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Posts posted by bikerlou47

  1. I was just wondering the general feeling people have when they leave Thailand. I just arrived back in Aus today and I miss Thailand already, the wise choice is not always the one that makes you feel good!

    I did have a chat to a fellow at the airport and he felt worse than I did.

    SAD very SAD thas why I moved here!

  2. Some say Pattaya is only interesting after 6:30pm when the sun goes down. First of all, the girls have come out of their 15 hour comas for feeding time, the sun has set, and there's a general buzz in the air.

    I find lots to do during the day. I'm in my room with my girlfriend until noon. Then I drive her home, get some lunch, maybe walk along the beach, nap, eat, and come evening, I'm ready to eat again and find a new girlfriend. I also work every 2nd day so I'm often pulling an all nighter every 2nd night which chews up the daytime.

    Some might say there's little to do and the heat and poverty is more visible by day until the beer goggles come out at night.

    I love the day bar on Soi 3

    Heiny on tap a frosted nug with each drink

    good music

    and plenty of girls!

  3. I would like to use my DTAC happy phone outside thailand, but it appears that i need a work permit (which i dont have).

    Does any provider allow their sim cards (contract or non contract) to be used outside thailand ?


    Is there a reason why you dont want to use a sim card for the country you go to? Its a lot cheaper than paying roaming charges.

  4. Recently a friend was stung by a bee, his wife thought it was extremly funny, this big farrang hurt by a bee, In the meantime he has great difficulty in breathing and is having chest pains. Finally after his pleading in between her laughing, he finally gets her to a call an ambulance. Where he get treatment. He is allergic and could have died. When she relates this story to this day she still thinks it's funny.

    Had my own experience tonight, not as drastict by any means but not a lot of fun at the moment. Had a cap come off and to be honest it hurts like hel_l. The wife thought it was funny.

    I just don't get it I find no humor in others pain. Why do these people find things like this funny?

    I saw a guy take a pretty serious fall in the middle of the road his girlfriend just looked down at him and laughed her ass off.

    My wife laughs every time she sees a guy cry.

    I think if they ever watched the Three Stooges they would pee their pants!

  5. Some of you have chosen to call me names and make a joke out of my original thread,

    But as the news of a few hours ago shows these budget airlines can be dangerous to your health, they will do everything in their power to make their profit.

    Like trying to land in dangerous conditions instead of turning back or staying in the air a little longer but these pilots are forced ny the airlines to conserve on fuel and thus they end up taking chances.

    So I am happy for you guys that have had "luck" with AirAsia and other budget airlines, I was simply relaying my experiece.

    Oh and by the way I checked the fine print AirAsia closes the counter 45 minutes before flight time I would have been made it on time if it were not for an accident near the airport and yes the I was 5 minutes late and the other two probably were about 7 minutes late.

    So good luck to you guys flying the budget airlines and hopefully you wont have an experience like those poor souls had in Phuket today.

    Any airlines can crash but I'll stick to the bigger carriers where I believe the chances are greater I will arrive alive!

  6. I used Air Asia for the first and last time when I flew to Cambodia.

    Myself and 2 others were left stranded at the airport upon our return to Bangkok.

    I arrived 40 minutes before my flight time and there was no one at the desk to check me or the other 2 in. I had airport personnel call the gate and they would not return to the check in desk. So the 3 of us had to purchase a one way ticket from Bangkok Air. We were not traveling together but we became quick friends.

    Budget airlines mean that they use the same people at the check in counter as the gate in effect pulling double duty.

    They left the check in counter early to go to the gate.

    My feelings are if this airline is cutting it so close as to strand passengers I can only imagine what corners they are cutting when it comes to maintaining the aircraft. AirAsia will never see me again.

    I wont be a bit surprised if in the near future there is a catastrophic event with a AirAsia aircraft!

  7. It is also online...haven't tried them out yet, but seems decent. A properly made Philly Cheese Steak would go down well :o

    I love the burgers at the Nana Hotel!

    Big, Juicy served with lettuce tomatoes onions and french fries all for about 100 baht!

  8. got my retirement visa recently. i use Kasikorn bank and they gave me their standard leeter for immigration saying how much was in my accounts and for how long. I asked them to modify this to state that the monies had been transfered in from abroad. This did the trick and the visa was a doddle.

    I tried the same thing at my Kasikorn branch and was told I would have to make a written request to Bangkok and they would reply with in the week.

    I no longer use Kasikorn.

  9. Can anyone enlighten me, as to what weekend the elaphant roundup is on this year,Or is it worth the hassle?, Will be in country nov 22-dec 23, best way to travel from bang'ers.

    kind regards songhkla sid. :o

    I went last year and I enjoyed it very much good luck finding a decent hotel!

