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Posts posted by bikerlou47

  1. When you listen to your government as to what you should eat...you get fat

    When you get fat...you get lazy

    When you get lazy ….your blood pressure rises

    When your blood pressure rises …. you develop heart disease

    When you develop heart disease..... you die young!

    So don't listen to the Government............. EAT FAT!


    Stand: Februar 2011


    Seit November 2007 wird der elektronische Reisepass (ePass) der zweiten Generation

    ausgegeben, bei dem ein digitales Passfoto und zwei Fingerabdrücke im Chip gespeichert

    sind. Mit dieser neuen Technologie wird ein Höchstmaß an Fälschungssicherheit und Schutz

    vor Dokumentenmissbrauch erreicht.


    Voraussetzung für den Erhalt eines deutschen Reisepasses ist der Besitz der

    deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit. Nähere Auskunft zu staatsangehörigkeitsrechtlichen

    Fragen erteilt die Botschaft.

    Zur Beantragung hat der Antragsteller persönlich bei der Botschaft zu erscheinen.

    Dies gilt ab dem 01.11.2010 auch für alle minderjährigen Antragsteller. Die

    Abholung eines Reisepasses kann durch einen Vertreter unter Vorlage einer

    schriftlichen Vollmacht erfolgen.

    Die Gültigkeitsdauer beträgt normalerweise 10 Jahre. Wer jünger als 24 Jahre ist,

    kann nur einen Reisepass für 6 Jahre erhalten.

    Die Bearbeitungsdauer beträgt 4 bis 6 Wochen, da die Reisepässe bei der

    Bundesdruckerei in Berlin gedruckt werden. Es wird empfohlen, bereits sechs Monate

    vor Ablauf des alten Reisepasses den neuen Antrag zu stellen. Eine Verlängerung der

    Gültigkeitsdauer von abgelaufenen Reisepässen oder das Einfügen von zusätzlichen

    Seiten ist nicht möglich. In besonderen Notfällen kann jedoch ein vorläufiger

    Reisepass ausgestellt (Bearbeitungszeit ca. 3-4 Arbeitstage) bzw. ein Expresspass

    beantragt werden (Bearbeitungsdauer: ca. 10-20 Tage).

    Sollte Ihr alter Reisepass vor Ablauf der Gültigkeit bereits keine freien Seiten mehr

    enthalten, wird die Beantragung eines Reisepasses mit 48 statt 32 Seiten empfohlen.


    Reisepässe für Erwachsene

    Kopien Ihres bisherigen Reisepasses (die ersten beiden Seiten mit Identitätsdaten und

    die Seite mit dem thailändischen Visum)

    Abmeldebescheinigung aus Deutschland

    Falls Sie in Deutschland noch gemeldet sind, ist die Passausstellung erst nach

    Ermächtigung durch die zuständige Passbehörde möglich. Die Ermächtigung wird

    behördenintern eingeholt.

    Zwei gleiche Passbilder neueren Datums (können im Warteraum der Botschaft

    gefertigt werden)

    Bitte beachten Sie die Anforderungen an Passfotos gemäß der Fotomustertafel auf der

    Botschaftshomepage. Fotos, die diesem Standard nicht entsprechen, können nicht verwendet

    werden und werden von der Bundesdruckerei zurückgewiesen.

    Fallbezogen können noch folgende Unterlagen zusätzlich angefordert werden:


    Erklärung über die Namensführung in der Ehe

    Bei Reisepassverlust: Identitätsnachweis, polizeiliche Verlustanzeige

    Bei vorherigem Wohnsitz im Ausland: Nachweis des damaligen Aufenthaltstitels (z.B.

    bei Aufenthalt in der Schweiz: Schweizer Ausländerausweis; USA: Greencard etc.)

    Staatsangehörigkeitsausweis bzw. Einbürgerungsurkunde


    Reisepässe für Minderjährige

    Persönliche Vorsprache des Minderjährigen ist ab dem 01.11.2010 zwingend


    Ein vollständig ausgefüllter Antrag (von den gesetzlichen Vertretern zu stellen, die

    Angaben beziehen sich auf das Kind). Bei gemeinsamer Sorge müssen beide

    Elternteile zur Beantragung vorsprechen.

    zwei gleiche Passbilder (bitte Hinweise auf der Homepage beachten)

    Geburtsurkunde im Original mit Kopie (bei Erstbeantragung)

    Reisepässe der Eltern im Original, zusätzlich eine Kopie

    bei Kindern nicht verheirateter Eltern, Vater ist deutsch:

    Urkunde über Vaterschaftsanerkennung bzw. -feststellung bzw. Nachweis über

    Legitimation nach thailändischem Recht (s. Merkblatt „Vaterschaftsanerkennung“)

    Der Eintrag als Vater in die thailändische Geburtsurkunde reicht nicht aus.

