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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 20 hours ago, madmitch said:

    It should be quite easy to make travel or international health insurance a requirement when applying for a visa. Schengen does it. It is harder to implement for 30 day stamp on arrival tourists unless they have a checkpoint prior to immigration to check insurance policies and if a tourist is found not to have cover they send them to a desk to buy a policy. 


    Secondly they seem to state that the Government has covered losses of 64m baht following the boat disaster. Does that mean the Chinese were uninsured? What about the legal liability of the boat-owners and tour companies? Will the Government subrogate against them or will the Chinese receive additional payouts? 


    And thirdly, the if the compensation fund is worth, say, 150m baht it's a very small amount for an industry that produces, according to figures, around 3 trillion baht per annum. I suppose protecting tourists isn't as important as buying part of a submarine.


    Finally, how will compulsory insurance improve safety in Thailand?

    You are absolutely right. 

    I wonder how these militaries do or don't create safety standards in their army? Sure they would not tell us about the accidents. 

    But we as foreigners are not able to have any chance of influence.... unless Thais would lose their face. 

  2. 13 hours ago, pewe said:

    As a german i know from experience that medical insurance can be a big pain for him. The normal 'Reisekrankenversicherung' will exclude any preconditions. Also the maximum stay is limited to 42 days.


    His normal medical insurance (Gesetzl. Krankenversicherung) will not cover him at all while he is in Thailand. And of course he should never travel to Thailand without proper medical insurance!

    Falsch: He can get health insurance for at least one year (check24.de)

  3. 7 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Why is everybody so focused on how much it will hurt the US?

    China has the most to lose and with the Shanghai index down 20% already, we might not be to far from facing another Asian financial crises, centered around China.


    Europe has no interest in working closer together with China. They just made a free trade agreement with Japan.



    I think you are totally wrong. At present US are going to be isolated. And EU is looking to tighten deals with China though they got deal done with Japan. Who do you think will be the loser if not US

  4. 4 hours ago, baansgr said:

    With loan interest rates at 9% in Thailand and very hefty up front insurance premiums, interest alone would be madness and not even covered by rental income.... That's if you could even obtain a loan which without income from hubby,  and tax payments is most unlikely 

    Also don't forget the risky times of uncertainty of the outcome of Brexit deals. Property prices might drop. Who knows. Even UK banks are very reluctant in giving loans unless you show 60% of own means. 

  5. The question is not quite right. 

    Who will benefit from higher tariffs?

    On the long run EU will win supported by China and Japan. There will be a lot of money coming to EU (I presume most will go to Germany) to finance all the wish lists in EU countries. 

    US will be the loser at the end 

  6. 5 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    It seems to me that EU will never accept any deal right up to dead-line or extension they want the worst scenario to happen to UK to discourage others from leaving. 


    Why can not the UK just finalize the leave list/doc whatever including a reasonable solution to unsolved items of what the UK will except as final withdrawal and say that's it.

    Agree or not agree stating we are now out based on the unreasonable behavour of the EU.

    It's a joke isn't it? Who wants to leave? EU or UK? When brain was supplied by God once the Brits stood waiting in the last row..... So they are the left overs.....sic q.e.d.  It's a shame and a pity. 

  7. 23 hours ago, falang07 said:

    These corporations should be forced to replace these dangerous substances with natural ones, like real milk butter, pork fat, eggs, etc. I always read the labels and do not buy these cheap replacements containing naturally identical flavours to fool the customers. Unfortunately, more is needed to be done to raise the awareness since many people are unaware of the risks or even what they buy. That is the only way to force the companies to produce real things, not artifically flavoured substances causing just heath problems and not digestable by our bodies.

    Sorry but you are wrong. Read falang07

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