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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 9 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Says the man who wants a united Ireland. Calling the kettle black. How ironic.


    I see those posters who where claiming Boris wouldn't win the election and that brexit won't happen seem to have popped their heads from under the rocks.

    What does it actually mean to win an election? 

    It doesn't prevent to be wrong or doing wrong decisions or "deals ".

    Remember Hitler. He won with overwhelming majority. 

    And the result? 

    (Don't answer me that even after being defeated Germany still rules Europe... ????)

    • Like 1
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  2. 3 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

    We are going to be made a whole ramdam for 4 dead because of an evil thing which wanders and comes from China;

    but 25,000 road deaths, a number that will increase rapidly if the speed limit of 90 km / h is increased to 120 per hour ..;
    there, no, it's normal;
    Move along, there's nothing to see ...

    Well, but in an accident you will have a visible culprit whereas here the culprit is invisible.

    Therefore people feel uneasy. 

  3. 4 hours ago, twix38 said:

    Good he has insurance.

    A gofundme page to support parents!


    I'm afraid travelling and staying here with your son is a normal expense in the curcumstances that unless parents are destitute they should finance themselves, just like all other families do and has been done in the past before online begging began. Son has insurance so no unmanigable bills and so the family pay their own travel expenses to fly out and stay. An unexpected cost but that's part of life.


    Hope for a speedy recovery.

    Hope he'll recover soon. 

    However what the parents are doing by fund raising is pathetic, disgusting and embarracing. 

    I really hope nobody will send any penny. 

    The Police should confiscate any money going to their account!

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, billd766 said:

    He wasn't "using" tax payers money anyway. He has his own money, Prince Charles gives him an allowance and he also has his Army pension.

    Are you joking? 

    Where do you think these royals got their money from???? From heaven? 

    The only money he should be entitled is his Pension. Same as you or me. 

    He's not anything special as all royals who are not the brightest candle on the cake. 

    If they would have a 8hrs Job they would not have time and money to spend with underage girls or prostitutes as we know from Andy. Who knows if there are more of these royals involved. 

  5. 22 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I have some experience translating the gobbly-gook of WB reports.


    "Thailand; unless you reform your Education System greatly, you will forever remain a backwards, low-growth country that perpetually envies more advanced places. And, all of your neighbours (beginning with Vietnam) will surpass you over time (including Burma). Period."


    The key to this report, although they don't say it plainly, is that the growth of productivity requires a well-educated workforce. And, a well-educated workforce requires massive, massive reforms in all levels of the Thai Education system.


    Step 1. Enter the Headquarters building of the Thai Education Ministry and fire everyone working there. Immediately. Literally everyone. These people created and perpetuate the current hideous, child's brain-killing monster.


    Step 2. Enter the office of every Provincial Education Ministry office in the land and fire the top ten staffers. Immediately.


    Yes, this might sound dramatic, but it is a serious proposal. These are the people who created the current, unsustainable, Frankensteinian-working mess and there is no doubt in my mind that they are unable to fix it. Fire them today, literally today.


    Step 3. A massive audit of how Education System monies are spent to catch all the theft. Fire at will. Fire thousands. Then fire another thousand or two 'pour encourager les autres'.


    Step 4. Make each Head of School responsible for the grades of their students and unless more than 50% of students pass the standard test each year, fire them. Immediately.


    Then, begin the real reform of the Education System. With a chain saw.


    I am completely serious about every word in this post; it is only the blueprint to getting started...




    I agree with you. 

    Thailand doesn't need to invent themselves again but just look around and copy systems used in Singapore or Hongkong.

    Following the PISA survey there is a good guide line how to improve education. 

    However........ who should start? To establish or maintain power the ruling grabbing elites need uneducated stupid voters. 

  6. 8 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    dementia is tough to deal with.  I am 63 now and have seen friends I grew up with in the 1970s even had their great aunts living with them, just living skeletons, sitting in the chair all day long.  Such a drain on the family, patience, frustration, financially, emotionally, etc.  My mom is 90 now and the last of her generation.  Two of my great aunts went alzheimer's but luckily there was enough money in that generation to care for them in facilities.  My Mom is the last of her generation of our fairly large greek family.  My grandmother had 10 brothers and children, that generation has all passed.  Their kids, my aunts and uncles are all gone now, except for my Mom.  Her physical health is good, but she is getting very forgetful, but not senile yet.  Luckily one of my sisters is a nurse and has a house and god bless her and her husband for taking my mother in.  I send money every month.  Really not sure how we would handle this financially if Ma had to go to a facility.  Those places literally charge whatever they think you can afford. 


      Not being ghoulish, but there is a lot to be said for the slightly older days, when people went out a bit quicker.  Until and unless you see people wither and linger, I don't think you can really understand that.  Watch them sit around all day in the reclining chair, watch redundant news, Dr Phil, Oprah for hours and hours on end.  They lose interest in things, stop cooking for themselves, etc

    And what is your Point actually?

    The mentioned home in CM is excellent and well known for care and accomodation and food. They have well educated nurses and docs. I think some Swiss opened that home. So most of the old are coming from Switzerland ich Austria and Germany. They organise walks in Parks and going for trips together. 

    I doubt Everybody could offer this to their relatives in Europe. 


  7. 6 hours ago, legend49 said:

    So the government does zero to minimise the issue. The people have to suffer by staying indoors and then they have to become amateur scientists and monitor AQI. Why have a government?

    No no no, That's wrong. 

    The government in fact is doing much for their people. 

    By advising them to stay home, there will be less people on the road, means less accidents. Also less plastic bags, aso. 

    That's Thai Care, you know? 

    • Haha 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    Which is fine as long as its not the public who pay the wage bills. Flying in and out to meetings, surely not in economy class, tickets courtesy of who? The team are performing horribly and in danger of relegation to the minor leagues.

    You're right. 

    But look I got a Labrador and I paid his fare to Europe, what was expensive. And he gets good food and is happy to be fondled. So I spend a lot of money. 

    He's a lovely pet. 

    So don't be so harsh with the Englanders. 

    Grant everybody to have a pet and to care for them. ????????????

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