    Bei Kindern nicht verheirateter Eltern, Mutter ist deutsch:

    Negativbescheinigung über das alleinige Sorgerecht (falls Mutter in Deutschland

    gemeldet ist)

    Bei Müttern mit doppelter Staatsangehörigkeit (deutsch / thailändisch):

    Ledigkeitsbescheinigung des Bezirksamtes und des Zentralregisteramts in Bangkok

    bei Kindern verheirateter Eltern:

    Heiratsurkunde der Eltern mit Kopie

    ggf. Erklärung über die Namensführung des Kindes

    ggf. bisherigen Ausweis des Kindes mit Kopie

    Alle ausländischen Urkunden sind mit einer deutschen Übersetzung eines anerkanntenÜbersetzungsbüro zu versehen.


    Gebühren in Euro, zahlbar in Baht zum jeweiligen Zahlstellenkurs der Botschaft. Nur

    Bargeld kann akzeptiert werden.

    wenn Abmeldebescheinigung

    aus Deutschland vorgelegt wird ohne Abmeldung

    Reisepass für Personen über 24 Jahre (Gültigkeit 10 Jahre) 80,00 139,00 EUR

    Reisepass für Personen unter 24 Jahre (Gültigkeit 6 Jahre) 58,50 96,00 EUR

    Vorläufiger Reisepass (Gültigkeit 1 Jahr) 39,00 65,00 EUR

    Reiseausweis zur Rückkehr nach Deutschland ----21,00 EUR

    Reisepass mit 48 Seiten zusätzlich 22,00 EUR

    Expresszuschlag zusätzlich 32,00 EUR

  3. Exercise has little to do with losing weight...if you want to lose fat and retain your muscle eat the required amount of protein. This can be anywhere from .6 to 1.0 gram per lean body mass.

    By reducing your carbs and increasing fat and protein you will lose fat NOT muscle! Probably be a good idea for some of you guys to read a book or two before you start posting!

    Whatever you've been reading has been leading you astray because you clearly don't have a clue.

    ...Or is the problem perhaps that you've been reading too much and never put anything into practice?

    If you don't exercise you'll lose muscle on a normal diet as part of the process of aging. If you don't exercise and restrict calories you'll lose it even more quickly.

    Eat protein to retain muscle you say - that's absurd in the extreme. That's something that protein manufacturers would have us believe.

    You don't have a clue as to how the body processes macro-nutrients.....I will say this one last thing and leave you to your bottle of Chang!

    When you restrict carbs you will increase protein and dietary fat, the dietary fat and stored fat will be used to provide your energy needs , the protein will supply your muscle cells with the required nutrients. Exercise is NEVER needed to retain your existing muscles, exercise will increase your muscle structure!

    Sit on your couch watch TV ...restrict carbs, increase your intake of fat and protein and the fat stored in your body will be used to keep your body going! And you will lose fat and retain muscle. Dietary fat will not be stored as fat as long as you keep your carb intake to a minimal level..that level is dependent on your individual body and how resistant you are to insulin.

    When you follow a diet as described above calorie counting is unnecessary! There is never a need to be hungry, eat until you are full and then stop. When you are hungry eat again!

    I am 65 years old with a six pack and it is not Chang!

  4. The documentary from the BBC "The truth about exercise" last month,was an eyeopener,hours of gym work being a waste of time relating to weight loss,also recent report regarding exercise from Europe,basically stating short (very short )spurts of exercise are most beneficial.


    Just remembered something of the BBC s programme,it stated gym work for a large part of the population is a waste of time,something to do with the genes.

    You must have been very impressed with that BBC documentary. I suppose if you don't think too hard it may seem like an "eyeopener", but in actual fact it's just a bad documentary which will give a lot of people an excuse not to exercise. If you like we can start a new thread and discuss it in more detail....

    Just as an opener, the guy tries a new exercise program requiring 3 minutes of "high intensity" (I use parentheses because we have no idea how intense he is training as we have no heart rate data to go by) exercycling per week for a month - and then when he doesn't show any increase in VO2 max after the month he is told that he is a person who doesn't respond to exercise as he has the wrong genes. It's quite ridiculous really - the exercise program is the failure yet they blame it on genes.

    Also, you keep mentioning "losing weight". Yes, you'll lose weight if you diet without exercise, but you'll lose muscle weight in addition to fat weight (muscle first - fat last) and when you start eating normally again you will end up fatter than you started. Calorie restricted diets are doomed to failure - every time. Don't even try it.


