I can agree with that.......obviously it's all about experience but on the other hand the experience pales after an hour and after a day it's as if it never happened, joy from outside of the true self 'atman' (not the 'me') needs constant replenishment, atman is the pure joy of being, synonymous with Brahman, when not smothered by the 'me' and its constant need for labels of identification and its search for meaning in pleasure. Even in Christianity (and all major religions) there are hints of this, in the bible when God/Brahman/consciousness was asked for his name the answer, "I am that I am" was given, nothing else was needed, no labels, no reasons, atman is attributeless, self- illuminating, unrelated, omnipresent but it apparently needs the illusion of Maya to be aware of itself. Death of the 'me' is release and freedom for the atman (poorly translated as the soul, atman is Brahman/God/consciousness, there is only one absolute.