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Everything posted by khunpa

  1. I am surprised he could get angry about this. I have so far never got my money back from any person, I have borrowed money here. I mainly choose to borrow money to the people I don’t want to see again. And it works.
  2. The problem about a deeply corrupted society, is that you need to completely change the mindset of the majority of people, which takes generations. The PM can demand all he wants. Will not change the thinking of either police or the drivers. So good luck!
  3. Pretty amazing overstay. I don’t understand how he could manage. Find myself in constant situations were I have to show my passport and visa (like hotels, flights etc.) Guess you need either a fake visa/passport or not move around too much during an overstay.
  4. Funny. I experienced the same with my Thai-stepson from previous relationship. He adored his completely useless dad who had never done or cared anything for him. Anyway the dad managed to exploit his kid for money for a few weeks, until he again disappeared.
  5. I have been traveling domestically lately. First Phuket and now in Bangkok, heading back home to Chiang Mai next week. Will keep traveling internally in Thailand as long as it is easy and possible. Internationally is a total different issue. Not leaving before I am 100% sure I can get back in without quarantine.
  6. Time to bid Omicron “welcome” to Thailand. Will in theory spread like crazy here, due to little free testing and the “Go to hospital jail” rules, if positive.
  7. Many pictures of Thai women sitting in some fancy cafe reading books on Tinder. Not so sure if they are actually reading the books they hold on the pictures, but guess it makes them look smart. In real life I have never seen any…
  8. Those countries test way more, so he is right. Thailand will never have many cases. Of course a lot of people will feel a bit sick, but that’s not an issue, as most will not get tested due to nobody wanting to be dragged away to a hospital. In a few months when everybody has been infected, he can personally claim a big victory over Covid. Great start for the new PM.
  9. Let’s hope so. For sure these loans will never be paid back.
  10. Life’s not easy when you have to buy into your job position and your normal revenue stream from illegal activities and corruption goes down. Maybe time to establish a completely new police force and way of doing things. You know like in countries where policing means upholding and enforcing the law. Do good and unselfish things to protect and serve the community… Yes, I know… never going to happen…
  11. With the costs and consequences of getting infected here, this virus will blow through Thailand with super speed, as most will not seek medical attention unless being really sick.
  12. Official numbers will be max 30k and real numbers will be much higher. We will all get infected. Many of us properly already have been infected with other variants. Let’s face it. Thailand is not really in front when it comes to testing. Good thing about low test-rates is that you get few cases compared to other countries and can claim to be handling the situation well.
  13. The find just shows how much this spreads and gives an idea of how much Covid is actually out there. Massive testing no longer makes sense as we will all get infected at some point. As things look now in e.g. Europe, Thailand actually were smart not to test more than they did during this pandemic. Saved them a hell of a lot of money.
  14. Just this last week I have read two different news articles from Denmark, about people warning others not to visit Thailand. In both cases they tested positive on arrival and are now spending their Christmas holiday in a Thai Hospital (although they have no symptoms). All family members isolated… even those who are tested negative. Great holiday! Nobody in their right mind would choose a holiday in Thailand now.
  15. Like other things in life… If you get bored of it, then do something else. Create your own happiness.
  16. Going to be interesting to see the effect of Omicron in Thailand. Considering they do very few tests here, in theory the virus should spread even faster than in Europe. With an unstoppable virus, I can’t really see the point of destroying the tourism industry further. But maybe the inbound testing and discovering of cases, can keep the focus off the local spread and keep the official numbers low. No matter what, we are all bound to get infected over the next months and the majority of us, will never become an official case number.
  17. Thai guy “lost face” when the Farang told him to go away. Now the Farang must die, as “losing face”’is even worse than getting Covid.
  18. Never thought I would say this, but here it goes… “LONG LIVE PRAYUT”
  19. For what reason? Omicron spreads too fast and will infect us all anyway at some point. Restrictions are only delaying it and causing people more pain in other ways.
  20. This is getting more and more stupid as time goes by… When will they realize/accept that this virus can not be beaten? It is already here and spreading. The only way this pandemic could have been stopped would have been ALL countries working together to fight it, which of course did not happen due to stupid selfish world leaders and politically messed up countries. Now it’s too late, so let the virus do it’s job and pray for it to burn out and not mutate into something more deadly. That’s all we can do.
  21. Thailands main problem is it’s truly bad educational system, designed to keep people stuck on the same social level. Here you can easily find people with bachelor degrees in English, who can not speak a word of English and sell noddles for a living. Their educational system simply sucks big time and a Thai-degree is completely useless anywhere in the world. Add to that a culture of day to day living, corruption, lack of common sense and a mentally that you “lose face” if you have to admit to personal wrongdoing, you will never see much progress or development. Luckily the younger generation has started to see what they are missing out on and things will change. But it will take a very long time and several generations. Until then Thailand will keep being what it is. A low-educated production country and a tourist destination for middle class foreigners. They can wish and talk as much as they want. It does not change the fundamental problems.
  22. LOL… this will not age well. Anyway let him enjoy the few remaining weeks until Omicron takes off. Then of course it will be the blaming speech…
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