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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. Great to see him back at work and moving the country even further forward! May he stay for many many many years! Loved and admired all over the nation.
  2. Great news for all Thais!!! A GREAT and POPULAR leader! All Thais I know love him.
  3. Of course the BIG “kick-back” projects must be highest priority now…
  4. Ohh well, “Amazing Thailand” Now I know why so many use the calculator, when I buy something for THB 20 and give them a THB 50 note.
  5. I am Sathorn now trying to get a taxi to take me to Sukhumvit Soi 48 after a business meeting. 4 taxies already refused LOL!! Okay for me, as I know the drill and I am not busy today. However I doubt the Millions of Multi-Billionaires they want to attract, would be as understanding.
  6. Just like with crackdowns, hub announcements etc… NOTHING will change. The dream of tourism returning pre-Covid figures is also an illusion, created by narrow minded officials with no international outlook and idea of what is going on around them.
  7. Will never forget standing outside Siam Park with my very tired 6 year old son. Had around 10 taxies outside and everyone requiring over x2 the price we paid to get there. All refusing to use the meter. Ended up calling a Grab and saluting them with the middle finger, when we drove past them. Many (not all) Bangkok Taxi are useless, lazy and a disgrace to their profession. They refuse rides and at the same time whine about not earning enough. Idiots!
  8. Well, due to uncontrolled air-pollution because of corruption, we have been wearing masks here in Chiang Mai long before Covid.
  9. I once had a customer who paid me a huge amount twice, by mistake. Like any NORMAL DECENT person I of course contacted the customer and paid them back, as soon as I found out. It’s NORMAL and happens all the time in business all around the world. I Thailand it is however obviously not normal, which make stories like this a kind of sensation. The restaurant-owner becomes a “hero” for not stealing. What a screwed up way of thinking.
  10. <deleted>!!! If you need to go somewhere, then YOUR the kid with you, instead of leaving him alone!!! Nobody else to blame than the selfish idiot of a father!
  11. Never going to happen. Payments always only goes one way here… From Farang to Thai.
  12. At 52 years old with an ex-thai-wife dying of cancer, I will soon be a single dad here. Not my plan when I moved here 12 years ago, but that is where life has taken me so far and I have no regrets. I think, I will always keep Thailand as my home-base, but also planing to try out maybe Philippines or Cambodia for a few years. Like any country Thailand has it’s drawbacks, but at least it’s given me some great experiences, which the small boring city in my cold home-country could never provide. Biggest worry going forward is of course my health, as I now am alone with the responsibility to raise our son. Who knows what will happen, but at least I can look back on a great and adventurous life the day I die. And isn’t that what life is all about? ????
  13. Yeah the guy is stupid as hell. Anyway now that we know where he is, no worries having some fun with the wife ???? If she is good-looking he is going to have a lot of sleepless nights.
  14. Clearly not the smartest husband in the world. His Mercedes must be very old.
  15. I see two options: 1. The guy is a very stupid “Wanna-be Thai”, who has no idea of reality. 2. He is working on getting a free “Refugee” ticket to Germany for him and his wife. My bet is on No. 1
  16. Totally agree! The “lose face” concept is so stupid. The act of Cheating, Lying, Stealing will not make you “lose face”. But Buddha forbid that someone catches you and shames you publicly. It’s such a messed up way of thinking.
  17. Well, Unfortunately this is Thailand where you automatically “lose face” when faced with your wrong-doings. Once you “lose face”, instead of fixing and learning from what you did wrong, you have to either sue or kill who made you “lose face”. So basically if they named anyone it would be a chaos of law-suits and “lose face” killings. Never mind that other people risk dying due to something being withheld. Welcome to the land of craziness!
  18. Oh no!… yet another “Wanna-be Thai” trying to save what he thinks is now his “fellow people”.
  19. Amazing that the driver can miss noticing a kid left behind. Fully understand the mom is suspicious of foul play. Glad my son goes to a school where I am contacted if he is late and I have not noticed them beforehand. Poor girl!
  20. Meanwhile there is a waiting list of 9 months to have an MRI scan for cancer patients here in Chiang Mai. Let’s see….50 scanners helping people or 50 million wasted on advertising? Great priorities and so much love for the people!
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