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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. While on the subject of aircraft types , can anyone tell me what has happened to the airport Kan Air have built half way up the mountainside on Koh Phangan? Every time I pass a Kan Air office, I ask, and every time I am either met with blank incredulity, or they tell me that it will be in service next month!

    Anyone know the real truth?

  2. I was faced with exactly this problem, and like you, set out to buy a website design kit and hosting. After a while I gave up and contacted a local website designer I was recommended to, paid the equivalent of 5,000 baht and got a really good job done, with one or two suggestions thrown in by my whizz-kid computer friends, such as inbuilt Google translation, and away we went, without any payment gateways at this stage! Most people seem to approve: www.betaglucan-worldwide.org though .com defaults to it as well.

  3. Although the visa situation in Thailand is somewhat of a nightmare, if you have entered on a 30 day Visa Exempt stamp, you can apply to any Immigration Office for a legal extension for 1,900 baht. If at the end of the 60 days, you were to go out for a week or so, particularly by air, you should have no trouble getting another Visa exempt stamp, though keep proof of funds with you, just in case you are asked.

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