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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. Bumrungrad is without doubt the most expensive hospital in Thailand, if not Asia. A colleague of mine was in there for 2 days last week, and I would say that the figure you are quoting is too low! Extra expenses appear on the bill regardless, and they are high. The most expensive is not necessarily the best, so look around and get further advice. Whilst many of the doctors and surgeons are good, you are paying for a plethora of nurses, many of whom appear to have little training. The admissions staff and payment sections however are excellent at their job,, and are trained to collect every single baht possible!

  2. Of course Thailand is a great place to live in and retire to. It is a wonderful country with infinite potential, but spoils its chances on the world stage by blatant errors which any first year psychology student would have no trouble in identifying and exposing !

    Tourist numbers are certainly down, and the accurate figures are not being truthfully exposed for obvious reasons. The Visa situation is complicated and hardly user friendly. The level of spoken English is markedly down compared with a couple of decades ago. Security has declined, and the attitude of the Police leaves a considerable amount to be desired. It has to be accepted that 'farangs' are second class citizens or lower, and Thais are never wrong or are able to lose face by admitting so! Possibly Martial Law, although selective, has cleaned up the general image of LOS in some respects, but that and the fiasco over the murders in Koh Tao, have done a lot to dent the image of Thailand throughout the world, but this seems to be ignored by the upper echelons, possibly at their peril.

    I could go and on, but I am sure this will evoke a lot of controversial responses, so let's take it from there, for now anyway !

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