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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. A “sorry” and a bit of money is all it takes, IF you are Thai.
  2. Not good to make Thailand “lose face”. Wonder if 3 weeks in the “attitude-adjust” camp will be enough?
  3. Sounds like someone has been watching to much Thai-TV drama, since a very young age. Just impossible to fix stupid. Hope she never gets kids, but properly has a few already.
  4. Yet another “Man-child”. Will be easy to catch him as he has probably never been able to take care of himself and will surrender once he gets hungry.
  5. Ohh well, everyone has an opinion until they change their mind to feed their own personal agenda (pockets). Especially politicians. I am sure this will be sorted out, otherwise the PM will just have to make sure the party is banned.
  6. Yes, I got one based my kid living with me. You need THB400.000 in the bank and the papers to document you are the father. I don’t normally use visa-agents but in this case I did, because I was getting different/conflicting information based on who I asked at the immigration office. Paid around THB 30.000 for it all (multiple entry) and was worth every dime in my case.
  7. No doubt that the Deputy PM has done nothing wrong and this is just a big misunderstanding. The popular PM would never allow corruption or tax-evasion within his brilliant team of leaders. I am sure he will get to the bottom of this and also make sure the press put a stop to there fake news. Shame on those reporters!
  8. A true hero, beloved leader and even financial wizard, who has ensured true happiness to all Thai people. Happy to see the polls are in his favor, so he can continue moving the country forward and make Thailand the strongest nation in the universe. I have no doubt that the whole world will soon be speaking only Thai, as he promised during his first years in office.
  9. I think it is sad if they want this to happen in Pattaya, now known as a world class family-destination without any prostitution. I hope the PM sets a stop to these crazy ideas. I am sure he will, as he can see beyond selfishness/greed and know what is best for all Thai-people.
  10. Damn, I miss the good old days. Was so much fun and you could go partying, without having to file for bankruptcy the week after…
  11. Because she is cute I guess. Don’t see any other reason. At least there is no pointing…
  12. A heavy safety box and 7 cameras (inside and out) is what I have. Very cheap to get and have installed, compared to the 500k she lost.
  13. Delighted to see they are doing everything to ensure that Pattaya remains a premium world class family-destination. First they got completely rid of all prostitution and could not even find 1 hooker on their last field-search. Now they are on to next step making sure everyone in the city is drug-free. Great work! Hope they bring more officers on the next raid, so they can get rid of these last people wanting to party in their peaceful family-friendly city.
  14. Love these stories. Here you can become a true front-page hero, just by not stealing or lying. Good they tracked the cab-driver down, so he could have his moment of fame as a true saint. Wonder what would have happened, if they hadn’t looked for him and found him…
  15. What will always keep Thailand at standstill is mainly things like eg.: 1. Age over Intelligence: If you are old here, you are automatically considered to be wise and clever, although your IQ-level in other parts of the world would get you hospitalized. 2. The “Lose Face” concept: Designed for everyone to NEVER take any personal responsibility and instead blame everybody and everything else. Blocks all possibility of any kind of progress. 3. Corruption and “easy money”: Is just a natural part of daily life and in everyones mindset. Once you get the chance to get easy money 99,9% grabs the opportunity, as you would be stupid not to. The best way to quickly rise through the social ranks and become “respected”. 4. No social awareness or responsibility: The majority could care less about their fellow citizens or the society the live in. Therefore also wide-spread accepted corruption. And if you do say things are wrong, you risk going to jail. 5. Money is everything: Once you have money, you automatically also have power and you can treat others as you like. You are also able to bend all laws and rules. Everyone likes and understands that. 6. Distorted Religion: Has due to all the above ended up as a business, giving “hope” for the poor, but of course at a price. Not unlikely to see ATMs installed inside the temples, to ensure a donation can always be made. Also a great place for those stealing from all others, to seek quick forgiveness and live with their sins. 7. No International Outlook: No matter what, Thailand will always be the best in the world. Something goes wrong and you simple apply the “Lose Face” concept and blame the outside world or the foreigners. Foreign expertise is although welcome, as long as it provides opportunities in relation to easy money and corruption. But besides money the ideas of others have little interest. 8. Education The educational system is designed to feed all the above into the majority who can not afford attending a private school. Keeps “the system” going and people in their place and social-rank. It is a forever “loop” of NO PROGRESS and will always be so. Opportunities are lost long before they even surface. That said, I will always love the weather here ???? And if you apply the “Their country - Their rules” principle, then life is also pretty great here. IF you have money of course…
  16. Guess my ex-wife faces 100s of years in jail then ????
  17. While those who steal from the entire population on a daily bases have nothing to worry about…
  18. I am in Karon, Phuket right now on holiday. My home is in Chiang Mai and can’t wait to get back home tomorrow. Guess Covid times must have affected my brain as I completely forgot how crappy this place is. Russians everywhere (feels like having taken a Time Machine back to the 80’s), Boring restaurants all with the same menu, Inflated prices and not even good or friendly service in return. Actually I have never experienced so many rude and arrogant Thais (shop owners/managers) as on this trip. Probably still a great place for the typical middle-class family with kids and the regular sex-tourist coming for the “I am a millionaire” few weeks trip. Besides that, it has absolutely nothing else or better to offer.
  19. Of course the French guy should not just go free for what he did. In any country, if you send someone to the hospital you have to face the law and consequences of your actions. The whole thing wrong here is the bias way the media reported this. Making it seem that is was a brutal and cruel attack on a completely innocent Thai. It wasn’t. It was a 1-1 fight with a very bad ending.
  20. No he should have backed off, same as the French guy should. Unfortunately for him he instead choose to attack the French guy who was walking away. When you hit or kick somebody, there is always a risk of getting a beating or being locked up, if the opponent ends up in the ICU. BOTH made those choices and took those risks and now they are both facing the consequences. Lesson to them both: Don’t fight!
  21. In Hua Hin the Thai guy kick the old woman in the face while she was sitting down. I can’t really see the similarities here, as this was a 1 on 1 fight between two men. The Thai guy wanted the fight and he got it. Hope he survives and has learnt his lesson the hard way. The French guy did not attack or kick the Thai at any point, when he was down. In fact he tried to walk away. When you pick a fight, you need to also accept the risks and consequences of your actions. In this case the result was a bad landing. Had that not happened, it would just have been an ordinary 1-1 fight, where the Thai-guy lost. That being said, it was VERY stupid that the French guy did just not walk away. And he will also have to face the consequences of his choice to fight.
  22. You really need to watch the ENTIRE video and not just the ending. This Thai-guy wanted to fight, even when the French guy tried to walk way. This Thai-guy is not an innocent victim and he wife is a very bad liar. She should be charged with lying to the police, which of course will never happen.
  23. Exactly!!! The Thai-guy was no angel in this at all. He was just a bad fighter. But funny how the media can twist things and make 95% here believe the 2 farangs attacked the guy.
  24. WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO!!!! Funny how the media totally ignore that this was NOT an unmotivated attack, but a 1 on 1 fight and the Thai-guy kept on wanting to fight after he had been knocked down once. Only one Farang was involved in the FAIR fight, so what has the other guy done? I hate fighting and violence but after watching the video, I really think is being reported completely wrong. The Thai-guy was not some innocent victim as he is made to be. Hope he survives and learns to stop picking fights.
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