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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. The electorate can't even prevail in the west, if they could there would be no need for food banks and homelessness, Liz Truss in the UK was shown that the markets rule not the government. In Thailand even the army must be wary of the power of international market forces.
  2. "A bright future for the country"......sounds a little naive to me, nothing corrupts so thoroughly like power. What starts off well meaning can soon get crushed under the weight of bundles of 1,000 Baht bank notes. Remember, regardless of which party, we are talking about politicians not saints and the army is always there to remind them where the real power lies, if bank notes wont do it then tanks will.
  3. True, if those arrested were working they are obviously needed, just bureaucracy slammed on the poor but then it's always easier to go after the little guy.
  4. regarding your last sentence ;- Like, that matters?
  5. Well I live in 'red country' the people in my village will vote for who pays the most, no elevated moral convictions here. Lowering the cost of electricity or raising the price that the government pays for rice paddy is all it would take for victory. Prayut can go or stay it makes no difference, we all know who is really in control, political parties are the necessary cosmetics to give a semblance of democracy. Things would have to get really bad for society in order for pressure to grow, let's face it Thais by and large have a reasonable standard of living compared to some of their neighbours. When I first came to this farming village 18 years ago most houses were wooden houses on stilts, now there are mostly brick built bungalows with many two story houses. The nearby market town has a Tesco filled with Thai customers, Surin 50 km away has a 'Big C' whose variety of goods rival any western supermarket and are full of Thai customers, no food banks here. I don't smell anarchy in the air. It's maybe different in Bangkok which is more sophisticated but even there you will only get token resistance to the status quo. The Romans knew this, keep them happy with bread and circus.
  6. I don't think anything will kick off. what did all the red and yellow shirt riots bring them ? nothing, one would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at their naive enthusiasm knowing that politicians don't matter, power lies with the army and the rich establishment groups, they are the puppet masters and they are difficult to get rid of as Myanmar well knows (and the UK come to think of it)
  7. It doesn't affect us, I doubt they will make any political progress whoever is in control, their main problem is corruption in local government more so than in national government and here the main damage to the population is done but really peoples lives don't change much after an election.
  8. Well this getting exciting it's been a long time since we have had any political riots, get in the popcorn and lock the doors.
  9. Yes, but you have to be rich and have a source of income that the authorities can't reach, most runners aren't so lucky.
  10. exactly, Indians aren't the nationality of choice by Thais as it is so he is unlikely to last out a year.
  11. He wouldn't get far, they never do unless they have a red bull of course. The BiB seem to be doing a thorough job this time, see what can be done when daddy isn't rich.
  12. Of course there is going to be a pay off, it will be an expensive romp for the Brit, hospital bills (could be very expensive if the Aussie opts for Bangkok hospital, as he should do, and if his injuries are serious), compensation for the old man (get a lawyer and push the price up) a fine for GBH etc. If the perpetrator and victim are tourists there will be no court case but the Brit may be deported.
  13. At 40 my urologist in Germany said my prostate was slightly enlarged, now at 75 I am having the problem of urgency to urinate with weak flow several times a day, but never had to urinate at night. I now use Uroflow which has solved the problem.
  14. according to Mayo clinic it can also cause high grade prostate cancer
  15. Tactics, it's like a trade union asking for 15% wage rises then settling for 8%, start big and the compromise sum will be larger.
  16. From the looks of them they were fine upstanding primitives, who carries a gun to wedding.?
  17. It isn't worth much in America either, two dead after a shooting there would be a non event.
  18. NHS treatment is locality based not subscription based, you have to reside in the UK to be eligible for treatment. As an expat you are off the radar as far as any help from government or any other organisation is concerned, that should be recognized before leaving the UK.
  19. I think that covers illness, not accidents.
  20. and you can't use diesel motors if you are submerged. 58 m is pathetic, you can't hide a sub in such shallow water, even WW2 technology would find you with no trouble.
  21. I don't think so, the ones most punchable who deserve it the most will be the most protected and you would get jail time as well as being bankrupted.
  22. It's called look after number one economics, sod the flag waving, it's the same way I feel.
  23. and whatever was in it looks as if its been burnt.
  24. I doubt that, Thais are apathetic in general regarding politics (Bangkok is perhaps an exception) I asked my wife who she will vote for, she said, nobody, they are all corrupt and it will never change, who cares if there is a coup it wont affect my daily life, in fact a coup would be good for us as the Baht would fall and my pension would be worth more.
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