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Everything posted by sawadee1947

  1. Why can’t the Thai Govt........ and why can't a cow fly? Same same. ????
  2. You tend to go for short stories now. Well, If this will lead to improvements I'm with you ????
  3. I wonder how many people actually went there? I suppose they needed a lot of translators too? Anyway it was Party time ????
  4. Some fullstops would have been nice. Hard to read if you use Thai Style. ????
  5. Check Google. Then you will know it's a company with good reputation. However, Thai bashing is not a subject ????
  6. Maybe mocking? But anyway it's one of those daily incidents, not really to mention.
  7. I think it's Common sense. In Thailand there are No regulations and laws enforcements about working behind the wheel as in Western Countries. So here you can drive the whole day. And after enjoying your Ganja in the evening start driving again in the morning after maybe 5 hours. For private drivers it's the same ????
  8. You might have your own Definition. However, it doesn't meet international Standards.????
  9. According to the Alfred Sauvy definition, Thailand would be classified as Third World." You can believe what you want. Even you are free to express any nonsense if you feel Happy. read Matthew 5.3. It's about you I suppose
  10. Sorry, I didn't know that you do Research in Facebook only 5555. Even you might Not believe but honestly there are more reliable sources. Never give up learning????
  11. Yeah, much better than to carrx loads of Glas bottles, which is indeed as you say......totally retro.
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