  10. Hi

    Can anyone tell me where the above resort is in relation to where the Asean games will be held in December. How many kms etc.

    Also any info on games would be appreciated, where to get tickets, what the opening/closing ceremonies will be like?

    This seems to be the best kept secret sporting event ever, p**s poor coverage on internet, no info at all, public relations manager needs a kick up the ****!! Or maybe they just don't want the inconvenience of paying spectators. :o

    TBWG :D

    The resort you mentioned is about an hour from Khorat, Khao Yai is between Bangkok and Khorat.

  11. I have made pickles several times, but the cukes aren't as crunchy as I like, although all my Thai neighbours love them. Any suggestions for creating the perfect crunch factor?

    I usually do the regular brine thing, add layers of dill, baby cukes, cauli heads, garlic cloves, and a few big chilis for colour. I tried the refrigerator cooling process as I do not have a root cellar (hee), but that didn't work either.

    Any hints, Forum Chefs?

    More salt more crunch!

  12. If you are an American that is using the pension letter notarized by the U.S. Embassy and you are transferring money into Kasikorn bank you may want to consider the following:

    Kasikorn Bank does not break down the individual transfers into your bank book unless you put you bank book into the machine every month.

    I do not go to the bank every month I just go to an any ATM and get money. Every once in a while I may go to the bank and put in my bank book and get updated.

    The update just shows a summary so if immigration wants to see your transfers coming in from an outside bank you are out of luck.

    Bangkok Bank does not summarize they actually break down every deposit regardless of when you update your book.

    This week I will open an account with Bangkok Bank because I am afraid at some point immigration will be looking for my money transfers from the USA.

  13. Thailand can make any rules they see fit no matter how foolish they seem to be, BUT

    To change the rules for those folks that already live here and were following the rules of the day is a heartless act.

    Think about it we are not talking about single guys in this latest ruling we are talking about family people! They have come here to start a new life invested their money their time and even their heart and now Thailand wants to CHANGE the rules.

    What a shame that Thailand does not see the cruelty of the new rule applying to those who have already settled here.

  14. Greetings,

    I am an American via New York City... visiting Thailand for the first time this October/November... I have several Internet Lady/friends I have met over the past 2 years ... I have learned to speak the language enough to have a conversation... studied the culture... etc...

    Can anyone advise me on what to expect as a Farang ?... I have heard mostly nice things about Thailand and it's people...

    Also.. What if I really like it and want to stay a year or so.. Is it difficult to get a job?... I have a career in Finance and have done many other things... (the list would bore you)...

    Your advise is welcome....


    Well here are my thoughts I came here several years for a month at a time, I finally was willing to settle here IF I could find a nice girl with the same interests as me. Well I did and have fallen in love we are going on 3 years and she is the most wonderful thing that has happen to me EVER!

    PROBLEM I now live in Thailand this is one screwed up country in almost every way. I could elaborate but I must be somewhere for Christmas :-).

    So I now I live in the jungle in a beautiful place with a beautiful girl and I am very happy BUT i live in Thailand.

    Just for the record I am also from New York.

    Moral of the story Come have a good time but DON'T FALL IN LOVE!

    Wow... great story Lou... thanks...

    My question is how do you NOT fall in love with a Thai woman if she is genuine?...They are remarkably different than any other women on this planet ( I know because I have dated at least 3 billion and counting)icon6.gif...

    My very good friend met a wonderful Thai girl a few years ago, fell in love and is as happy as a clam... he too, always swears she is by far the best thing that could have ever happen to him... and I am not talking about a bumkin... he was a master womanizer to not end...

    But I understand your caution...

    I take it that your jungle habitat is not of your choosing? Was she ever open to following you to the States?... Can you return to your place of origin?

    Please .. don't be a stranger...

    Actually I did choose my location I could not be more happy with my location and my girl. I am from the school never to take a Thai girl out of Thailand she would miss the culture, family and food. I also would not like to return to the states except to visit.

    YOU ARE RIGHT it is very difficult not to fall in love with a genuine honest Thai girl. They are the most wonderful people in the world. I have had girlfriends all over the world but when it came time for me to get serious I came here.cope with these differences can become very trying. My girl and my location are so wonderful that I can still be happy in this screwed up country.

    I have to go now because it appears that my pension letter that was good until 2015 has to be renewed by the end of the month! :-) Like I said a screwed up country! Where the rules can change as fast as their constitution!

