sharpest saw in the shed I'd gather. Then again, if he had any modicum of intelligence I guess this wouldn't have happened at all.
  4. This is a rare instance where I'd give the ???????? if the git was smashed up a bit.
  5. Down, for sure. Monkeys have better self-preserving instincts. Although we evolved from them simians, it seems that that instinct is automatically switched off the moment road users in Thailand get on/into their vehicles. The one in the monkeys are permanently switched on. Back to the drawing board for road users in Thailand, I guess.
  6. The others get wet blankets because some gits can't hold their drinks while the rozzers can't be bothered to get up from their lard-@rs3s. This place is definitely going backwards - with one forward and six reverse gears.
  7. Can't see if his passenger was at the back? What was the driver driving - the USS Enterprise? The driver probably tried to make a run for it, then realised he was easily trackable (by the hotel, by his vehicle etc), decided it wasn't worth the risk, and turned back. Anyway, good that it ended well for the Norwegian.
  8. This Dr. Spinach looks like an over-the-hill git who can't stand other people having a bit of fun.
  9. I thought Anutin was the only dumb one. Now there's more. People can be sloshed right up to 0200 hrs and start driving after that. Or, people can get wasted without going to the pubs. Get that doc? Thailand is still going to get its usual quota of accidents regardless of pubs' opening/closing hours. Blame enforcement and discipline.
  10. Sure. Bring it on. Anything is better than Prayut and his sack of bumbling goons.
  11. It really beggars belief, that this level of stupidity is possible. And Anutin has just become its poster boy.
  12. I guess that warm, welcoming and pleasant demeanour hides a fragile ego and the need to feel 'superior' to the next person in one way or another. Since they can't do that in real life, swallowing their pride and 'face' in front of bosses, customers and people who really are 'bigger' than them, they act this out when they feel they are secure behind the safety of the steel cage that is their vehicle. I guess. I drive extensively in Malaysia and while Malaysian drivers are just as bad (for similar as well as other reasons), they do literally jump out of the way as soon as they see/hear sirens behind them. Even if the emergency vehicle is a few hundred metres behind. If this happens at the lights, EVERYONE WILL STOP regardless of whether it's red or green and allow the emergency vehicle to pass.
  13. No amount of flowers or fine will undo this git's actions. One day, the roles may be reversed and his family or loved one - or maybe himself - may be the one in the ambulance. What a brain-dead ball sack. As an aside, the RTP really is a stinking gang of uniformed thieves, robbers and scammers - nothing else.
  14. Shows what a small man Jinping is. And the extent Thai officials will go to 'save face', including telling bare-faced lies. You guys don't feel stupid doing that huh?
  15. Here's a tip - take your keycard or physical keys with you when you go out. This way, the front desk won't know if you're in, or out. I also hang the 'DND' sign outside the door the moment I check into the room, and only remove it when I leave. I don't need someone to make my bed every day so that works for me.
  16. Just legalise it and earn some tax revenue. If you want to ban this, you might as well ban cigarettes. Oh you can't, I see. Big Tobacco already have you lot in their pockets. Ok, go on then. Woof woof.
  17. Really. But China can claim that the entire South China Sea as belonging to them, lay claim to a bunch of rocky islands way away from their coast and constantly encroach into other countries' waters and airspace (ask the Malaysians and Filipinos, for a start).
  18. I've seen Caucasians and Asians chatting up ladyboys and some even going away together. Therefore, interest in ladyboys is not limited to just Indian men. And from the look of things, it seems this chap wasn't interested in one either.
  19. I am sure the sentence would've been much harsher if the defendant did not drive a Porsche and does not have a 'Pol Capt' prefix to his name. Life is cheap here, and that's to their own kind! The dirty falangs and foreigners don't stand a chance! Be extra vigilant when out and about here, and pray that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a runaway freight train coming your way at full speed.
  20. Predictable response to a lowly scam. But go on - debate, propose and rescind all you want. It's nice to see you guys trip over each other like some clumsy bumbling clowns.
  21. All these unnecessary deaths caused by drunk drivers, mobile devices-yielding motorists and gun-totting psychopaths should be stopped. But who can stop it? There is no will from any party to enforce the law, beyond the sporadic knee-jerk reactions and some empty vows in response to some random events. Otherwise it's just another day in Thailand. The RTP? They're capable of zilch. Nyet. Nada. The square-root of jack. Us foreigners can't do much beyond the usual ranting in Asean Now. But surely the Thais must be tired of all this happening to their countryfolks? Don't they want to see a stop to this? It could happen to any of their loved ones and when it does, it's already too late.
  22. Oh do they? You mean like how the RTP are using a pretty-faced Lt-Col as a picture caption to front their news to gain the trust of the unwary?
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