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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. 4 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    There is absolutely no logical or scientific reason to think that the death penalty acts in any way as a deterant. At best it it acts as a money saving device so society doesn't have to pay for a lifetime of imprisonment but even then, appeal after appeal usual means a significant amount of time still spent in prison at taxpayers expense.

    There's also the sticky issue of people being found innocent after being initially found guilty (advances in DNA profiling has proven many, many previous guilty people innocent). You can't free a dead person.

    Since the death penalty is nothing more than public backed revenge, personally I think that 'life means life' is a much better option. A lifetime of incarceration has got to be worse than a quick painless death and obviously there is still a chance of exoneration if the evidence shows up.


    As it was mentioned Thailand is on the same level as China and US in terms of death penalty. 

    To live for decades in a prison however is more punishment than a fast death. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    I appreciate your general sentiments, and if we are going to have any royals (For important jobs like opening supermarkets etc) then I would rather the Dutch or Norwegian style. 


    The "personal properties" were grabbed once from the poor" remark is heartwarming, Tony Benn said exactly the same in his uplifting "How the rich got rich" speech in HoC. Sadly it is totally out of date, and on a little reflection rather silly (Still very noble though). Most of today's rich achieved their wealth through business and/or trade. Then there are the musicians like Paul MacCartney, Michael Jackson, etc, the great actors, and the great writers. No one is going to persuade me that J K Rowling became a billionaire by stealing from the poor. She wrote books that people wanted to buy, simple as that. She has given 10s of millions of £s to MS research. Bill Gates wrote some key programs that changed the computer world, and has given away Billions. 


    Just not as simple as we would like to see it. The Royal family though, wealth apart, are a cornerstone of the British institution of privilege, best to put them out to grass, half of them look like horses anyway.


    How true. 

    The UK royals look alike those of Madame Tussaud's. Stiff upperlip and broomstick in the back, like zombies. 


    • Like 1
  3. 55 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

    Who, or what, do you think that they get "a salary" from?

    In addition, about 5% of the Sussexes' income comes from the Sovereign Grant, according to their website. This money is paid from the government to the Royal Family to cover expenses for official duties and looking after royal palaces. The grant is worth £82.4m in this financial year.



    And ALL their "personal properties" were grabbed once from the poor. Time to stop that nonsense. Royals do not fit in our times anymore. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    WHy is it useless mate? and who is thai bashing, whatever that means..

    Pollution affects everyone living here, foreigenr and thai). nothing wrong with having a discussion about it and shedding light on this governments inability to act in a sensible manner towards it.

    And then....? 

    If You know this Govt is not going to do the right things ......what will YOU do? 

    Whining and complaining? 

    Who of this Govt will listen to you? 

    You're a guest here, don't forget. With no rights but duties. 

  5. On 1/5/2020 at 11:28 PM, Gecko123 said:

    Climate change is already a significant factor influencing location decisions all over the world. Sea level rise along coast lines is but one impact. The agricultural sector will be impacted due to drought, more extreme weather events, ground water depletion, and invasive agricultural pests. Thailand's tourism sector, highly dependent on its beaches and coastal cities to attract visitors, will be Impacted. Its fisheries will be impacted due to rising and warming oceans. The cost of living will be impacted due to rising food production costs. Wildfire risk is already heightened - just look at what's going on in Australia. All of the above will put ever more stress on Thailand's social fabric.


    I anticipate that there will be some in climate change denial who will dismiss and attempt to ridicule the OP's concerns, but in my opinion, the OP would be foolish not to carefully evaluate potential impact of climate change when making a real estate purchase decision.


    Investment on Maldives Islands I would not recommend...... ????

  6. 8 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    You and some of the other Remainers are like those US soldiers they found 30 years after the Vietnam war had ended, still hiding out in the jungle looking for "gooks".


    It's over Bro, dry those eyes and sack up ????

    Time will tell. I'm still optimistic that the young generation (not you!) will use their brain to realise that a small island needs support (as you see with ROI) to compete with economic blocs. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

    We are legally leaving the EU on 31st Jan. Negotiations from this point are around our future trading relationship outside of the EU.  Can you explain what sequence of events you think could lead to a u-turn?  

    Easy as that. 

    The deal has to be approved by parliament. 

    If not the endless story will start again. 

    And if their is no deal then what is next? 


    • Confused 2
    • Haha 2
  8. 26 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

    Sounds like a stupid accident, kids playing or maybe fighting over Dads gun, who was going to hold it next.

    Tragic, but this problem could be solved if gun owners had to lock their guns in secure steel lockups as in NZ.

    It is also illegal not to lock them safely so if this happened in NZ the owner of the gun would be in serious trouble.

    ...not only NZ. It's law in developed Countries, maybe not in US

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