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Everything posted by outsider

  1. This is all a part of the new promise and commitment to the protection and welfare of tourists, I assume.
  2. You gits can't find the sun in broad daylight. Never mind finding 100+ guns sold to anonymous buyers in the 'next few days'. What a laugh.
  3. It's a personal choice. Wear it if you want to, ditch it if you don't. No need to make it into a 'national agenda' and certainly no need to preach about it. Move on, please. 'Na-rak' you're certainly not. "Ootja-rak' (อุจจาระ) more like.
  4. I don't condone what the falang did. Subin could be one of the better riders and was just making an honest living and if so, does not deserve what happened. But, on the other hand, it is somewhat amusing to find that the boot is sometimes on the other foot.
  5. There. A lesson to those who love to post their entire life on social media with up-to-date location and everything under the sun. Including the sun.
  6. This coming from a man-child who allegedly bawled his eyes out under the pressure of being 'forced' to be the PM when the whole malarkey started, and promised that he will do it only for as long as it is necessary to restore order. What a power-hungry, barefaced lying sack of <deleted>.
  7. Now that we know what it really is, perhaps some well-meaning gentlemen may want to give it a 'second chance'. A 'new lease of life', as it were. That is, after the police are done keeping kipping (with) her.
  8. Yup, it is 'something'. Although non of them know what the hell it is. It's just a collection of alphabets brandished around to cover up the ineptness and hoodwinking the rest into thinking 'something' is being done.
  9. Take a walk down Bangla, Cowboy, Nana... you name it. More naked than you RTP idiots can imagine. Morals my @r$3.
  10. How are these clowns going to manage the data and info - pencil, eraser and a used notepad? I thought govt depts are clogged up with paperwork? Plus, a lot of Thais go around without a driving license. Another toothless meow, this.
  11. This is to maintain your standards of blatant discrimination and assuming foreigners are diots, that's what it really is. What you don't realise is, you're no longer the No. 1 destination and it's a slippery slope hereon, with this level of stupidity.
  12. Before the pandemic, some Thais wore masks in crowded places i.e. in the trains, shopping centres etc. Some of my colleagues come into the office with masks because they woke up with a bit of a sniffle that morning. Whether they are being considerate and mindful of not sharing their droplets with others, or they do not want to receive any, or they just want to hide behind a veil, let them be. As far as I can see, mask-wearing was never an issue pre-pandemic and shouldn't be one now. If you want to wear it, go ahead. If not, don't.
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