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Everything posted by outsider

  1. Shocked? When will you all smarten up and learn that elephants belong in their own habitat - in the wild, and not in fairgrounds or in parks to entertain you lot?
  2. Impossible they can't last a DMK > HKT flight without puffing. Plainly obnoxious and completely inconsiderate. Quality tourists indeed.
  3. Two girls slapping each other is 'violent'?
  4. Don't think it's insurance scam, but perhaps the place is needed for something else, so it's cheaper to burn it down than to dismantle/scuttle/demolish the structure.
  5. Note to self not to upset any Thais lest they creep up and put a bullet or two into you.
  6. Shouldn't they talk about upgrades months before the tourist season actually started, instead of now, so that there's time to implement the upgrades? If the upgrades were really going to happen, that is. What this farce actually underscored is how immensely clueless this unelected kid and those manning her puppet-strings, are.
  7. smartgirlphilippines - I can deal with personal opinions but not unbridled stupidity and ignorance. Before you comment about Thai women, have you seen what your Pinoy-types do in the city centre in Kuala Lumpur on a Sunday? I've been there and seen it and, let me tell you, they behave WORSE than the Thai women you described here. To the point their authorities have to go in and 'sweep' you people off the streets. So before you over-generalise something based just on what you see through a coloured pinhole, try to do some research first. Or better still, don't open your mouth and show the apparent lack of intellect. For the record, I have some mates who have married Filipinos. Wonderful ladies to have around. And, they hang out with my Thai friends (both male and female, married and single). So, if for some reasons you feel you need to bash Thai women like this, you're free to shove that view up your ****.
  8. Reading the drivel gives one the impression that only foreigners commit crime in Thailand. This brown pillar of corruption can't even eradicate the local motorcy and taxi mafias, and they want to go for the big bosses?! I am impressed by one thing though - how they are not embarrassed by their own bumbling ways and antics.
  9. 'Possible'??? Yo, Pankaew... were you born yesterday?
  10. Stupid debate. It's not the school field trip, but the illegality of the bus, the negligence and blatant disregard for safety by the driver, owner/operator and everyone (including officials) involved, that killed the little ones and their teahcers. Charges should be pressed on these idiots too. Otherwise all these talks and debates is just nothing more than a typical knee-jerk reaction that happens everytime a tragedy occurs. And it most probably will be just that. Once attention on this issue blows over, things will go back to status quo. Which will take what, a week or so? As for safety, just cut the crap and address the real issues, which everyone already knows - blatant and unchecked bribery/corruption and complete lack of enforcement. But this isn't going to happen, is it? Unfortunate, but it's just another day in Thailand.
  11. Sure. Just like in 2011. Bangkok won't be flooded. You lot just didn't say the floodwaters will be diverted to areas surrounding Bangkok. The company I was working with then was involved with relief efforts, so I know how bad it was. While I can understand why BKK cannot be flooded, I hope the surrounding districts can be saved too. No, don't beggar me for a solution. You are the prime minister, not me. It's your problem, kid. Just don't come up with feather-brained ideas like your aunt did - getting boats to line abreast at full throttle to push water out of the Chao Phraya was a classic display of brilliant dim-wittedness.
  12. This is the kind of thing that Thai citizens and netizens should be outraged about. Not over some smooching couples on a beach. And the outrage should be strong and fiery enough so those involved - driver, bus company, its owners, the mechanics involved and officials who 'approved' the buses to go on the road, be persecuted and sued to the full extent of the law. And beyond. Nothing can be said and done to bring the little ones and their teachers back. I hope the ones they've left behind can find the strength to go through this 🙏
  13. I'm amazed at the CCTVs in Thailand. They work when 'certain quarters' want them to, and are 'broken' when they are supposed to 'see nothing'.
  14. Completely agree with you. The mainlanders are rude, arrogant, incredibly self-entitled, crass and noisy, especially in a group. If you have the misfortune of bumping into a group of them, you'd feel like you just entered a chicken coop, with all the birds cackling at the same time. Imagine that noise. Now turn the volume up to 11. They also have complete disregard for others' personal space. I have told them off on many occassions. Of course I do it politely, but heaven knows I secretly wish to give them a proper smack on the head. Just the other day, while I was reading some labels on the supermarket shelf, this mainland couple rocked up, stood literally next to me, and the guy extended his arm right ACROSS MY FACE to get a bottle of juice, like I was invisible. Most people would at least say 'excuse me' or something to that effect but no, this ape thought he owned the supermarket. Last month, while at a waiting lounge in DMK, I was having my pre-flight beer in a quiet corner and a few seats from me was a man who was on his laptop and earbuds, and sounded like he was on a concall or something. Then this group of old mainland birds rocked up and, instead of picking an area away from us, they literally descended upon us, and then started cackling loudly. I immediately moved away. For the record, the lounge at that time was quite literally empty, so I was really, really flabbergasted why they did what they did. They were so loud, the staff from the kiosk had to come out to tell them to pipe down. Five minutes later, that poor man who was minding his own business got up and went to another corner to do his stuff. These mainlanders are easy to spot. The younger ones will be dressed in bright clothes plastered with brand-name from head to toe - like they were afraid you won't know they're wearing branded stuffs. Basically the epitome of poor form, taste and class. The older generation - like the ones at the airport - would look like they just came out of the village. Only thing missing is a basket full of fresh produce and a live chicken. I'm stereotyping I know, and I don't care. Of all the rude people I have come across (including Russians), the mainlanders are by far the worst I've experienced.
  15. Relax. Chill chill na. She's just a kid 😆
  16. YouTuber. A byword for empty vessels with no real life- or professional-skills. Synonyms include Instagrammer, influencer... feel free to add to the list.
  17. Not sure the little girl even knows what it is. Even if she does, not sure the puppeteers behind her have the political or financial will to do it
  18. There was an outcry because there is no link to the original video. 'Public outcry...' give me a break puhleese...
  19. The police is involved. Current and former. Okay. Next please...
  20. Why don't you activate your collective brains and be logical? One can't buy beer and alcohol - legal substances at that! - at 1500 hrs or past midnight, but you tear your panties to rush and legalise stuffs like weed and now opium and mushrooms?
  21. I think the intention is to manage the money to ensure it does end up in where you and I don't think it should be. To me, it is just them seeing an increase in tourists, and thinking how to squeeze more money from them, with nary a thought on how to use those funds to 'improve' tourism and infrastructure or anything beneficial, for that matter.
  22. Not a day goes by without the idiots singling out foreigners for whatever reasons, or trying to fleece them. Just. Can't. Fix. Stupid.
  23. I like this PM. First time a PM has ordered a crackdown on people that includes himself. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
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