    It is extremely important to hold onto muscle while you are burning fat. That is impossible without exercise.

    Exercise has little to do with losing weight...if you want to lose fat and retain your muscle eat the required amount of protein. This can be anywhere from .6 to 1.0 gram per lean body mass.

    By reducing your carbs and increasing fat and protein you will lose fat NOT muscle! Probably be a good idea for some of you guys to read a book or two before you start posting!

  5. OK thanks this helps out a lot ATM fee is not itemized on my Bank of America statment, but it seems that Schwab is aware that you paid an ATM fee.

    That is what I was looking for...will be in the States in a few months will make sure I get a schwab debit card so I dont have to make trips to the bank to avoid the ATM fee

    Thanks so much

    Not sure what you mean by the fee not being itemized. What Bank did you do your withdrawal at?

    If I withdraw from AEON there are no surcharges. However if I use any other banks ATM, there is a 150 Baht fee, and it will be itemized on the ATM receipt.

    My Schwab debit card is linked to my brokerage account. If I use an ATM with a surcharge, it will be deducted at the same time as the withdrawal is registered in my account.

    It's my understanding that if you don't have a brokerage account, but just are banking with Schwab, then you will get reimbursed at the end of the month, for any ATM fees that you have accrued during that month.

    See below for two different recent withdrawals, one using AEON, no ATM fee. And one using Bangkok Bank, 150 baht fee, that was instantly reimbursed.


  6. It is a mystery to me also , but here is what i have learned.

    Some areas including mine don't know what spinach is... some call it "Popeye"

    I get spinach and a lot of it in Mahasarakam....really cheap, really good, but you have to go to the local fresh markets!

  7. I have seen some pretty foolish replies on this thread....like...

    You have to eat carbs for energy...try telling that to an eskimo in the winter!

    I eat carbs aand dont get fat .........as if everyone has the same genetic makeup


    you have to exercise to lose weight....what a joke!

    If anyone is serious about how to lose kilos here in Thailand I have the answers!

    Here is what you need:

    Dedication and minimal kitchen skills

    You will never be hungry you can eat whatever you want each week I PROMISE! I have done it!

    Send me an email and I will help you get started!

  8. Since at this point I am only interested in losing weight I followed the 90 or so pages that Tim recommends.

    I am not ready for the whole book at this pint.

    The side effects are only feeling great about getting my weight down :-)

    Very strict I do exactly what Tom says to do, the best food that I have found in Thailand is the winged bean, it is a legume that you cook like a vegetable, very high in protein.

    But in general I eat a lot of beans spinach, chicken and pork!

    On the seventh day I eat what ever I crave!

    Let me know if you have further questions!

    Bikeriou47, firdstly well done those are great numbers.

    Can i ask you a few questions

    1) Ive got the book there is so much in there.. what rough regime did you follow and what worked for you

    2) any side effects along the way

    3) how strict or observant of the diet were you and if based in Thaialnd how did you go with various Thai foods as it realtes to the diet

  9. Looks like a banyan tree to me (Ficus Urostigma).

    I'm a tree maintenance specialist, not a taxonomist, and I usually don't get into discussions on identificattion; I had to look that one up and learned something. you scientists and Ficus aficionados please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Urostigma apparently is a sub-genus of Ficus, and includes several species with heavy aerial roots, some called strangler figs and banyans. The most common of these in northern Thailand from what I've seen is Ficus benjamina (weeping Chinese banyan) a common house-plant in the US. Aerial roots are not so prolific as with some other species. Ficus altissima, a strangler fig is also common, and there is a large and famous one on Chiang Mai's Doi Suthep, on the trail up behind the Wat and the NP headquarters.

    Ficus benghalensis is the common banyan of India (and Hawaii). The most famous and the largest that I've seen is in Bengal, just outside of Calcutta. It covered about an acre in the early 70s when I saw it, the original trunk is long gone and the aerial roots have become multiple trunks and pillar supports for the extensive lateral branching. There is another famous banyan in Lahaina on Maui, Hawaii, and many large ones in Hilo on the big island. The leaves are larger than what appears in the OP and Danbradster's photos.

    Ficus elasitca, the house plant known as 'rubber plant' has a big leaf, and the mature trees get very large and have heavy aerial rooting.

    Ficus microcarpa is the small leaf Chinese banyan that is common as the famous Hong Kong island "wall trees". (Along with F. virens) And that's what I think danbradster is showing and maybe the OP as well. There are some in Thailand, but it's not so common.

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