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Posts posted by Xriz

  1. I find each day starts and is affected by the time I go to bed. Go to bed by a set time. Make it a habit. Change to a healthy breakfast, I love oats, soy milk with banana. Then add a gym visit 90 mins after breakie. You'll love yourself so much by now you will want a healthy lunch. See where I'm going? Build a healthy life. It takes time, but its all about habits. One at a time.

    I would love to do this. I just don't know where to start. I hate my routine but it's very easy to maintain.

  2. So lifestyle change then.

    I've been thinking about joining badminton. I'm not to bad with this sport. The problem is transferring thinking in to doing.

    It's a start but ultimately weight loss is more about reducing what you put into your body. You'll need to do both. Btw, apart from feel better, you'll probably start saving money. I know many people in BKK who go straight down the bars after work, blow most of their salary in those places and aren't in great shape either.

    Yes you are right. I don't even want to say how much a day I spend on alcohol.

  3. Wow people here are really picking my brain. I was looking for a more general solution. But ok. Came here because I love Asia, always have loved Asia since I was young, can't explain why really. On and off with the gf, not a really good relationship but she is really pretty so hard to let go, silly I know. Don't know what that has to do with my question though...because everybody here has a beautiful gf.

    Not everyone

    I've seen some guys with real oinkers. You know what I mean. They must've been really drunk.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yes but I want to keep it friendly. Everybody here thinks they have miss universe including me.

  4. Boredom is a danger, you might be eating comfort food or drinking lots to alleviate it, in which case you might want to consider relocating if the problem doesn't go away. Many foreigners develop health problems in Thailand as they find life unsatisfying and make the wrong choices. Its an easy trap to fall into when so many others fall into it too.

    Auch. Spot on. But I don't want to leave. That's why I opened this topic. Help! For sure other people experienced the same and came through.

  5. I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

    Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...

  6. Wow people here are really picking my brain. I was looking for a more general solution. But ok. Came here because I love Asia, always have loved Asia since I was young, can't explain why really. On and off with the gf, not a really good relationship but she is really pretty so hard to let go, silly I know. Don't know what that has to do with my question though...because everybody here has a beautiful gf.

  7. Go somewhere less boring maybe.

    Well deserved. Bkk is not boring at all I agree. I just hope there are some people who understand me and give some real advise. Your answer is just an easy score. That's ok though, I do the same to other people.

  8. Reptiles slow down and even become comotose when the body temperature falls below a specific level. Perhaps American logic is... The head and apparent presence of a brain which requires a high blood flow at a correct nominal temperature to function efficiently may be insulated to a degree by wearing a hat when the sun is not present thus helping to avoid a coma state..

    Wearing extremely dark shaded glasses at night is beyond any logic I have heard about but maybe related to the failure to wear a hat?

    If so then wearing a hat and very dark glasses at night would suggest a near death scenario. Or....?

    Wearing a hat on a deliberately shaved head? I am at a complete loss!sad.png

    I think people must be as dumb as they come if they don't bother to read perfectly legit comments on why people might wear sunglasses in not 'appropriate' surroundings.

    I thought this was primarily about hats. Some people are very sun sensitive, some are just sensitive.wai.gif

    Yet you bothered to comment about sunglasses aswell...

    I think I also mentioned shaved heads, brains, comas,reptiles. I try not to get fixated . Bear baiting calls for diversity if it is any fun.smile.png

    You like to mention many things for someone who says it's primarily about hats. But it's all good, I understand I fell for the good old Troll trap. Carry on

  9. Reptiles slow down and even become comotose when the body temperature falls below a specific level. Perhaps American logic is... The head and apparent presence of a brain which requires a high blood flow at a correct nominal temperature to function efficiently may be insulated to a degree by wearing a hat when the sun is not present thus helping to avoid a coma state..

    Wearing extremely dark shaded glasses at night is beyond any logic I have heard about but maybe related to the failure to wear a hat?

    If so then wearing a hat and very dark glasses at night would suggest a near death scenario. Or....?

    Wearing a hat on a deliberately shaved head? I am at a complete loss!sad.png

    I think people must be as dumb as they come if they don't bother to read perfectly legit comments on why people might wear sunglasses in not 'appropriate' surroundings.

    I thought this was primarily about hats. Some people are very sun sensitive, some are just sensitive.wai.gif

    Yet you bothered to comment about sunglasses aswell...

  10. First of all it's French fries not chips. The world doesn't end at the UK. Second, vinegar on 'chips' sounds good to you right? I don't try to start a war here but please don't act that the UK is the know all about food or anything in particular.

    Why don't we call them Pommes Frites then? Or Frieten?

    The world doesn't end at the USA, either.

    And yet in the USA when the "french fries" are put on a plate next to a piece of fish it is then a dish called fish and chips.

    You are right soibiker, maybe I should ease up on the word for frieten, although I say patat ;)

    @ don mega. That's for marketing purpose offcourse. Does fish and French fries sound appealing to you? Let's call a quarter pounder a Royale with cheese!

  11. Cheshire cheese with a glass of Port.........wub.png

    I like mature cheddar cheese cubes, savoury crackers & pickled onions with my beer...

    I have them all here in Amsterdam!
    A good stampot is delicious, but you can keep your bitterballen in the Febo automaat thing with the other Dutch junk food.
    Whaaatttt? Dutch cheese along with snackbar food is the absolute best!

    BTW Febo sucks, tjakkaaaaaa

  12. Reptiles slow down and even become comotose when the body temperature falls below a specific level. Perhaps American logic is... The head and apparent presence of a brain which requires a high blood flow at a correct nominal temperature to function efficiently may be insulated to a degree by wearing a hat when the sun is not present thus helping to avoid a coma state..

    Wearing extremely dark shaded glasses at night is beyond any logic I have heard about but maybe related to the failure to wear a hat?

    If so then wearing a hat and very dark glasses at night would suggest a near death scenario. Or....?

    Wearing a hat on a deliberately shaved head? I am at a complete loss!sad.png

    I think people must be as dumb as they come if they don't bother to read perfectly legit comments on why people might wear sunglasses in not 'appropriate' surroundings.

  13. I disagree about the sunglasses. I have prescription glasses and sometimes it's just a pain in the ass to bring a second pair of glasses. So yes I will be the one walking in the shopping mall with sunglasses.

    QUOTE: "it's just a pain in the ass to bring a second pair of glasses"

    Yes I can understand your predicament.

    Have you ever considered putting your second pair of glasses in your pocket? Much less painful!

    555 nice!

    But to be serious it's just not realistic sometimes depending on the pants. The case for the glasses is big and bulky and just doesn't fit. On second thought...big and bulky, maybe I should put them in my underwear wink.png

    Well you could always wear a sports Jacket with an inside pocket. With the right hat you could be

    the coolest dude in the building.thumbsup.gif

    Not a bad idea but I think I'll settle for being just a sunglass wearing douche for now.

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