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Posts posted by MantisMan

  1. you can live her for less than 10.000 Baht per month, if you can live here for less than 10.000 per month. If you can't, you can't.

    This is true.

    My Condo and scooter is fully paid off, so you can get by on 5000 bt a month, believe it or not.

    That means NOT going out drinking in Chaweng or Lamai every night.

    It does mean:

    -eating what the locals eat like 40, 50 or 60 bt dishes at local hole-in-the-walls

    -going to SEVEN BAR (7/11) to buy 35 bt beer as opposed to 70/80 bt at pubs. People will try to convince you that you're paying for the "atmosphere".

    Nonsense. Buy the 30 bt beer, sit down on the front steps of FM or 7/11 and watch the traffic go by.

    -going to the local open wet markets and order pre-cooked food and heat it up at home.

    Some great curries in plastic packs and deep fried fish. Yummy!

    Buy a big pack of rice noodles to go with that and a 5 kilo bag of rice.

    Rice cooker needed as well.

    -Pay 15 bt for the 20 liter bottle of water. Forget the 1LT X 8 bottles at Makro going for 55 bt a pack. Nonsense.

    -Take up a hobby like surf fishing. Put down about 2000 or 3000 on a pole and ?real?. Will last a life time.

    -For exercise, take walks depending on where you live like Fishermans Village, Lamai or Chaweng.

    Be sure to hit the open street festivals. Friday nights in Fishermans Village.

    Saturday and Sunday in Lamai.

    You can get 50 bt cocktails there.

    -Explore the island on your scooter by going on the "road less traveled".

    In other words, just hit any left side road and explore it.

    -hit the beaches for an hour or so.

    -find the massage shops that have the OLDER women. They give the best massages. Forget the younger ladies. They've been trained in the "other" arts of giving satisfaction.

    -save money by wearing your helmet.

    HAVE FUN!!

  2. At any rate, it gets difficult when all one has remaining is a fig leaf.

    One important fact that you left out, Publicus, as to why China will burst is it's total lack of Inventiveness and creativity.

    It produces NOTHING. It has invented NOTHING. It has created NOTHING.

    It only copies, borrows, steals or outright buys technology. And it does so at the expense of it's own nation.

    The only creativeness comes with they concoct new fake foods that end up poisoning their own people.

    I was in Hong Kong for 8 years. For a city state that see's itself to be way above "Dalu" Mainlanders, in manners, poetry, writing, freedom, critical thinking, literacy and education, it still has not put anything out in the world in the form of technology as the Western countries have.

    They rely too much on Western inventions.

    Check out AppleDaily just to get your daily dose of Chinese buffoonery.

    • Like 2
  3. I don't know how best to describe it. Revenge, assertion, I don't know. It's like China has a chip on its shoulder.

    Why can not China dump the past and move forward without all this historical baggage?

    They can't do that any more then HK'ers, Taiwanese, Phillipino's and Koreans.

    I lived in Japan for 20 years and they are Xenophobic and proud of it. They have a term "Sakoku" which means "Isolated". They have, even to this day an isolated attitude and use it as justification or even an excuse to DO or not DO this or that.

    They look at Koreans and Chinese as Americans look at Mexicans. They even have the same jokes and vulgar comments.

    To this day, they still do not recognize the War Prostitutes from China and Korea as victims of a Government Sanctioned Act but lie and say they volunteered when in fact, it was Japanese women who volunteered for prostitution when the Americans occupied the country.

    These other Asian nations will NEVER forget, ever. It's in their blood. Let's give an example. Say you had a grandpa who survived the tortures in some bamboo cage in Sai Pan during the war. Do you think he will forgive the Japanese?

    I've meet people who were brutalized by the Japanese. They don't forget.

    They are taught in school to be the victims of the Atomic bombings and not the instigators as we (Americans) are brainwashed to believe.

    Hell, no country deserves two A-bombings, but that is another topic in itself. The are not taught "Oh yes indeed, we deserved two bombs on our heads, because we were brutal during the war."

    On second note, why should Japan cry and whine for the return of the Northern Islands from Russia when in fact, they ( the Japanese) are doing the same exact thing with the Diaoyu Islands? They claimed them after the war as did the Russians with in the North.

    Sounds like double standards to me.

  4. Hello, I just got my ED Visa for a Thai school in Samui.

    First report was of one student went all the way down to Kota Bharu (before my trip) and was turned down because she did not have a copy of her Bank Statement.

    On her second trip, she was fine, with BS in hand.

    I made sure I had this as well. Seems not only the Ministry Of Education wants that statement, but also the Immigration Authorities, so be sure you have an extra copy. My school has take noticen of this "new" policy as well, though it has NOT been publicized.

  5. "As you put in earlier threads, Japan has the most advanced navy and weaponry on the region and China is correct in its stance in protecting itself and its citizens to ensure a repeat does not happen."

    A point of view on this from objective posters appreciated.

    Is Japan acting threateningly towards China in 2013? I was under the impression Japan is complying willingly and successfully with international treaties requiring the opposite.

    Of course I could be wrong here, but their behavior about Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands is appalling. But then again, those Japanese folks going out on those islands and waving the "Hi no Maru" are usually ultra right wingers. It's not uncommon for local government officials to hire them out to do not only thug work like breaking knees, but also stupid things like waving the flag in front to international cameras. (well, maybe not so stupid for some to wave their countries flag).

