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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. 8 cases or 80k cases is irrelevant… Since we all will be infected with Omicron within the next 2-3 month anyway, large amount of testing no longer makes any sense. Thailand seems to be the smartest one right now, by not testing so much.
  2. In my Home country, my daughter attended a 2 hour dinner “party” with 28 people three days ago. Yesterday 24 were tested positive. (All fully vaccinated) It will be exciting to see what happens when the spread takes off here in Thailand. In theory it would spread super fast here as they test far less and tests are not free. One thing for sure… Be prepare to get infected within the coming weeks/months. This new variant is spreading like crazy.
  3. Don’t worry. Soon millions of super-rich Indians will arrive, all desperate to buy government-bonds and over-priced condos to get a long term visa. No need for the Chinese or low-life poor Farangs to save the economy.
  4. Thailands biggest problem when launching new stuff like this is corruption and laws being interpreted differently based on where you are located in Thailand. The only way they can make this work, is to make it extremely simple to understand for everyone (Government Officers and Nomads), If not, anyone applying for this will be risking problems. Since making it simple, will never happen then this is just another idea with no real outcome. Its a shame really, because they could be making good money from attracting digital nomads and encouraging them to stay as long as possible.
  5. Thank you General Prayut for thinking about us all and keeping up protected at all times.
  6. And there we go… The PM can not even fix the yearly Air-Pollution, but claims to full control over a world-spread virus…
  7. What the PM says and what ends up happening is two different things. This is his moment of glory. Once the virus takes over, it is time for him to find others to blame for the spread and new restrictions…Happened before. Will happen again…
  8. With the speed this new variant is spreading, it is only a matter of time before we will see restrictions reinforced and maybe even new lockdowns. Nothing the PM says will or can change that.
  9. The 99% could make a lot of change, if they really wanted to. The reality is however that the majority always just accepts the situation, not matter what it is. That is how the 1% manage to keep control. They need millions on the streets to make a real change, not thousands.
  10. I love the way they can turn spending into “growth”. I need to apply this to my personal finances.
  11. Who cares! As long as the GOGOs open up again and the girls can be understood, we are all fine ????
  12. Thailand history has show several times that democracy does simply not work here. As soon as you get to something that starts to resemble it, people will start fighting and you will see a new coup. Happens every time. For obvious reasons the Elite does not want a democracy, but I would claim that even the common Thai person does really not want it or even understands what it actually involves. Thai culture does basically not fit into our kind of understanding of what a democracy is or should be. It’s a bit like marrying a Thai woman and expecting her to think and behave like a western woman. She will not! Or like thinking you can covert a place like Iraq or another similar country into a democracy. It just does not work. Democracy is a “mindset” thing that needs to be implanted in each individual. It’s starts with education and thereby over time becomes a part of culture. Thailand is still far way from even being close to that. Best thing is to just leave them at their version of “democracy”. Because you can’t change everybody’s mindset overnight and this is what works for them.
  13. That bag must have looked VERY new for her to get stopped. And she must have told them “the truth” about just buying it in another country. Otherwise I doubt they would have done anything. I have gone through airports all over the world for the past 25 years wearing expensive brand watches. Never been stopped. And should I get stopped here in Thailand, I think they will have a hard time going after something with scratches on it. If so they could confiscated all luxury items entering without receipt, which I am sure most travelers can not show on the spot. And that would not be so good for TATs plan to have the super-rich Indians come over. ????
  14. <deleted>! Let people have some fun!!!! Clearly the Lab-escaped China virus is going to infect us all anyway at some point. Lets at least enjoy life until then.
  15. The only true high-quality product ever coming out of China. It’s a perfect virus.
  16. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-26/africa-travel-restrictions-imposed-over-new-covid-19/100652438 They can forget everything about their millions of tourists. Soon the Delta will be beaten by this new variant and lockdowns etc. will be repeating over and over again all over the world. It is already happening.
  17. Born in Denmark, but for some reason my parents thought I was better of spending my childhood in Nigeria. So I started out there when I was 3 years old. Next was UK, Israel, Egypt, Vietnam, Myanmar and now Thailand. So most of my life has been spent abroad. Only times I have been “home” was a few years to study and on short holidays. Overall it has been a great to live in abroad and experience different cultures up close. My only regret is that I have lost the emotional connection to what was my “home-country” a long time ago. I feel way more “at home” in the countries I lived in. So when I hear other foreigners here say they are going back home or ”Why don’t you just go back home?”, I can’t really related to that. That’s a strange feeling to have. Anyway next up will be Philippines or Belize for a few years. Will probably end my days in Thailand. Over 50 now and been coming here since I was 19, so it’s kind the closest I can come to something I can relate to as “home”.
  18. According to Dr Apisamai many foreigners who have arrived in Thailand since its reopening have not been wearing face masks as required and have also been gathering in groups and at parties. OMG! The white people are gathering in groups and even partying on their hard-earned holiday. Just like normal Thais also do. Guess it’s time to focus on the super-rich Indians again, who will for sure not do this kind of horrible thing. Welcome to Thailand! Enjoy!
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