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Everything posted by outsider

  1. Never mind them winning anything. Just the presence of the RTP bumbling clowns at the summit was enough to erase any credibility the World Police Summit had.
  2. You're right, many would do the same. Or get a good old cab, or Uber/Grab. But that's for more intelligent people. In Thailand, stoking one's ego and maintaining 'face' is a necessity, so it's much, much cooler to rock up to a party in one's own sports/super car. Bonus 'face value' awarded if one accessorises the passenger seat with a 'pretty'. In that section of society, showing-off is allowed, condoned even. Chauffeur-driven land-barges are reserved for incontinent old bags and, at 29, I am sure K. Pornmet doesn't want to appear like one. I guess... ????
  3. This coming from someone who DID NOT want to be the PM, promised he would step aside as soon as things 'were resolved' and kept insisting thereafter he has no wish to continue as a PM. This Fishstop ChaCha is nothing but a load of bullpoop.
  4. Thailand 4.0 - only colours, fonts and design of the landing page changed. Everything else including algorithm, logic, navigation, UI and UX remain same same like Thailand 1.0 'beta version' krub pom
  5. Are you drunk, high or both Yingyot? You lot are capable of jack! The square-root of nought! If you are not out extorting people, that is. You are only 'doing your job' with the poor and powerless common folks and helpless foreigners. The moment you see a big stick you guys bow, duck, cower and retreat into your shells. Or rub your hands in glee at the sight of big money. A despicable lot, most of you. Inept, at best. And yes, you are one of the biggest components in this country's failed systems. There you go. Stop hiding behind these toothless threats. Lose the ego, grow up and grow a pair.
  6. What about New Zealand, Middle East, West Asia, Africa and South America... ???
  7. Does this inept know, the foot in his gun's sight, is his own?
  8. Thailand has not been open for a while already. Thanks to bumbling inepts like you Anutin.
  9. There was a sign but he did not see. Says everything about drivers in LOS.
  10. Just recently, the unelected Malaysian PM and his world's largest cabinet evaluated themselves, gave themselves a pat on the back for scoring 90 percent in KPIs for the first 100 days of its unelected 'reign'. Of course, nobody knows what the KPIs were. Seems like General Fish-Stop and friends has taken a page from their southern neighbour's playbook.
  11. Wow. Such a blatant display of stupidity and ignorance. It is precisely this kind of unintelligent ignorance, idiotic arrogance and general dumb<deleted>ery that gets you in deep sh|te, Anutin. Not dirty farangs.
  12. Oh for crying out loud, it's just in the low 20s or at worst, late teens. It's just 'cool' however one looks at it. Where the Arctic is, where everything freezes over - now that is properly 'cold'. Funny how people here run around flailing their arms when Mother Nature just turned on the aircon for a bit.
  13. Fourteen months or 14 years, who cares. It's just an extension of the period where brown envelopes go around.
  14. The mentality of these gits is 'my little heap isn't going to make any difference'. The problem is, these gits don't realise every dumb fk on the land thinks like he does. One small heap really doesn't make a difference, but 100,000 small fires do! Why do these idiots not understand something as simple as this?
  15. The time of the year again where these mutts roll out the usual empty promises, pledges and vows.
  16. Whether driving commercial vans or private vehicles, these people think slapping on a few pieces of after-market trinkets turn their ride into a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento. Come on guys - every other somchais on the soi have the exact same vehicle as you lot. You're not that different. Stop fancying yourselves as a Fangio, Stewart or Schumacher. You don't know the first things between a cornering line and an ECG flatline. Stop the delusion!
  17. It is very confounding how these gits can maintain a straight face when telling funny jokes like this. They even put on a show to make it look 'official'. If I was one of them, I would have burst out laughing in the middle of the press conference!!! The entire world is laughing yet they can maintain a straight face - this is not an easy thing to do. Credit where it is due - well done lads!
  18. I pity Anutin. This racist git has to live almost a week amongst dirty foreigners. On another note, and despite (I am sure) the army of interpreters he will have around him, will he understand what's going on?
  19. Only done by a few hotels??? Even your politicians are in it, not just the hotels! The scamming and unfavourably targeting tourists and foreigners, that is. As for 'many foreigners', how many is many? Also, when your politicians say Thailand is 'open', did they understand what 'open' means?
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