    And now, Prime Minister Abe is quite confrontational with China.

    They STILL won't respect other Asian countries feelings about the Japanese Class One War criminals being buried in Yasukuni Shrine with Prime Ministers worshiping there once a year. Hell, all they need do is remove the bodies and place them elsewhere.

    By not doing so, that is considered a slap in the face of Chinese, Philippines and Koreans who suffered at Japanese atrocities.

    Those islands belong to Taiwan if anybody at all, then secondly, China.

    The Northern Islands above Hokkaido belong to Russia.

    Tsushima (between Busan, Korea and Kyushu Japan) belongs to Korea.

    Okinawa, long time US military occupied region, may indeed belong to Taiwan, then China.

    Japan has recently become more hawkish in its rhetoric but I think only because the US is standing behind them, close at hand.

  6. It's called 'deflection'.

    In good old Great Britain we have a very well known political commentator called Jeremy Paxman whose most famous saying is "Answer the question"

    An interview with Paxman and Xi Jinping about the China Sea would be good value.

    China would never expose themselves to rigorous interrogation though, so it won't happen.

    It's time for the international community to stand up against the Bullies from Beijing.

    On many issues, not just the China Sea.

    Who do you consider to be the "international community" to stand up to Beijing?

    Both Hong Kong and Taiwan are a lot more like Japan in may ways, including a higher standard of living, 99% literacy, various industries and so forth and both look down at China and Mainlanders as being nothing more than country bumpkins.

    As of now, Hong Kong has it's fair share of trouble with it's neighbor to the North, but when the sh*t hits the fan, as in the Diaoyu Island situation, both country/city-state nations will back Beijing all the way. Keep in mind, they have those islands recorded in 16th century Chinese chronicles.

    Japan does not. They claimed those islands after the war.

    With Okinawa, they are more Chinese/Taiwanese then they are Japanese in culture and music. Matter of fact, Okinawans call

    themselves Ryuku-jin. They hate mainland Japan with a passion.

    I've lived in both Japan and Hong Kong for a number of years and one thing for certain, they (HK and TW) will never forget what happened during the war.

    I understand the term 'country bumpkins' but can you explain 'when the sh*t hits the fan'.

    When what sh*t hits what fan?


    Hi, I'm referring to a time, in the near future though I'm only guessing the time frame, that when HK or TW must take sides between China or Japan, it will be China.

    I was using the Diaoyu Island as an example. I have HK in-laws and made jokes and teases about Japan as "Sekai ichi-ban!" (Japan is number one in the world!).

    I soon not only found my brother and sister-in laws cursing me in the most vile of Cantonese phrases, but also they, and the most hard hitting of all, blocked me out of WhatsApp family group.

    Yep, no more family gossip for me.sad.png

  7. It's called 'deflection'.

    In good old Great Britain we have a very well known political commentator called Jeremy Paxman whose most famous saying is "Answer the question"

    An interview with Paxman and Xi Jinping about the China Sea would be good value.

    China would never expose themselves to rigorous interrogation though, so it won't happen.

    It's time for the international community to stand up against the Bullies from Beijing.

    On many issues, not just the China Sea.

    Who do you consider to be the "international community" to stand up to Beijing?

    Both Hong Kong and Taiwan are a lot more like Japan in may ways, including a higher standard of living, 99% literacy, various industries and so forth and both look down at China and Mainlanders as being nothing more than country bumpkins.

    As of now, Hong Kong has it's fair share of trouble with it's neighbor to the North, but when the sh*t hits the fan, as in the Diaoyu Island situation, both country/city-state nations will back Beijing all the way. Keep in mind, they have those islands recorded in 16th century Chinese chronicles.

    Japan does not. They claimed those islands after the war.

    With Okinawa, they are more Chinese/Taiwanese then they are Japanese in culture and music. Matter of fact, Okinawans call

    themselves Ryuku-jin. They hate mainland Japan with a passion.

    I've lived in both Japan and Hong Kong for a number of years and one thing for certain, they (HK and TW) will never forget what happened during the war.

    • Like 1
  8. They might be nice if they did'nt plaster them in those awful marinades, a naturally spit roast chook is delicious. And to MANTISMAN, there is another on the roadside at Bang Rak almost opposite the new ferry jetty near the airport, but once again spoilt by their awful marinade.

    Actually these chicken bbq shacks that I mentioned are not using the awful marinades you mentioned.

    I found those marinades to be used by Big C and Tesco that cost about 190 bt.

    You can get them on sale after 9pm for about 120.......

    On the other hand, the ones mentioned come with great sauces that are separate, in little plastic baggies.

  9. Don't know about KP, but I just got back from a Visa run to Malaysia, Kota Buru from Easy Way in Maenam/Bophut area.

    Great service.

    I was going to go with the guy who is across from the Immigration in Nathon but after talking with him for a mere 30 seconds, I was quick to change my mind. I have no idea how he stays in business with his attitude.bah.gif

    Won't mention his name for fear of reprisal.

  10. Found two spots for whole roasted chicken on Ring Road.

    First and best (so far):

    South of Lamai, before the Muslim village that has the sharp right corner with the 7/11.

    It's on the beach side.

    150 bt.

    Great spicy sauce that is worth slobbing over itself.

    Second one:

    After Maeman, before Ban Tai, beach side.

    200 bt

    Gives two different sauces. Good stuff!

    Third one:

    Yet to be found!

    Will post pics next time.

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