    My point was that Thailand is a country with many problems and for Farangs to

  15. I would just like to thank UBC TRUE for the following:

    No longer offering NFL Monday and Sunday Night Games

    For adding their package description to the on screen menu so as to reduce the number of characters for program description

    For insuring that we will see at least 2 TRUE logos on the screen

    For providing a inaccurate TV Guide that is full of advertisement

    For not answering the telephone during business hours

    For the lack of service in their Pattaya office so as to allow the girls to apply their makeup

    For adding alacarte stations so I can pay you more money over my platinum service

    Thank you very much for providing us such a enjoyable TV viewing experience

  16. Greetings,

    I am an American via New York City... visiting Thailand for the first time this October/November... I have several Internet Lady/friends I have met over the past 2 years ... I have learned to speak the language enough to have a conversation... studied the culture... etc...

    Can anyone advise me on what to expect as a Farang ?... I have heard mostly nice things about Thailand and it's people...

    Also.. What if I really like it and want to stay a year or so.. Is it difficult to get a job?... I have a career in Finance and have done many other things... (the list would bore you)...

    Your advise is welcome....


    Well here are my thoughts I came here several years for a month at a time, I finally was willing to settle here IF I could find a nice girl with the same interests as me. Well I did and have fallen in love we are going on 3 years and she is the most wonderful thing that has happen to me EVER!

    PROBLEM I now live in Thailand this is one screwed up country in almost every way. I could elaborate but I must be somewhere for Christmas :-).

    So I now I live in the jungle in a beautiful place with a beautiful girl and I am very happy BUT i live in Thailand.

    Just for the record I am also from New York.

    Moral of the story Come have a good time but DON'T FALL IN LOVE!

  17. I was in line at a small food court at a shopping center near Nana in Bangkok. I had waited my turn. Now I was half an inch from the counter. The words were beggining to come out of my mouth for my order. This Thai male stepped more like pushed his way in front of me. I then by putting my arm out and going side ways to the counter got in front of him to make my order. This was acknowledged by sounds of "oi oi" from other people seated and eating. I heard one Thai lady say, "that is if you do it so will I". She was describing what I did to a friend. The Thai man who tried to shove me out of the way said nothing. I said to him that is rude any where in the world. I don't know if he understood what I said.

    I have seen this behavior before. What is up with that?

    Some people have told me it is because this man thought that he was of a higher class than myself. Others tell me that some Thai people automatically think that they are of a higher class simply because they are Thai and you are not. Is this true? is this normal behavior?

    It is normal behaior but not because you are farabg. My girl and I were at the race track a few weeks ago and every time my girl went to cash a ticket she had to fight for space in front of the window. Yes it is very frustrating to have to deal with this behavior.

  18. The habit that bothers me is when they put the helmet in the basket and drive bareheaded. That's how my best student received his fatal head injury.

    How about the position of the basket? Right in front of the head light so if the headlight is on, it is obscured by the helmet that sits in the basket! It would be funny if there were not so many of them getting killed!

  19. Ok, so we know that there is a law that allows police to get a few extra baht by stopping folks who are not wearing a helmet. Of course they will only stop you when they feel like taking the time to do so. I see more drivers without helmets than with helmets.


    Helmets here are a joke, ok they might give some protection, but they way bus and truck drivers act on the road you will need more than plastic on your head.

    ALSO helmets DO NOT protect other drivers. GLASSES are much more important. With all the dust and crap on the road glasses would not only help protect the driver but also other vehicles that the glassless driver would hit.

    I understand this is all a hopeless issue and nothing will ever change Thai driving habits, but for those of us that know about driving a vehicle without a windshield glasses provide safety for everyone.

    I am proud that my USA state revoked the helmet law if you want to kill yourself go ahead, but GLASSES are still the law for every state.

  20. My girfriend applied for a US tourist visa in BKK and she got it without any problems. She had a lot of documents, including letters from my mother stating that she would take care of her financially; an itinerary of our intended visits to areas of the US; bank records; her home ownership documents; employer letters to state their guarantee to hold her job. She does have a Thai passport with Singapore, Germany, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar and Laos visas from past trips. That may have helped.

    When we presented the application to the clerk at the US Embassy in BKK, she never...NEVER even asked for any other documentation other than her application. Nuff said.

    We're here now in the US and return to Khao Lak in September.

    She was issued a 10 Year Multiple Entry visa to the US.

    Glad that worked out for you, but those Visa's are not easy to come by, and the USA would be at the dead bottom of the list of easy countries for Thai's to visit :o

    My GF also has no problem, the documentation was never looked at, but her passport showed sveral countries where sge had entered and of course returned to Thailand.

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