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Posts posted by djlest

  1. Truth is even if all muslims were stopped from entering any country, or even if they were all kicked out.. it will not stop a war or terrorism or a counter attack... There are plenty of ways to bomb a country without being a citizen, or to attack its cistizens when they are on holiday... after all lets not forget, we all like to travel... These little ideas and strong words may sound appealing to someone angry and wanting to hit back, but if you look at the bigger picture here, its just retarded!

  2. i watched that tiger documentary about the temple abbot, what is quite concerning is he said, and i quote: when the tigers get frisky and just let the females into the cage and let them go at it... now there is over 100 tigers at the temple and they keep going missing. but there now seems to be tigers everywhere, i went to Nong nuch gardens last month and there were about 4 tigers there too... All of them were out with tourists being charged to take pics with them... They ll were fully grown and had been trained obviously from a early age to be used to humans... but still... there is more to this captive tiger business in Thailand than people are letting on to...

  3. This is probably the most dangerous time in history, we are more than likely at the brink of a global war.... choosing who rules one of the biggest super powers is not just about keeping a few people in the USA safe, despite the hundreds of murders per day among American people which dont seem to be a problem anymore...

    The choice that is made during the next election may well mean the entire World suffers a massive war of biblical proportions, especially if a business man gets into power... Its like Taksin taking over...

  4. Okay but its not very hard to change your religion in a passport is it? You think banning one of the biggest and oldest religions in the World is going to stop them?

    it will cause more hatred, more divides and more of a backlash...

    They will counter it in some way quite easily... Terrorism will increase, there are also many white Muslims that blend in quite well, and if they are all kicked out of a country they have lived for their entire lives, im guessing they will be more than pissed, and probably armed to the teeth thanks to good old Americas lack of gun laws...

  5. It wont be long before someone elects a new equivelant to a NAZI party Gov out of anger against terrorist attacks, then there will be a huge uprising from all muslims - and then perhaps World war 2 will be repeated with Muslim concentration camps, a gestapo and the biggest Global war we have ever seen...

    Well that's what Nostradamus says too...

    Fire from the heavens will strike the West, and the Muslim (Midy) world will rush upon Israel (au Levant), People will die of hunger without finding a root to feed on.. this is the third world war, the fury of the Gods of war, the revolutionaries (Escarboucles) will light their flaming fires, the war of revolution, and at the finish will be famine. Sixain 27

    Nostradamus uses the word “midy,” or people of the south, to denote the world of Islam. Some people have claimed the word “Levant” applies to the Isle de Levant, a small island off the coast of France close to Hyeres. Others have claimed it signifies Japan, as in “soleil levant” or the rising sun. However, in Nostradamus’ time, it would have been understood as the Levant coast, stretching from Syria through Lebanon and Israel, to the Egyptian border in the eastern Mediterranean. The word “Escarboucles” means carbuncle or garnet, which is poppy or blood red, and signifies revolution. The famine mentioned at the end of the Sixain is of world wide proportions.

  6. 2 wrongs dont make a right - however in Thailand there are very little rights...
    FACT: The fact that the Junta is quelling demonstrations before they happen does seem to be keeping the country a lot more peaceful than it was previously...
    Is it right? No when compared to democractic counries back home no, there is no freedom of speech here and its not a far cry from the Chinese regime...

    However... all previous governments resulted in many deaths, riots, burning down malls, corruption, rice schemes and all manner of nightmares....

    Thais are not the best at self control and i see the current Junta more of a parenting system, not allowing its children to go out and play afterdark or cause problems...

    Its treating society like children, maybe because that's what they still really are, education is far cry here really... Lets face it, this country is not ready for democracy if it cant even function on 1 cylinder of reason and respect for one another... or they can be brain washed and herded like sheep so easily...

  7. Be careful with maids, the last 12 months ive hired about 6 different ones.... all of them absolutely awful... The place was cleaner before they came, they hide upstairs on their phones then come down after 2 hours pretending they finished when nothing was done... I had one that turned up with her friend, and then asked me to pay her double, i refused so then they were both angry and did the worse job ever, so i lost my temper and complained... they then said fine we will never come back to work for you again LOL.... thank god for that i replied...
    Finding a good maid is not easy.... and lock your valuables up - everything!!!!

    The best maid i have had cleans very well and i got her back last week and paid her 600 baht, but she is only available once a month... but she cleans fast and thorough... the floors are squeaky clean afterwards and i have no dust allergies... You don't need to tell her twice, but she kept breaking things... over the years she has broken just about everything... garage doors, washing machines, cookers, you name it she broke it... but she cleans good...

    Thailand is a sacrifice to find anything good here...

  8. I ve been riding a honda hornet for the last 10 years in Bangkok at least a few times per week, whilst i could be considered experienced due to the lack of accidents ive had, i certainly dont consider myself experienced and anyday now could easily be my last...
    You need to respect the road and honor the fact that absoloutely anything can happen here, much more dangers than back home, and when you get in trouble no one cares....

    My last big accident was coming home after a long day at work, and suddenly wind picked up and a monsoon hit me in Silom, i was riding home quite steadily soaking wet without a mac on but without good vision due to the helmet visor and rain. Then the pickup in front of me skidded and hit the vehicle in front of him whilst braking. I swerved to miss them both and miraculously dropped the bike and literally went skiiing on 2 feet leaving the bike under me in between 2 lanes of moving traffic... the roads were so slippery as it hadn't rained for quite a while. After that not one person came to help me pick up my bike, instead everyone was just beeping and driving past.... it was a heavy bike to pick up in pooring rain and slipping all over the roads with my shoes on... again... not one person offered to help!

    it was after that i had even less respect for Thai society and more respect for the uncertainty and danger that exists here....Stay safe!

    as for standing on your pegs lol... that requires zero skill at all, just stand up, no extra balance required if anything it gives you more control at slower speeds and more support on bumps as your knees take the shock. I do it all the time on speed bumps...

    Wheelies however are a different story, nothing wrong with them as long as you dont put others at risk and rule number one.... keep your foot on the back brake and use it smoothly and don't lean back too far.

    Last 2 nights ive been watching ''The long way down"" and "the long way around" tour accross the world on BMW motorcycle series on Netflix - Great show highly recommended...

  9. i have a Thai elite visa and was stopped trying to exit the country because they had forgotten to stamp me in for 12 months, i was with the elite staff and the problem although worrying for 10 minutes as they were very serious about it, was fixed and blamed on immigration fault forgetting my stamp... always check you have 12 months (thats what you are paying half a million baht for) no excuses!

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  10. Thailand will be the joke of ASEAN - mark my words, its customs, import and corruption plus its lack of education and beurocratric drivel - seriously how can it ever be a hub?

    Thailand got rich from Tourism and development, multi national hotels, restaurants and capitalism makes Thailand - or maybe just Bangkok appear advanced... but in reality its still a very 3rd world country hidden by a false image.

    Vietnam will take over take Thailand soon, Malayasia, Singapore are already way ahead, and not too long Burma will be too...

    Thailand is a lazy and overly obsessed country ruled by greed and pride in my opinion... Its people are nice enough because they are relaxed and dont care, but that same quality is what destroys it...

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