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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. What about "The blood thirsty humpbacked vampire in the chip shop"....it's a musical, all done in the best possible taste (RIP Kenny)
  2. woke. woke, woke, PC, PC, PC, Snowflakes everywhere these days, "Hello waitperson, Mz here would like to pay the bill for her non gender children's vegan meal.
  3. Mine has already started apparently, I was wondering why she kept bringing young plants home, she has cornered part of the garden for herself now, all very exotic looking.....the plants, the wife not so much.
  4. sounds like Boris.... so the flip flopping has to come soon.
  5. call me old fashioned but since I only live 15 minuets drive away from immigration I will still go in person. It must be a Godsend to those who live a long way away, so yes well done immigration.
  6. Maybe SOME people drive drunk permanently due to stress working in government offices, so lets be lenient aaaaa!
  7. I have sent off a form for 'Erteilung einer Bescheinigung für den Lohnsteuerabzug 2022 für beschränkt steuerpflichtige Arbeitnehmer' (for my BMW pension) about two months ago, today I received a letter from Finanzamt München that this wouldn't be accepted as they now only accept ELStAM. I have tried to register online. The first attempt failed because I don't have an address in Germany and so the Zertifikatsdatei doesn't apply to me, instead the help button said I should choose the Sicherheitsstick, on reading further I was informed that to use this method I should have a 'Photovoltaikanlage' I have no idea what this is. Anybody else have trouble. Danke im voraus.
  8. but if YOU are wearing a mask the danger is minimal from the maskless otherwise they would be pointless so whats your problem?
  9. I cant remember but probably around three weeks but whatever that doesn't account for them tearing up the pink slips (cover up perhaps). I don't think a short time period between shots is dangerous, it has more to do with the effectiveness, the first recommendations were arbitrary and later revised. There was a case in the USA of an 80 year old woman being accidentally given a vaccination 40 times the recommended dose with no ill effects. The wife's estimate of the situation was that the state employees were the privileged few that got the booster before everybody else and we had accidentally slipped into the program which might have caused trouble for the nurses if it came out.
  10. Same here in our market town in Isan, it's positively thriving here except no alcohol is served in the bars, just food and coffee. No businesses are shut and the the streets are thronged as usual. Covid isn't taken seriously here, a hardware shop just out side my village in a market set up had one of their employees contract covid 19 but he just left and went home for a few weeks, the place wasn't closed and no effort was made to contact people who had been served there.
  11. I had a rather strange experience a few weeks back. We were driving to the market town from my village and the missus was browsing her iphone as usual when suddenly she said "Do you want to get the third vaccination today?" In the next village the booster injections were being done according to her phone so off we went. The set up was similar to the injections we had received in the market town, well organized with various large tents set up in a field. We introduced ourselves and the missus produced the documents from our previous two injections (Sinovac and Astra) we were directed to a table where the boosters were given, there were only about 10 well dressed Thais there so we got in line, I was first before my wife who handed the two nurses our vaccine confirmation and we were handed a pink form to sign then I got the injection (Astra) as I stood up to let the wife sit down one of the nurses who was looking at the forms uttered a cry of surprise/dismay and snatched our pink forms and tore them up and told us to leave without vaccinating my wife. I asked what was wrong but the nurse only stammered something about it being wrong and it was dangerous and we were basically shooed away. The missus was just as surprised as me and looked around as we marched off. Her opinion was that those getting the boosters looked like government officials, police etc. and we had unwittingly sneaked in to the booster queue. Whatever, the booster gave me no ill effects but I now have no proof that I had received it so I will get a fourth one when we are informed by the tetsaban that we shall receive it, it is still a bit of a mystery for me.
  12. Why? another conspiracy theory perhaps, or to convince people to get vaccinated? Who benefits from closed bars and other venues if not for safety? not the wealthy, not the state and certainly not the general public. Get a grip.
  13. I don't just rely on the government road tax/insurance cover, I also have a private car insurance cover, as for prosecution one would have to be guilty first. When my car was hit by a Mercedes transport van the police had us both in the station, the insurance company from both sides were called in and our licenses checked, the Thai driver was prosecuted (he had fallen asleep at the wheel) and my damages were repaired, luckily nobody was injured despite severe damage to my car, my wife and I got out by crawling through the window.
  14. or until you have an accident which invalidates any insurance you may have, injuring or killing someone in an accident will be very expensive.
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