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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    A change in consciousness must start at the most basic level. Most Thais think plastic is the best thing ever invented, and the percentage of Thais that even consider the negative ramifications of plastic is incredibly small. This requires some education. I always do two things to avoid the consumption of plastic.


    1. I bring re-usable bags with me every time I go shopping. I use the larger shopping bags I buy in the US, which are made of recycled materials. Most of the clerks have to be dealt with. Even when they see my bag, they still start putting the stuff in plastic. I always mai sai toom. No plastic! Then they start loading up my bag. Most look at me like I am from Mars. Do I care? Not one iota. About 1% thank me, and get it. Not many do. My Thai wife does not like bringing the bags to the store. I force her to. By now, she expects it, and sometimes even asks if I have any bags in the car, or on the motorbike. Same with the water bottles. It used to embarrass her. Now, it is second nature, as I have been doing this for so long, she expects it. So, if a Thai can be conditioned to follow these simple principals, then anyone can. 


    2. I bring a bottle of water with me, every time I go to a restaurant. I refill my plastic bottles from the 20 liter bottles at home. It is easy. I never buy bottled water at a restaurant. This saves 300-600 bottles a year. I use a plastic bottle dozens of times. I never get any flack from the restaurants. Only once did someone say something to me. She said you cannot bring you own water. My response was if you serve the water in a glass bottle, and I do not have to consume a plastic bottle, I am happy to pay for that. She was lost. I told her to leave and get me my food. She went away. 


    We simply cannot say we are concerned about the environment, and then do nothing about it. Action demonstrates commitment. Lack of action demonstrates nothing. 

    Lastly, restaurants can demonstrate their commitment, by serving drinking water from the 20 liter bottles. It saves alot of plastic. They lose a small amount of revenue, by not selling thousands of bottles of water. But, their operation is still profitable, and they are making a real difference. There really is not need to be consuming water in plastic bottles. At least not often. There are alternatives. Those damn bottles are a real culprit, when it comes to fouling the environment. What can we do, if we say we care?


    By using normal plastic bottles over and over, they start to leach chemicals. What they are referring to is BPA, and other toxic chemicals that leach from the plastic, if the bottle sits in the sun, or has been sitting for too long, or is re-used a few times. This can easily be avoided by purchasing these bottles shown here. They are on ebay, and shipping to Thailand is either free or less than $1. The bottles are one liter, and a half liter. Only $2-3 each. Worth it. I use them daily. 




    I think you will get the Nobel Prize! 

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Confuscious said:

    Well, YOU ARE WRONG!!!!



    2. Not in my country where consumers are protected by law (the EU).


    OK, I buy that. So in this case you would go to court, isn't it? And because we live in Thailand you would have to pay all your expenses by yourself.. And this all because you insist to get a discount on your tooth paste or whatever it is? 

    That makes sense indeed! 

  3. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...suggested that a committee be set up..."


    Wow! A committee? That is some powerful stuff!


    Here is a thought; as it seems like this is causing large problems for Thailand without bringing any benefits, why not simply act without a committee and ban the importation of electronic waste? Or, is that too decisive for you?


    Yes! That is the strategy! Blame the foreigners! Bad, Bad Foreigners! Bad! Bad!!!


    It is not like the Thai government and state officials have to approve any and all companies or have the power to enforce foreign workers regulations or collect taxes or monitor environmental damage, do they? They are simply poor, helpless lambs.


    Does anyone else hear the echo of "No Thai would do that" of Koh Tao fame?


    If Thailand wants to clean up on this issue, it can. Easily. The Thai state has all the powers that it needs to act; the question is whether it will or not.


    Stop blaming foreigners and get off your butts! You have a problem, deal with it.


    Why is taking proper action such a difficult thing to do in Thailand? Even after all these years I am still bewildered by Thailand's adamant determination to do nothing when faced with difficulties...

    Who would blame himself in public being an idiot and neglecting duties but grabbing money instead??? 

  4. 3 hours ago, Johnnyngai said:

    The Mainland Chinese love soy milk, I was in Beijing 2 years ago and found that they have many choices of Soy Bean milk machines.   I am sure some of them are of high quality. 

    Probably there aren't. The Chinese stainless steal differs in the dose of chromium. Chromium is important against corrosion. So again: Attention 

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