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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. My ex-wife’s sister in BKK had a (for her) large credit-card debt, which was making her life alone with two kids miserable and she would never be able to pay off. As it was a small amount for me I helped her pay it all off, with the result that she later quit her job in BKK, moved back to the village and is now living off her son sending her money every month. Last I heard she has now somehow even managed to get into debt again. Unfortunately, can’t say helping her out changed her life to the better… Can’t fix lazy and stupid.
  2. I guess they burn all the paper work on a weekly bases. Otherwise why would they need the same info again and again.
  3. Damn, You can’t even trust some good old corruption anymore. Sounds like a “project” with too many involved.
  4. You forgot to mention the extra “problems” you can also easily get once you show your wealth as a foreigner here. I once had a very successful company here in Thailand paying A LOT of tax and creating hi-paying local jobs. Moved the company abroad as soon as the boss at the local revenue department started harassing and trying to blackmail us, although we followed all laws and rules. Once they smell easy Farang-money, they have no moral or shame.
  5. Great to hear that the deal is closed. That’s THB 4 Billion well spent! The need of military drones has never been higher and things like education and health for the general public can of course wait. The current waiting-list for an MRI-scan in Chiang Mai is e.g. only 9 months on government healthcare. And we all know how great public education is. You surely can’t blame the leaders for not loving their country and it’s people. Hope they enjoy their new mansions and super cars. What a F-upped world we live in!!!
  6. I am pretty sure the immigration officers know exactly what is going on and don’t care… we can only guess why?… ????
  7. Correct! And I doubt very much they will check the legitimacy… because that would most just mean more problems and block of certain revenue streams. Nobody… especially at immigration, has an interest in that. Last time I was at the immigration, the officer there actually suggested I used an agent. He could even recommend one, he said was really good. I wonder why? I always find it funny when people think that doing things “the correct way” will keep them out of risk or trouble in Thailand. All it takes is a conflict with the wrong person and you can be in deep trouble here… no matter if you do things “correctly” or not. That’s how corruption works. And it is everywhere.
  8. Although it take nothing to pass a driving-test here, this will never change until the traffic-police gets on the road and start doing their actual job. People drive like crazy because they know there is no police and no fines.
  9. I flew in using the Thai Pass yesterday. Took me 30 min. to get approved online and it was super smooth at the airport. I honestly think they should make something like the Thai Pass requiring travel insurance from all tourists. Get rid of all the tourists getting in trouble here. No more Go Fund Me pages… Thai Pass was the first ever Thai-made online registration that worked completely without hassle for me. I wouldn’t mind keeping it as I was so thrilled about something that worked.
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