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Posts posted by djlest

  1. wow thats quite a ballsy move.... perhaps they need more soldiers and this is the best way to recruit more pawns... playing on the feminist we can do what men can do brigade will certainly net them a lot of candidates.

    however, im guessing it will heavily affect how men opperate, will it distract them? will it cause more tensions in the ranks? will rape go up, and god forbid the daesh capture them...

    Hmmmm, politically correct yes... practical? i dont think so...

  2. over the last few years after Taksins departure, each and every high season has been riddled with a reason for low tourism. First it was the floods that were probably staged as the barriers were messed up from north to south, and within weeks he said he had a solution to the flood problem that would only cost Thailand 50 billion. Then the following year it was a coup, then again something else, then the erawan shrine and a strange almost fake like leaked report.

    Im no consiracy nut, but this does seem like coincidence that every high season there is an attack on tourism in some strange shape or form to keep the company down on its knees.

  3. do yourself a favor - either 1 get a new girlfriend that is eduacted or has enough oomph to get her own career or business without your need to sponsor her.

    or two, do nothing and let her find her own way - there are many jobs she can find working for someone else...

    as someone who has run a business for 8 years with my GF, mostly successful i can ell you working with your GF everyday is a recipe for dissaster, they are not business minded, they do what they want, they take he easy path every time with minimal effort, your high expectations will be met with very low ones...

    just stay out of financial or work/business relations with thai GFs period.... let them figure it out, or find one that already has it figures. Plenty of hard working Thais out there, although they may not be the best looking,.. they do exist..

  4. do youself a favor if you are still relevantly young open yourself a bank interest account and put money in every year approx what you would for a travel insurance. Dont under any circumstance unless you are sick touch it, and hope that if you do get sick you have enough funds to cover you. Failing that put a lump in as mentioned above 500k and leave it....or add to it..
    Benefits, you dont waste money paying for insurance you will never use or lining the pockets of a company that may not even pay out when you are sick, plus the money is there and growing for when you get older, just need to be disciplined and learn to forget about it.

  5. yep ive had a confrontation on a baht bus few new years eves ago with Russians. we got on the bus me and a few Thais wearing xmas hats. They started to snub us as we were wearing hats, they asked me why do you need to wear hats hahaha? then things got heated as i was pissed off with their attitude and they asked, what country are you from? i replied the UK and their immediate response was - oh hahah the UK is just a small country, but Russia is very big... lol They seriously have some ego issues

  6. i've met Mark, he comes to Thailand quite often. I drove him home from Zenred Salon in Rama 3 where he was getting his haircut a few years ago

    we got chatting and he was a very down to earth guy. It was before he got married and he was telling me that he had just made another substantial amount of money investing in a detergent factory here in Thailand.

    It was after the floods so he must have profited well from the clean up. Sadly he hasnt been back for a few years now, but whatever he touches usually makes good, its not just FB.

  7. do youself a big favour... dig a hole in the garden and hide your money there,.,, much safer than Thai banks and you will save more on interest rates versus yearly fees for using an ATM card that most countries provide for free... you also wont be treated like an infidel everytime you make a withdrawal... and when myterious transactions are debitted from your account (30k went missing from mine a few years back, SCB) you wont be asked, were you drinking that day sir? then ignored...

  8. LOL - obviously fresh of the boat.... maybe a few months here id say...
    Thai women are masters at defrauding Western psychology, simply because they dont conform with freudian concepts... or any we can grasp...
    Do youself a favor and give up...
    Finding an educated Thai with a university degree will still give you millions of UP TO YOU profiles, with zero passion for learning a foxtrot...
    Then you may meet a ladyboy that speaks 5 differnt languages, can dance tango, ballroom and is clever as hell... but you wouldnt want to take her home to meet mom n pop.;..

  9. NEVER EVER USE DHL FEDEX TNY or any other International courrier when ordering items into Thailand

    Sounds bizZARE but trust me these are the most corrupt companies working with thai customs you will ever deal with here.

    also why pay for an express service door to door, when it will take usually 2 weeks for them to con your taxes and clearing fees and extra charges from you?

    no point at all...

    Solution: ask them to send your item registered china post, or EMS... and write a Thai name on the address, not yours...

    you will stand better chances of not paying 100% tax and get it much sooner...

    FEDEX and DHL should be banned from operating in Thailand in my book...
    The 2 times i ordered

    1 item from china - import Tax (check on customs website what your exact tarriff and HS codes are) just so you know what you are fighting for - then include VAT 7% (soon to increase to 10% in december (then extras)
    my import Tax should have been 5%
    FEFEX claimed it was 100% so i should pay more than the item cost
    I said no, they said fine if you dont want the product
    They also claimed that they had already paid customs the 100% so i could not argue or fight my case against it being completely wrong

    They pay on behalf of the customer upto 100,000 without even asking you,.... then they invoice you for it...

    ABSOLUTE SCAM - discusting!

    TNT are no better and DHL is worse
    You have been warned!

  10. The problem these days is leaders are taught to be on the side of everyone, so as not to lose voters or be held responsible for saying anything that would actually put them on the line.

    Suddenly presidents have become nothing more than politically correct puppets that butter wouldn't melt in their mouth, or the exact opposite like the bush regime.
    Someone in the middle that can actually take 2 sides of a coin and explain why both could be right and wrong and making the decision to choose one and why....
    one thing is for sure right now... the Muslim population is growing and cross borders means they have to integrate with us...
    However, its not working and its breeding seperation, extremism and basically the more power they have, the more likely sharia law will be pushed onto the West.,..

    This simply cannot happen.... and should not happen... so politically correct politicians either need to step down or destroy us...

  11. when will people realize that Thailand has never been democratic and to them its just a word. No election here has ever been truly democratic and probably never will be. The only reasons Thailand had to be democratic was to fit in with Western superpowers. But nowdays thats not necessary as big brother China is on their side and the US dumped all military funding last year. So expect more of this to come... The US can go to hell as far as Thailand is concerned now, they dont need the US, but the US need Thailand far more if its to get advantages over China... Doesnt look like thats gonna happen...

  12. ive done it and its quite possible
    The trick is to transfer around 700,000 baht per time - and in one day i would suggest you go to maybe 3 different banks, kasikorn, scb etc. If they ask what its for say Family support. All Thais understand sending money back home for family and are usually understanding if you smile and charm the bank clerks.
    Also, you may have to do it every month - they track how much a foreigner sends home with your passport number, there is a limit usually but ive never triggered it and i send 2 or 3 million this year already.

    Check what the limit is to send without needing supporting documents, i think its either 10 or 15,000 euros without the need for proof

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