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Posts posted by djlest

  1. I just hate buying Chinese goods - 90% of anything from China stops working a few weeks after, falls apart or is just junk. I just dont see why the World doesnt see fit to improve and boycott Chinese crap completely.
    20 years ago the quality of stuff was just miles better - things were regulated before it was let into a country, tested and had to adhere to standards.

    Nowdays that doesnt exist... corruption is the new standard.
    Made in Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore used to be on all the labels - but now they have let China undercut them - or perhaps the Chinese are just better workers, less lazy and more drive?
    Well either way - if anything to is improve it wont be from China

  2. Thailand is not cheap anymore - i went to pratunam yesterday and was shocked at how many shops had closed compared to 5 years ago, basically the price for cheap crap from china or Thailand has gone up - and euro and other currencies have taken a nose dive, plus all the fake stuff that attracted so many tourists to shop is now virtually non existent.

    Yesterday i stopped to buy a bottle of sprite and was charged 30 baht instead of 15. People are either more desperate than before and raising prices, or more greedy.
    Eitherway - Quality tourists just wont be coming anymore... The Chinese will instead.

    Thailand is a changing!

    But what Thais really fail to understand is - The price of Thailand is more expensive than the UK now for many many things. A Pair of jeans yesterday cost be 800 baht - thats UK prices but the quality will be Thai and suck.

    3rd World quality at Western rates.,... wake up Thailand~!

  3. why is it a scam?
    why is it corruption?

    He paid and they let him go - thats it

    The fact that they were either too lazy to write a reciept, dont have any or put the money in their shoe doesn't really matter. You have got your extension stamp.

    And before we start preaching about corruption, the only people that lost here would be the GOV lost 2000 baht to one of its employees skimming off the top.
    You really care about the most corrupt organization in Thailand losing 2000 baht?

    • Like 1
  4. Basically the police will work hard for a week, impress their Boss, then get down to Dunkin Donuts again instead of maintaining a balance.
    Again not really much to do with those in power, but a complete inability of those that are employed to do a good job without being nannied or contsantly pushed.

    The problem isnt government or who is in power - The problem is Thainess! or should i say Laziness!

  5. After 10+ years of living here - Teflon Thailand will survive just fine...

    However, this isn't about recession, or a lack of government, whether the junta is in charge or any of its predecessors, it really makes absolutely no difference, they are all still Thai and nothing will change.
    What will affect Thailand is the rest of the World is changing, More Chinese will come, less Russians are coming due to currency fluctuations. Less Europeans too.
    The price of everything is Thailand is also way higher than before, everything has risen to a point where its not so cheap in comparison to the West, infact its more expensive for many items, Thais are struggling with debt and not spending so much on consumer items, before they were but now they are more careful.

    Is that a bad thing? maybe not... Is it any different to the West where everyone needs to be more thrifty?
    Everything changes, we cant compare Thailand to 10 years ago anymore.
    And also perhaps Bangkok is slowing down, but in the North things are developing and improving, more seven elevens, garages, Macros, super markets, malls and roads and infrastructure, ive seen it change a lot, and for the better. This means more jobs and more spending.

    Just because Bangkok and tourist destinations are slowing doesn't mean the rest of Thailand is.
    Farming on the other hand isn't doing good right now, but that's got very little to do with development or govs anyway, and more to do with luck, weather, and the farmers choice and ability.

    One of Thailand biggest problems is education and laziness, Companies cannot thrive in Thailand due to this, in my company 90% of staff are fired in first 6 months or leave because they are crap and cant handle the pressure. They want an easy life with zero stress and big salaries. This is another reason Thailand lost its manufacturing powers to china, hardly any factories can be found here anymore. Laziness has prevailed and an inability to grow up.
    But this is also why we love Thailand - Happiness comes first!

  6. i dont think biology is important, i have 6 Thai daughters all of which love me unconditionally despite me being white and them dark, and no biology as they are adopted.
    Its a love that is deeper and as real as any biological family. they still have their real mum and dads too, i am just an extension of that, and its one big happy family.
    Having said that, gay families adopting is still okay in my book, its better thn not having any family at all.

    But for suragate mothers, i just feel thats a step too far, the biological strains a woman goes through for 9 months, just to give it away, and the business aspects.,

    It just makes it feel so shallow to me.,

  7. Thailand is a very strange place, you have only one choice to survive here.

    LET IT GO...

    you wont win, so dont even try... but the end game is that you won the war and lost some battles.

    The war is you live in paradise and leave with a shirt on your back, anything extra is a bonus...

    After 10 years living here i still get blown away by the oddities, yesterday for example.

    My father in law dies, within 3 hours people turn up - i was shocked at so many people!
    Then after a few hours more the entire garden is a professional syndicate of gamblers, there was about 4 games set up with a noodle vendors too!!! and about 100 people that ive never seen before...

    I complained saying its disrespectful to gamble during someones funeral

    Ofcourse im wrong!

    The professional gamblers attend funerals, it is actually their full time jon and they get away with it because the police cannot bust them. And the funeral gets more persons attending!
    The mind boggles!
    Let it go! i did... and feel less stressed!

  8. Junta is just trying to play the responsible card - by taking something away that makes oodles of money, the top togs will beg and bribe them with bigger pay checks. cutting out the police and going straight to the source, i.e. the Junta.

    Basically this is how the military are getting their piece of the full moon pie. i believe soi Cowboy is also under the military thumb this week too.

  9. Here is a photo i took 4 days ago on NOK AIR flight DD9515 on the 15 June to Don Muang 11.40AM
    You can see very clearly that one of the Engine panel Quick release straps is seen to be still open, it was not just left open it was actually broken and whoever chose to fix it thought that some Duct tape also seen stuck over the surrounding area would suffice???
    The duct tape has clearly fallen off quite a while ago, Yet still no NOK Aircraft technicians have bothered to fix it, nor seem to care that a piece of Duct tape is compliant to International Avionics Industry standards and can be used in place of a clip?

    Perhaps, equally disturbing is that those responsible don't consider that NOK AIR customers can gaze out and see the fantastic standards of Maintenance, safety and standards that Thai Aircraft technicians and its governing body, Thai Civil Avionics Authority adhere too? And if this is just one of many hidden or botched repairs on entire fleets of aircraft, which im sorry to say i believe is probably the case.

    Is this any wonder that the ICAO are not happy with Thailands Safety Standards? But what about its National Safety standards for Flights?
    I'm posting this to hopefully circulate back to the ICAO - the problem is not just with International flights but DOMESTIC Thai Flights seem to be in an even worse state.

    I really don't like posting negative comments that can destroy a companies reputation or damage its income or employees, but on this occasion safety and lives are involved.

    I did consider complaining directly to the NOK Airline at first, but i know it wouldn't do anything or it would never get fixed without a public outcry.
    If the THAIVISA staff want to make this Post a sticky or report further on it, to get this problem fixed, then please do.

    Finally, i would like to add that i am a time served Aircraft technician of over 20 years for Airbus and Hawker, not only does this broken clip create drag, but if the panel lifts and air gets under, well its a no brainier that it will rip the entire panel off. But even if that does't happen, this standard or workmanship is just not acceptable on Aircraft carrying thousands of Civilians everyday. the fact that it is a Budget airline is also no excuse!
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